
1 Post – 142 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm a scalie game developer!


i'm gay; i think this is hilarious. sometimes, cringe is fun!

Quite a few of the artists I follow on Xitter have already prepared backup Bluesky accounts.

lol ok boomer

This is NOT age verification. It is asking for your real name and ID number, quite typical of many Chinese services for Chinese citizens.

Uninstall it.

gay furry porn

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Everything Everywhere All At Once.

It's just... really good.

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Just popping in to say that if you enjoy the game and if you are financially able to, buy the game properly to support the developers, especially Larian Studios.

im gonna need some context for the original image

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Doing something productive when you can't sleep is, like, the most normal thing you can do. You're fine.

The portmanteau is correct, but "malding" means that the person is balding from sheer anger.

what scam? the customer wanted them to work on their computer, so they did, and charged the customer accordingly.

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On LCD displays dark mode actually uses more electricity; the brightness is always there, and you need to power the liquid-crystal layer to block that light to result in darker colours.

This whole myth about darker screens saving energy goes way back to the old CRT days when it actually did save some energy.

Yall remember Blackle?

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just pull out more and fold lmao; they can't control how much you use

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It's a cool idea, but then you lose the local representation of the daylight cycle, which just complicates things again as you try to schedule things with people in other countries without knowing if it's their bedtime or not.

I play games with international friends and work with international colleagues, so I have my fair share of troubles with time zones. If anything, abolishing daylight savings worldwide would yield much better results.

On a side note, when scheduling events on Discord, I like to add in a unix timestamp that shows everybody their local time. Quite convenient!

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what lie? they told the customer the truth from the beginning, and still agreed to the customer's demands to work on the problem. they agreed to remove all viruses from the peripherals, which they did, because the peripherals were returned to the customer at the end virus-free.

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I'm just looking through this entire thread, and call me crazy, OP, but you seem angry not more people are using GIMP. You're quite aggressive about it, attempting to shut down legitimate UI and UX concerns at every corner, and it is genuinely fatiguing to see.

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the mug and candle are just free energy

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Badly cropped. Here's the original.

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he's doing a math joke: 25/25 = 1

i have no idea what this is about but i bet it's either about pee or cum.

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Here's a fun thing you can do: just stop thinking about stats and make a character you'd like to bang, then just ooga booga it.

Baldur's Gate 3 may be very daunting at first, even with its genius tooltip system, so I just went straight into it with a Dragonborn barbarian with no real thought put into it other than "he's hot and totes my new fursona". You'd be surprised at how far you get and how much you pick up naturally over the next 80 hours of gameplay.

That being said, it's still not for everyone, as much as it tries to be, and if even Overwatch is too complex for you already, it might just be that the evolving game design in the industry is becoming more misaligned with your tastes, and that gamers are becoming more and more serious about the video games they play.

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I don't know, chief; have you seen modern Tetris gameplay?


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I'd argue that you should let her type, even on a long essay. There's no shortcut to learning how to type, and unless the essay is on a tight deadline, depriving her of the learning opportunity will only delay this crucial ability.

If you're afraid that she will not be able to focus on the essay contents while typing, she can try drafting the essay up with pen on paper first.

I'm part of the 70%.

I use it exclusively for gay furry porn.

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Universal basic income.

EDIT: I feel I need to clarify this stance. I'm a game developer, and I'm also sometimes an artist. I've been in discussions with my artist friends and they're of the belief that AI is the enemy. I don't believe that, but I also don't blame them; artists' careers are being displaced by AI, so of course they are justified in directing their anger at the immediate threat to their livelihoods. As for the ethical/legal quandary about AI art models being trained on publicly-available copyrighted images, well, I think that's more of a grey area that I should not delve into right now.

AI art is inevitable, and there is no feasible way to slow it down, let alone stop it; even if the developed Western world decide unanimously to ban AI art, black markets for AI art models would still exist, and it would give Eastern countries (okay, mainly just China) the opportunity to really corner the market and further develop that technology for (nef)various purposes.

