*piss hole

Nanachi@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1823 points –

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Unironically yes. Of course when I was around that age I didn't but now I really do. As far as maturity I don't see a major difference between an 18 year old and 22 year old. So you attended school a few more years? Entered the workforce for a few years? That's not maturity imo but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I wouldn't say child but definitely still in the teenager category imo although they're not actually teens ofc

Wonder how this will change once you reach, like, 60 :D Would anyone under 40 be a child?

It's a reasonable thought and I'm curious too. Didn't Treebeard call Gandalf young once, and Gandalf is like 8,000 years old or something?

That said, I haven't seen or felt much change from early 30s vs late 30s, compared to a huge difference from early vs late 20s. My dad is almost 70 and I think of him as young-ish. Certainly not old anyway (although I know plenty of people a bit younger than him that I consider "old".) I asked him recently what he considers old and he said 85 or so. Guess it's all relative.