Wrench Wizard

@Wrench Wizard@lemmy.world
0 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's insane how well this timeline syncs with reddit's API bs!

From the very first day spez announced the API changes and steadily increasing until most of the 3pa shut down then BAM. Good for Lemmy and hopefully bad for reddit!

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Got mine

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Haven't seen too much negativity on lemmy.ml or lemmy.world but did want to say that we have a Mechanic Advice community that's growing a little every day if you're into that stuff. It's a fetus now but will be grown in no time

Oh, and the community is https://lemmy.world/c/mechanicadvice for anyone interested!

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That's what I thought while reading this. After being on reddit for so long posts like these are such a breathe of fresh air. In my time on Reddit the trend was ALWAYS 1: bad changes 2: worse change 3: nothing, it just becomes the new normal then, if anything 4: even worse changes.

Blows my mind to see a site be cognizant of their users, listen to them and actually idk, work to fix things? Bravo.

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Am actually super experienced in this. I've been the fart maker, I've been the manager, I've been the co-worker tolerating it. Here's what you do.

Call a team meeting, preferably with HR discussing behavior similar to this, without pinpointing fart jokes but close enough that the message gets across. Maybe say there have been anonymous complaints. Definitely do if possible this will come in handy later.

With step one done, here's how you deal. If at all possible, develop a bond with the guy, pretend to like the fart jokes. Maybe even make one or two yourself so he feels you're in this together.

Then, when you tell him to stop, blame HR.

"Haha! Oh, how I love our fart jokes mr.man, but we should lay off of them before HR calls us in!"

"Can't let you get fired over that, I need you here bud, not fired over a fart joke haha"

This typically has worked from what I've seen. When you make someone else, especially a company, the "big bad" and get people to feel like you're on their side/fighting for them they're typically more willing to bend a little bit.

Yep, they killed boost, I quit.

On the bright side I like it here and don't feel ashamed of myself for supporting assholes every time I log in

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Honestly I feel like that killed Twitter more than many other changes.

People tell me "there's no way he (musk) would intentionally crash his own company - it makes no sense - "he's just terribly bad at business!"

But is he really THAT bad? In what world could these changes be made in which he's actively trying to improve the company? If nothing else, seeing the negative backlash, bad publicity and dropping number of users wouldn't any sound minded business owner at least temporarily undo some of these changes?

With any business, if you make a change that causes you to lose customers and get bad publicity.. don't you try to mitigate the damage done? Who goes balls to the wall on obviously bad decisions?

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Fuck Reddit, but I also feel like Boost will give us a boost. It's got some features I've yet to find on other apps and hopefully will make Lemmy a little easier for people like me who made the switch

It's also pretty much exactly like the app for reddit was which had a big following so hopefully will make it easier for former boost on Reddit users to switch to lemmy

All I could think about when reading this post is corporate footprints. It's great for us to all do our part, but sadly the corporations not doing their part is screwing everybody. We need more regulations on them, idc what product they're making or how much profit they'd like or even how many people whine about not receiving that product it needs to stop.

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Exactly! Last I checked, sure there was a lot of activity BUT as you said, many subs are still dark. The major subs that reopened with new moderation have definitely had a major dip (imo) in quality. I was still seeing John Oliver everywhere. They did use quite a few users, maybe not enough for them to flinch too hard but, how active were those users? I consider my old account there a "power comment account" I rarely posted but was extremely active in the threads, spending hours each day replying to comments of my inbox, so much so that I rarely even viewed actual content. Makes me wonder, how many accounts like mine did they lose? Many just lurked. The comment sections were fueled by active commenters and imo it wouldn't take losing too many like me for the threads to take a noticeable hit.

Anyway I don't care much about how it is over there rn, just glad I have this place so I don't have to support that platform in any way. Plus now that I've found a cool app, jerboa or whatever it's quite enjoyable! Connect and liftoff are also great but my phone doesn't play well with many apps.

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Wow not even super niche communities either beard advice and whoosh used to be "popping" as they say

Happy for you friend! I also went from a few hours a day to nothing. Wasn't trying to improve myself, it was just out of sheer rage at how things were being done over there. Any time I would log in I would feel self hatred and just end up making lengthy comments about spez being an asshole.

