
6 Post – 929 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We definitely disagree.

I think there’s a difference between being prejudice towards an outside group and not wanting your own culture replaced.

There is nothing inherently wrong with countries and their cultures not wanting to have others integrate. In the past this is what helped them survive.

It’s only a big issue in countries like the US that want to be a mixing bowl/melting pot and also are being xenophobic.

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I like the simplicity.

I, too, am sick of headlines being lies to gain eyeballs. It’s damaging to society. Ugh.

Depends on the terms. The better 0% fee deals only charge you interest on the remaining balance if not paid in full. Pays to read all of the terms before signing up.

Capitalism is the reason. They’re already at peak market share. Since they’re a publicly traded company, they have to do something to continue growing. Ads is probably the easiest, most obvious, but ultimately damaging idea. CEO doesn’t care since he probably has a fat golden parachute if ousted. The entire thing is rigged against shareholders and users.

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Risky click but worth it.

It’s a straw man argument that doesn’t address the main point the comment or was making.

Yes. That’s the spirit of what I meant.

Year, year and half, sometimes 2. Just depends on the pieces that are involved and how long it’ll take to get them all to line up. Family/friends are invited on some vacations, sometimes it’s just us and we have to book it out as far as possible due to demand. We rarely do anything spontaneous. Wife is a major planner.

Currently we have: July 4th weekend at a campground with church friends September 2024 in state at a mountain cabin for wife’s bday. March 2025 in planning for an Alaskan vacation to visit family and see the Iditarod September 2025 in planning for a family beach vacation.

One commenter on X, who said their partner was on the Delta flight, reported that it “smelled horrible” and that vanilla-scented disinfectant used to mask the odor “only made it smell like vanilla s---.”


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The problem is, by the time you’ve figured out that you can’t paste your password you’ve already copied it …

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It’s too late. We’ve already hit the tipping point. Many of my neighbors have EVs now. They’re everywhere in my city and I’m not in a major city. They’re just plain better cars and now people know it. It’s too late.

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Best quote in the comments by Freethought sums it up for me:

If what Trump says is the standard that a US president has immunity to commit any crime they see fit to do while in office, then the premise of the rule of law is meaningless.

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Apparently this isn’t uncommon. There should be a statute of limitations on how long they can request repayment back for their mistake, 6 mo max or something like that. That way you aren’t having to pay back decades of their fault.

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Just happened today:

Employee asks for toner for an aging HP Laserjet printer since it’s out. I look it up and it’s $198 for black (it’s not a color laser). I immediately looked up a Brother laser with an ADF scanner/copier and it was $199. High Yield Toner is $15 without a chip from a reputable 3rd party. Office is getting a new Brother printer delivered tomorrow and it’ll work 100x better.

HP, this is how you kill your printer division. Short sighted idiots.

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Heck yeah. F you Intuit!

Freetaxusa.com for those who are looking for a much better alt.

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More than likely they got sucked in. That can and has happened.

There is a very serious problem with 1 grocery chain having a monopoly and Kroger pretty much does in some areas.

Don’t go to Lemmy it’s founders are bad. Conveniently ignores the Reddit CEO who is actively lying and user hostile.

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No, you’re thinking of Amazon.

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I don’t see anywhere that the info he had on the slides was classified.

Salaam, who won a seat on the New York City Council last year, said he didn’t take pleasure in the former president’s guilty verdict “even though Donald Trump wanted me executed even when it was proven that I was innocent.”

Salaam and the other young men had their convictions vacated in 2002 after evidence linked another person to the crime. Trump in 2019 refused to apologize to the exonerated men.

“We should be proud that today the system worked,” Salaam wrote Thursday on the social media platform X. “But we should be somber that we Americans have an ex-President who has been found guilty on 34 separate felony charges.”

“We have to do better than this. Because we are better than this,” he wrote.

He’s a better man than I.

I said-a hip, hop, the hippie, the hippie To the hip hip hop-a you don't stop the rock It to the bang-bang boogie, say up jump the boogie To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat

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Wife has been canning for a few years now and we have a pantry of fruits, veggies, and dehydrated food. She goes to the farmers markets during harvest time and goes to town on entire cases of tomatoes, corn, beans, etc. That will last all year for our family of 5. We also pay a friend to raise a pig on her ranch and butcher that once a year. Just got ours (over 400 lbs!). Pork is A LOT cheaper that way. Haven’t found anyone to go half or a quarter in on a cow. We also would need another deep freezer and don’t really have room for it.

We also meal plan weekly so we only buy groceries for what we need to make meals. That saves a ton of money as you aren’t wasteful as much. Oh and we either do pick up or delivery as you spend more when you’re in the store and see things you want but don’t need.

We make almost everything we can from scratch. Wife recently found a recipe for baked oyster crackers with butter and seasoning on them that make dirt cheap snacks and they’re fantastic. The store brand oyster crackers are $1 for 16oz. That’s almost cheap enough to not make those from scratch too. We haven’t bothered yet.

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It’s absolutely abusive that in order to get your genetic background you have to be willing for the government to have your DNA.

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Apparently the husband asked for her to not be imprisoned and the Judge took that into consideration.

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No idea, I moved away and moved on. Have a great life. Don’t care what the others are doing. Hope they’re well.

Oh shit, that’s good.

Everyone is beaten down by the travel process

TSA has been proven to be a sham time and time again. They’re ineffective at best. Just get rid of it already.

I also fail to see how this is really any different than paying for TSA pre check. The only main difference is skipping the security line but what difference is that really? Both are paid for services that allow the “rich” (yeah right) to get through security quicker. The real rich aren’t traveling in public transportation. Why don’t we ban private planes?

Oh and no offense to the, mostly, good people working there with the public on the front lines. They’re typically pleasant and great with the kids in my family’s experience.

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This is the solution.

Had this happen once, followed those steps, and the CSR was very interested in getting the details of the call. They put a freeze on that account for a bit as well. Nothing was taken.

The jet engine noise puts me to sleep. Those sweet delta waves.

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HVAC: Don’t shut your air vents to give you better heating or cooling in certain rooms/floors. You’re adding pressure to your system and reducing its life. If it’s AC then you’re turning it into a freezer. That’s why doing so freezes the coil, not enough air flow to move the cold air out and keep it from freezing. For heat it literally can overheat the control board frying it since the blower also helps cool the electronics. If you have hot and/or cold rooms (this is normal per floors) ask about adding dampers. Most of the time it’s not possible without major drywall rework and it isn’t cheap. Your builder sucks (basically). A lot of companies won’t quote the work because it can’t be guaranteed. You’re essentially stuck with the crappy design the builder got approved. One potential is minisplits. Again, not cheap per room and not pretty but they will fix your issue.

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It’ll never stop being okay. Carry on.

So 2 orgasms for the price of 1?

Moon. Extremely underrated Sci-fi movie

Vera. Excellent British detective show

Wow, that’s just shameful to arrest a kid over. How about a conversation about why this isn’t acceptable and what to do in the future. Maybe he was scared to ask his mother (doesn’t mean that fear was rational).

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Smartwatch. It’s very useful for triaging notifications (messages, email, phone calls, etc) and turning HomeKit devices on/off quickly or when my hands are full (Siri, open the garage door). Also extremely useful for fitness.

Not sure why this was posted here. It’s not surprising an elderly lady had that opinion.

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Having so many ads I couldn’t even get to the content or comments was my final straw. I sideloaded uYou through Altstore and now have a great time without all the BS. No, Alphabet, your cesspit app full of ads isn’t going to make me subscribe to Premium. It’s done the opposite.

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