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Joined 11 months ago

Healthy bowels.

Imagine being a twitter user.

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kitty. it's the first thing I install on a new machine.

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It was not misleading. It was a lie.

It's so satisfying to slide this thing forcefully onto your pole OVER and OVER again, slamming it against the base.

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Is this why grandma has an OnlyFans?

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I approve this.

Takes me back to my childhood.

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Wait till the meth wears off before you get on Lemmy.

No it didn't.

It was a contractual obligation.

I have typo'd hotfix as both hotdix and hotfux. One letter can change everything.

If only they could issue a stern warning, too! I'm sure he'll stop once he realizes he made a legal faux pas!

Have you looked at Textual? It probably has more functionality than blessed.

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I do. I'm riding out the clock. I've already put the time in and am grandfathered into better retirement/severance benefits than I could get anywhere else. I hate it, but I have a family to feed.

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My employer has been intentionally creating a toxic workplace to drive attrition. Several upper managers have said the quiet part out loud in candid AMAs with staff. The top management still sends out uncanny valley soulless-smile emails saying RTO is better for everyone, but it's another excuse to drive layoffs based on location and proximity to an office. I do not interact with a single individual outside of Teams/Zoom on any given day. I honestly think the execs are looting the coffers before the company tanks like investment bankers did to Toys R Us and now Red Lobster. They can make a ton of money and move on to the next ripe fruit.

No. I usually have to wrap mine around my forearm a dozen or so times to keep it out of the water.

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These debates are an attempt to suck up enough to be his running-mate. Get the VP slot and make sure he keeps eating many hamberders every day.

I don't think there's a better response than this.


It's bad to take the fiber out of sugar bombs? Who knew?

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Whole Carolina Reaper peppers.

I've seen a sudden upsurge of promoted videos in the last week or two championing trickle-down economics in my youtube suggested video feed. I thought it was odd. They don't use the term trickle-down economics, but they promote the rich as job creators and use all the Reagan talking points. Based on the comments, lots of people are eating it up as amazing insight.

Consider Bruce Lee. Dedicated his time to mastering multiple martial arts. Died of edema at 32 years old. No opponents. It's possible he drank too much water.

Here's what ChatGPT 3.5 says:

The Rosetta Stone played a crucial role in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics because it provided a key to understanding the script by presenting the same text in three different scripts: Ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and demotic (a simplified script used for everyday purposes). This allowed scholars to correlate the known Greek text with the Egyptian texts and begin to decipher the hieroglyphics.

A GPT-based AI, while powerful in many ways, would likely face significant challenges in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics without access to something akin to the Rosetta Stone. Here's why:

  1. Lack of Direct Contextual Data: GPT models learn from a vast amount of text data, but the historical and contextual gap between modern languages and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics is enormous. GPT models might not have enough direct or relevant data to bridge this gap.

  2. Limited Multilingualism: GPT models, including their previous versions like GPT-3.5, do not inherently "know" multiple languages the way humans do. They have learned statistical patterns in text, which enables them to generate text in multiple languages but doesn't guarantee deep understanding or translation of highly specialized languages like hieroglyphics.

  3. Lack of Connection to the Rosetta Stone Context: GPT models lack the ability to access external sources or historical events, which is what made the Rosetta Stone so invaluable in deciphering hieroglyphics. Without access to that kind of contextual information, it would be difficult for the model to make the necessary connections.

  4. Complex Symbolic Nature: Egyptian hieroglyphics are not a straightforward language like those GPT models are trained on. Hieroglyphics use a combination of ideograms, phonograms, and determinatives to convey meaning. The complexity of hieroglyphics goes beyond the syntax and structure of modern languages, making it a unique challenge.

In summary, while a GPT-based AI could perform some basic statistical analyses on hieroglyphics to identify patterns, it's unlikely to decipher the script in a comprehensive and accurate way without a Rosetta Stone-like source that provides a bridge between the ancient script and a known language. Hieroglyphics represent a highly specialized domain that would require deep contextual understanding, which GPT models might struggle to achieve given their current capabilities.

I tested kitty and alacrity when I first found out about advanced term emulators. I liked kitty more, but I don't remember why. I use the kittens all the time. It's super convenient to play a video or display an image in the terminal. Kitty works on most distros. I wish it worked on windows, too, so I could use it at work.

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Watch Alita Battle Angel or Elysium.

I tend to hyperfocus on things I can control and/or try to learn a new skill. Both are distractions, but you can't control what you can't control. Obsessing over those things leads to dark places. Sometimes, mental judo helps. You can reframe a situation that seems terrible by looking at it from another context. Unfortunately, it's hard to give examples for this.

The closest thing I know of is an API-only solution with no front-end:

Someone may have written something like a Flask or FastAPI WebUI for it, but I don't know.


The most shocking part of this story is that Tillis is the voice of reason.

Not really. I have unavoidable financial obligations coming soon that I will need this payrate for. I actually love the work I do, too, but I have a distaste for the employer, so it's a weird feeling. I get to play with Linux and containerization and Python, which I love, and I'm generally self-managed, so the only thing wrong with the job is that, at the end of the day, my work feels wasted where I'm doing it. On the other hand, I use the skills I gain at work outside of work on OSS stuff, so it's an OK tradeoff.

You wound me. I've been wounded.


Make me.

I feel seen.

A quote from 1977. In the time since then, Blue Dolphin burnt down. It’s gone now. John Rovani’s ass out. Works for his brother now.

lovely jubbly