Question, have you tried replacing the hobby? I've found hiking and writing - (writing lyrics/other things as I hike/walk) to provide even more enjoyment than I was getting online 24/7

Haha, what a crazy coincidence! I had the original cyberpunk last year on windows 10. It was glitchy as hell but ran semi decent on my hardware.

Deleted it, and last night just installed phantom liberty.

Ngl, the gameplay and feel is so far 10x better than it was before the update. It's actually complete now and if you hated it before I'd honestly recommend another try as so far I'm actually sort of enjoying the gameplay whereas I hated it before and only played for the story.

Anyway, my issue is that with all of the updates it's not running anywhere near as nice as it was before. I'm having to run it on the lowest resolution with every graphic option disabled which stinks because with the gameplay being fixed somewhat I'd really like to enjoy it graphically as well.

I've installed Ubuntu dual boot on my ssd before and can do that again but any tips? I wouldn't know about where to even get phantom liberty on fedora or how to install it?

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An Adblocker allowing ads to.. start a conversation that's already been had and over for decades at this point.

People don't like intrusive ads. Give intrusive ads and we'll always find ways around them. It's a story as old as the internet. Google is no exception. You may have billions of dollars and thousands of employees but nearly everyone in the damned world hates ads. You can try to fight it all you want. The only reason that nearly anyone puts up with ads is they want to support the creator or don't yet know they can avoid the ads. Even those supporting the creators don't like the damned things.

I've seen so, so many people watching ads on their phones

You're not alone, I've been on Reddit for a long time, 12 years on and off since introduced. Honestly never used it much at all until finding Boost 5 or so years ago and have been a daily user ever since spending at least a few hours a day on it just interacting and commenting. I commented more than I viewed posts lol just was always talking. They've done a lot over the years to irritate me as a user, getting all mecha PC and destroying all my favorite communities should've been when I quit but it wasn't. Half the site turning "blue" when I'm not really into politics, sparking constant political discourse for every comment I made that didn't strictly fit the current blue rhetoric was another straw but I dealt with it and tried to keep my comments as bland as I could while still speaking my mind. But now killing the 3pa and this whole shitshow? Nah, I hate their official app and have only ever even used the site thanks to Boost, before boost my account was unused, so shall it be after boost. You know what, it's mainly bc of how much I hate spez now. It was one thing supporting a company with a blank face that fucked me over at every turn, always blaming the mods, the admins, whoever. But spez? I just can't see helping that guy out in any way after all this.

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While I admit I can be wordy, I’ve been interrupted in conversations after the first few words, where someone has already concluded the opposite what I was trying to say

This habit really grinds my gears sometimes. Especially yesterday. I'm going to rant about this because I didn't get the chance to actually converse about it yesterday. It will be excessively wordy and petty.

So yesterday I was conversing with a co-worker about having encountered an animal in my backyard. I say conversing but what I really mean is being disappointed.

Anyway I'd seen an animal and didn't know what it was so I asked their opinion. Was in the back yard and I heard loud noises like a horse breathing hard from it's nose.

When I finally caught a glimpse it was only briefly and just saw it from behind *Small, pig like tail *Short orange and black fur *Pig like body structure, short legs, round behind *Extremely slow, it "ran" from me at walking pace.

Along with some other things. Began to tell him about it and the first thing I mentioned was the orange and black fur. Was mid sentence trying to elaborate on the rest of the details when he asserted:

"It was a fox!"

It was anything but a fox. I know what foxes look like and explained that to them, along with attempting to explain other observations that would rule out the possibility of it being a fox.

But nah. Fox fox fox fox fox. Nothing I said mattered. What do I know? I was only there, know what a fox looks like which I thought would be the end of story but nope.

Just kept interrupting me with "it's a fox" and focusing on the orange fur. Ignored completely when I pointed out that it was pig shaped, short tailed, emitted horse/dog noises when breathing etc.

I gave up, it was just an attempt at lighthearted conversation anyway.

Funny part is, when we were leaving work together this same coworker has me stop on the way out. They walk me over and point to a dog with Auburn fur.