Every industry succumbs to automation sooner or later. I mean, it makes perfect economic sense to adopt automation to replace the existing workforce; robots don't need to get paid. However, normally, when automation is introduced into an industry, the pace at which that technology is developed and implemented is slow enough for displaced workers to be able to learn new trades and pick up new careers before they, well, go broke.

The issue is that in this era of information, this AI technology is developing far too fast for that to happen, and couple that with the ever-increasing greed in today's capitalism that ensures workers (including artists) are working long hours and are being paid barely enough to survive; they don't have the time, energy, or funds to learn new trades or adapt to other creative endeavours that haven't been taken over by AI yet.

We need a return to an era where art is not a method of livelihood, but rather an admired craft, simply for the purposes of art; that also comes with the extra bonus of lowering the worth of AI art. For all that to be possible, artists first need a way to stop worrying about having to make money to be able to afford food and housing.

That's where UBI comes in. Again, capitalism, the richest 1% hoarding 50% of the world's wealth, yada yada, just tax those rich fucks and give that money to everyone; boom, UBI. Once artists (and workers in general) no longer have that threat of starvation, 1. they can take all the time they need/want to learn new crafts and careers, 2. they can force corporations to offer workers better treatment and pay, especially when they can afford to quit toxic work environments.

I actually really enjoy using Blueprints in Unreal Engine.

It feels like working with modular synths, and can get chaotic very quickly, which is honestly a ton of fun. It also forces you to have to stay organized and comment and format your blocks of code into something readable.

Hong Kong. It depends on the establishment.

In big Cantonese restaurants, tea is the very first thing you have to choose, and you are expected to know what tea varieties there are. They then brew and bring you the tea in a white porcelain pot, and can top it up with water upon request (or do it yourself since water is always served alongside the tea). I generally like 鐵觀音, but my dad prefers 普洱. The tea is unsweetened, and if you ask for it sweetened or put sugar in it, well idk what happens but you'd probably get laughed at and kicked out.

In smaller diners, you often can pick the type of tea you want from a menu, though those are often not traditional Chinese teas, and are hot and sweetened by default, though you can always ask for it unsweetened or iced. Milk tea is always available (I can only assume under threat of public boycott). Depending on the diner, various fruit teas would also be available.

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Easy solution to this problem: Photoshop it.

This is why I love Blueprints; it forces you to keep your code neat and tidy and readable and documented lest it turns into an absolute mess. It's also so much fun to prototype in because it's like modular synths and you can just make an absolute mess if you want.

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It's happening right now with ESO's 10th Anniversary celebrations.

It kicked off with an in-game Anniversary Jubilee event that started two weeks ago, and almost immediately players noticed the insanely low drop rates for some event items, taking players on average about 20 hours of mind-numbing grind of the same old content for certain pages, and some even longer.

The kicker with these low drop rates is that it's unprecedented for ESO in its current form after having implemented plenty of progression systems for loot to lessen the impact of RNG.

Even now, at the end of the event, Zenimax Online Studios has refused to acknowledge the low drop rates, which only means that the player frustrations are intentional, most likely to pad player numbers for the sake of appeasing shareholders and/or daddy Zenimax Inc.

One week after the event was launched, ZOS also released a Public Test Server build of their latest chapter, Gold Road. This iteration of the PTS is supposed to have a copy of everyone's PCNA characters so they can use their existing gear and setups for testing the new abilities and content. Template characters were also available to create, offering players a ton of gold, unlimited resources, and literally all the gear in the game; Public Test Server, after all.

About 30 minutes after the PTS went online, it was taken down, and so players who were on the PTS at the time went back onto their Live servers.

Turns out, the PTS wasn't running a copy of the PCNA Live database.

It was using the PCNA Live database.

So now we have players who have deleted existing characters to create template characters on the PTS with a billion gold and trillions more value in loot running around on Live. The gold has been dispersed into the in-game economy.

The Live servers were taken down 20 minutes later.

There's nothing else to be done; a server-wide rollback is imminent. After all, it would be dumb to just quarantine the players who have logged into the PTS and attempt to manually track down all the rogue gold and loot, right?