Why did they do this? To tell me that it was a fox. The dog was a fox. Not only do they tell me this but they go on to say "this is what you saw!"

I said it wasn't and that was the end of it. They had said their piece and corrected me, explaining to me how I had erroneously misidentified the mystery animal that I'd seen with my own eyes with a fox.

That was a dog. Beagle to be exact.

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Yep, also an easier way to explore/sign up and filter instances and their different pages. I'm new and have no idea what I'm doing regarding that. So far I'm just signing up to instances and hoping new interesting stuff appears on my page.. I'm on Lemmy.world as I assume we all are, how do I view the different pages on this instance or is it all just in a singular feed?

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Yep. I'm a mechanic, no expert of course but what I know from experience? Metals aren't eternal. They rust, they corrode, they oxidize (lol) they break in strenuous (or light) application and just in general aren't guaranteed. Nothing is. Wiring constantly fails. Batteries go dead. To top it off, we don't make things to last anymore. Everything seems to be made to last just until the warranty expires. Personally I consider every single product that isn't built to last as long as possible an utter waste of resources. I think it should be illegal to manufacture items that will only last a short time. Companies use up resources like we have an infinite supply so they can profit. Making vehicles that can hit 160-200 mph that will only ever travel on roads with a speed limit of 70-80 tops should be illegal. Hell, racing in general just shouldn't be legal, wasting all of these previous finite resources to go fast? All that time, all that technology for something useless? It's all so ridiculous.

I work on vehicles/equipment that are 30-50 years old that are much more reliable than the vehicles of the past 20 years. Simpler to work on too. If we ever do truly see Armageddon and lose the world as we know it, people are going to experience hell trying to get vehicles to run. Even the best mechanics I know can't fix many of the issues the new vehicles present without vehicle specific programs that the manufacturers won't release to the public. They're making vehicles/equipment that people won't be able to even use much less repair if society collapsed.

Yet an old truck from the 70's? Almost anyone can learn to work on them and you don't need any fancy tools to get them running. Can do damn near anything you need to with some vice grips, a flathead, a christen wrench and maybe a hammer.

It's getting bad. We would have had enough resources to sustain us for many, many years to come. Silver, gold, platinum? We mined and used most of it for what, jewelry?

Steel, iron etc? Building skyscrapers for millionaires to live in at overly expensive rates?

People are homeless, people are starving, people are living in poverty

And we had all the resources needed for a utopian civilization but traded it all so a small percentage of the population could live like Kings.

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I'm confused, are you saying there's only one solar system because we've only really named our planetary system the "solar system" ?

Not to be rude but that seems pedantic because there's more than one definition and according to Merriam Webster

solar system noun: the sun together with the group of celestial bodies that are held by its attraction and revolve around it also : a similar system centered on another star

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the same site, over here https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/other-solar-systems/en/ says:

Our solar system is just one specific planetary system—a star with planets orbiting around it. Our planetary system is the only one officially called “solar system,” but astronomers have discovered more than 3,200 other stars with planets orbiting them in our galaxy.

Genuinely curious to learn as I do not know a lot about this stuff and feel like I am missing something?

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Luke, I am.. my own father

I miss when devices came with infrared transmitters.. Also it had a mini sim & built-in Bluetooth/wifi at that time, wow.

Tbh it did affect me, I had just joined and it was out often, & it seemed like a hassle (being new) to find and join new instances or w/e especially when I had to create a new account for every one. Didn't necessarily think it was trash just buggy and unreliable especially for that to be happening during such a big migration (after Reddit changed the api's)

Idk it's nice here but that did reduce my usage. Something that I'm new on being down for a day or two means I'm less likely to use it the next day and incorporate it into my daily routine

Didn't know anyone would be interested! Here ya go https://lemmy.world/c/mechanicadvice join, comment and post away! If there's anything you'd like to see in the community let me or someone else know, we're still figuring it out

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But they did do something eventually lol

You stayed on Reddit after boost stopped? I just couldn't force myself to use that shitty app. Not judging there are things I would definitely like to use it for but can't stand that app.