Well, ZOS is up to the challenge! First, they issue permanent bans on all the players who logged into the PTS (you know, the most loyal and experienced of the players) with an email stating that it's temporary, that their accounts would be rolled back to about 9 hours before the servers went down (I assume that's when their last backup was), and we could expect this issue to be resolved and for our accounts to be unlocked in 2-3 days.

Keep in mind, an event is active right now. There are reward boxes for completing any quest with high chances of dropping motif pages, crafting recipes, materials, currencies, etc, and most players are doing the 7 daily crafting quests for those on each character (max 20 characters).

The locked-out players are missing out on about 140 of those boxes per day.

3 days went by, there was another update. We'd be freed soonest at the end of the week. That makes 5 days of lockout. We'd be compensated, of course; they'd make things right.

5 boxes. Is all we get.

Okay, we also get a lot in another currency that lets us buy certain items in their microtransaction loot crates, and naturally the non-locked-out players are pissed about that.

Remember the event items with insanely low drop rates? We get all of those too. Would be useful to me if I hadn't sunk 33 hours grinding those all out already.

With the event, there's another currency that you can earn once daily, and you can use it to buy certain items from the event store. We're not getting compensated any of those, though, even though those matter a lot for the sake of the event.

End of the week comes by. New update: there's a maintenance right after the weekend, and they would discuss when best to take the server down after that.

We are guaranteed at least 8 days of missed game time. The event is almost over.

That server maintenance is happening right now. I will update on what they say next.

Update: they said earliest we'd be unlocked is Thursday. They'd also grant us one of the rewards we'd miss from the daily logins.

mein freund, some of us prefer to focus on extracting the most material value out of these hypothetical objects, simply because we want to. it's fun to imagine the possibilities with the infinite energy from the candle and the mug.

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Unfortunately (for you), Lemmy's meme supply is being carried by the nerds on startrek.website. If you wish to see more non-Trekkie stuff, well, be the change you wish to see

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EthosLab - the OG Minecraft Youtuber that other Minecraft Youtubers watch; somehow still innovating on redstone and technical builds to this day despite Minecraft redstone already pushed to its limits long ago, and his multiplayer shenanigans on Hermitcraft and Life Series is top notch.

Adam Ragusea - cooking videos made for actual home cooks who just want no-flair no-fuss recipes, as well as food science videos exploring and explaining different cooking methods and food chemistry. I'm particularly a fan of how he encourages you to measure and cook by feel rather than by strictly following recipes.

1' tungsten cube

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This would be perfectly fine with ranked choice voting.

Unfortunately, the US doesn't have that so that's the same as an empty vote. You get to take the "moral high ground" while still actively voting to let the country go to the dumps. Great job.

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Blueprints are faster to develop with in Unreal Engine, as it's quite literally built into Unreal Engine and doesn't require compiling from a separate program. It's even got live node previews to show you exactly what is being run at specific times, so it's easier to debug in too.

It really shines when you want to prototype a lot of things really fast, especially to get the game working first before the optimization step of moving functions and backend stuff over to C++.

Generally, they look at their own boards and keep their next piece queue in their periphery vision; the distinct colours of each piece is actually written into modern Tetris guidelines. Advanced players like these also glance at their opponent's board to determine whether to delay their attacks, both offensively and defensively.

I'd like to plug my favourite Tetris match of all time: Salty Cup S2 - Doremy vs Wumbo

For context, Wumbo always uses the center 4-wide to win many tournaments, and while it was a very effective strategy, it was also extremely cheesy and boring to both watch and play against; he also maintained a "Tetris god" persona where he only ever uploads his wins to his Youtube channel. Doremy, on the other hand, was getting great attention for his flashy and fun Tetris plays, never shying away from uploading videos from his losses. Doremy also caught Wumbo editing out his losses from his Twitch VODs. All this culminated in a rivalry, and in this matchup, it was the underdog versus the overpowered villain. So while this Tetris match isn't as flashy and fast as the more recent ones, it is definitely one of the most memorable.

"I Am Not A Lawyer"

Generally found on posts containing legal advice.

wait, you're supposed to peel them?