You can patch boost to work again with Android 10+ though there's a tutorial somewhere thinking of using that for things I can't yet find here

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What a coincidence I discovered the site around 2011 and it was the API changes that did it for me too. They'd already made the site terrible and the only thing that helped make it tolerable was Boost (for me) with that out the window and them basically extorting the devs I just couldn't in good conscience keep using it.

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Unironically yes. Of course when I was around that age I didn't but now I really do. As far as maturity I don't see a major difference between an 18 year old and 22 year old. So you attended school a few more years? Entered the workforce for a few years? That's not maturity imo but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I wouldn't say child but definitely still in the teenager category imo although they're not actually teens ofc

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I'm starting to suspect he only wanted Twitter to kill it..

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What's the difference between lemmy.world and Lemmy.ml? Completely different instances? Sorry I'm new and still don't understand everything

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Haven't seen any identifiable bots here either, on redshit they were everywhere, comment stealers and just plain weird agenda having bots. I hope it doesn't turn into that here, maybe since we haven't really been saturated with bots yet some type of preventative protocol could be put in place? No idea what that would be but it would make sense

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and are now injecting its extension directly into the browser! Firefox?

What's "ratioing"

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What's the MILITARY doing to prevent the 22 suicides a day?

Fr. Surprises me that military personnel of all people would be so fragile. Don't give in. Post "hey we're moving to Lemmy, see you there" and fucking go. It's 2023 going to a new site is the easiest thing in the world, it's not like 1999 where most of the forum would have difficulty doing that..

That "born too late to explore earth" bit hits my heart big time. I've always been sad that we can't do that anymore like we used to be able to. People a thousand years ago could just leave and explore if they wanted, then pitch a tent somewhere beautiful and live there if they chose. If you wanted you could live at the top of a mountain, or inside of a cave covered by a waterfall. Such beauty and freedom. It's sad that a thousand years later, all of our "progress" has essentially taken away nearly all of our freedom in that regard. You never had to be hungry back then, you could hunt or plant food nearly anywhere you pleased. Never had to be homeless, you could fell some trees and build a cabin somewhere beautiful. Now? Most people are fortunate if they can afford a vacation a few hours away once every year or so, if that. There's no peace of mind, we all work work work and scramble to fulfill as many of our endless obligations as possible. Then we retire, if fortunate enough and hopefully don't have to work as hard for a little bit and die. I've always had dreams of sailing the sea and exploring, almost like memories in my mind. Maybe it's a past life, maybe it's memory passed down through my DNA, maybe it's fantasy. I don't know what it is, but I know that it's what feels right to me. Planting down and living in our homes/work almost our entire lives then dying feels so wrong. I care almost nothing about material wishes or monetary gain, but I'd like to be rich in order to travel and feel free.

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I actually understood the joke, not sure how the above person didn't lol, I get it why you're excited, corvettes are pretty badass, definitely one of my favorite looking cars!

My uncle actually tried to leave me his Corvette but my parents rejected it, to this day I still think about that and become irrationally angry from time to time.

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Threat to national security? Who could know besides the higher ups.

Threat to society? Again I don't know but god, most of TikTok is extremely cringe and has people wasting so, so much of their time either viewing stupid videos or filming them.

Idk, I just think turning society into a popularity contest/mediocre talent show is.. weird. Collectively, how many billions of hours have been wasted by people staging, viewing and filming simplistic dances due to apps like this?

When we could be doing.. anything of significance.

Sure, there's some informational stuff on there no need to remind me but let's be honest how much of it is basically "Look what I can do!"

A Balls doesn't change their username they leave the shredder right on the end just like their elementary school nickname

What's funny is I've been getting 10x more replies since the announced api changes which is odd. Before they were announced I would comment many times a day but rarely ever get many replies. Since the api change announcement? I've been staying off mostly bc fuck that place but when I have checked my account there have been 10-20 replies a day to older comments. Weird. Tin-foil-hat me feels like maybe there was a reduction of interaction after he screwed everyone over and maybe he's using bots to make it seem lively. Definitely seen an increase in bot comments

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Oh god I'd never thought about it that way, we really fucked up