2 Post – 446 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Guaranteed that people smarter than the reddit staff will exploit their processes or code to cause mayhem and chaos.

100% guaranteed.

2 more...

Holy shit he actually said "the report will come out next week". Like his healthcare solution. Or his infrastructure plan. It's all coming out next week.

15 more...

Evil. If you vote republican you support this evil.

They are evil.

2 more...

Just fabulous soldiers.

1 more...

"ill-fated diarrhea plane"

What a beautiful phrase. Shakespearean.

4 more...

They'll do something with AI in 3 years or so, if they still exist.

4 more...

I have nothing but a gut feeling to back this up, but isn't this oh so convenient for russia? Now the very powerful USA Israel lobby will be asking for as much aid as possible.

I wouldn't be surprised if russia was behind this and other escalations.

23 more...

Can he please be charged with attempted murder for each person who was swatted?

5 more...

Tree. Style. Tabs.

Best damned extension ever. It's amazing to me that all browsers don't have this style of tabs.

27 more...

They had embassies? I figured their diplomats would defect at the first chance, as long as their families were with them.

7 more...

TL;DR enshittification. Lots of targeted ads and corporate newspeak.

There's a massive amount of hype right now, much like everything was blockchains for a while.

AI/ML is not able to replace a programmer, especially not a senior engineer. Right now I'd advise you do your job well and hang tight for a couple of years to see how things shake out.

(me = ~50 years old DevOps person)

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So by the principle of russian projection, russia will annex belarus soon?

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The musky chodelet continues to surprise no one.

He wants trump elected again. Which would be an existential threat to the USA.

4 more...

At this point, who trusts musk enough to let him have control of their brain?

3 more...

They'll still all vote Republican.

4 more...

2023 version of Jobs' "You're holding it wrong"

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Mullvad because they don't need your name, and you can pay by cash anonymously.

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Gotta communicate to their base that it's really ok to stab 6 year olds dozens of times if they are of Palestinian heritage.

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-- The Whitehouse, apparently.

9 more...

I could imagine that there's some very angry and confused developers who might feel violent towards unity right now.

Not that threats are the answer, just that I could see people might feel their livelihood is threatened.

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Firefox with tree style tabs, with the user CSS that removes tabs and combines bookmarks bar into the title bar.

Away from computer right now but I'll take a screenshot in an hour or so.

And Emacs. :)

Back at my computer now!

OK, here's my screenshot:

screenshot of desktop showing Firefox showing Tree Style Tabs on the left of the window

So, you can see the tree style tabs (TST) in the sidebar area on the left. I'm using the "photon" theme for TST. with another extension for TST called TST Colored Tabs. If you middle-button-click a link, it's opened in a new tab like usual, but TST also assigns it as a child tab of the page you were viewing. It's incredibly useful for keeping track of where you are and what you're doing. Especially in my DevOps job, I have dozens of tabs open and chaos would reign supreme if I used top-of-window tabs like standard. You can see the bookmarks toolbar has been dragged up into the title bar using the customize toolbar window accessed by right clicking on the title bar.

To accomplish this you need to enable a setting in about:config called toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets, set that to true. Then exit Firefox.

Then create a directory called chrome in your profile directory, which on Linux is in ~/.mozilla/firefox/PROFILENAME/, which you can get from the about:profiles page. Inside the chrome directory, you create a file called userChrome.css and add this stuff to it:

#main-window[tabsintitlebar="true"]:not([extradragspace="true"]) #TabsToolbar > .toolbar-items {
  opacity: 0;
  pointer-events: none;
#main-window:not([tabsintitlebar="true"]) #TabsToolbar {
    visibility: collapse !important;

#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action"] #sidebar-header {
  display: none;

    Display the status bar in Firefox Quantum (version 61+)
    permanently at the bottom of the browser window.
    Code below works best for the Dark Firefox theme and is based on:
    This userChrome.css file was last modified on: 28-Jun-2018.
    Tested to work with Firefox 61 on Windows.
    Related blog post:

#browser-bottombox {
  height: 20px;
  border-top: solid 1px #505050;

.browserContainer>#statuspanel {
  left: 4px !important;
  bottom: 0px;
  transition-duration: 0s !important;
  transition-delay: 0s !important;

.browserContainer>#statuspanel>#statuspanel-inner>#statuspanel-label {
  margin-left: 0px !important;
  border: none !important;
  padding: 0px !important;
  color: #EEE !important;
  background: #333 !important;

window[inFullscreen="true"] #browser-bottombox {
  display: none !important;

window[inFullscreen="true"] .browserContainer>#statuspanel[type="overLink"] #statuspanel-label {
  display: none !important;

  Begin section to move system UI buttons to the same UI bar/box
  as the addressbar

/* Adding empty space for buttons */
#nav-bar {

/* For dragging whole window by mouse*/
#titlebar {
	appearance: none !important;
	height: 0px;

  Fix for main menu calling by Alt button
/* #titlebar > #toolbar-menubar {
	margin-top: 10px;
} */

/* Move minimize/restore/close buttons to empty space */
#TabsToolbar > .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
	display: block;
	position: absolute;
	top: 5px;
	right: 1px;

And there you go! TST has more tips and configuration details in its Github project: and

1 more...

Pipewire is the new hotness. I've read comments from various audio engineers and programmers that pipewire "gets it right".

Pipewire came out in 2017, pulseaudio in 2004.

"PipeWire has received much praise, especially among the GNOME and Arch Linux communities. Particularly as it fixes problems that some PulseAudio users had experienced, including high CPU usage, Bluetooth connection issues, and JACK backend issues."

26 more...

Everyone religious wakes up tomorrow realizing that it's just a social club and none of the god stuff is real.

7 more...

We've got it blocked at our router. The DNS server just responds with no such address.

11 more...

I still think he's going to pull some stunt. He's incapable of just simply obeying something like this.

58 more...

I haven't read anything about what hamas thought would happen after the October 7th attack. Did they think Israel would do nothing because hamas had hostages?

Or were they trying to prompt a huge response? Certainly the abhorrent despicable acts perpetrated against women that were detailed in the article are something no one would ignore. Similar to Bucha in Ukraine, the horror won't make people surrender, just the opposite.

11 more...

Learn coding on a site that seems to get it right. Lots of information, multiple languages, and mentors to help you get past a difficult problem.

Fantastic site, highly recommended!

6 more...

"The more you tighten your grasp, the more systems will slip through your fingers."

If I win I'll give everyone in this thread a million dollars.

So, if there's 60 people in the thread, everyone gets $16,667

I see you all fell for my cunning ruse. Definitely not something I figured out after I posted. Not at all.

29 more...

What an absolute asshole monster

That Times article should come with a trigger warning, it contains descriptions of the assaults.

Working in an office. I get so much more done at home. With no sickness from selfish people who won't mask when sick. Plus I can walk my dog multiple times a day. And cook real food.

2 more...

His spectacular lack of self-awareness means that everything he says is projection.

If he does flee can he please take elmo with him?

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This article felt weirdly exploitative to me. Like, leave the young woman alone to heal in peace.

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Did he think everyone was going to just say "ok :(" and walk away?!?

1 more...

I was doing well, making progress on my work projects. Then bam, my wife gets severe vertigo, which leaves her unable to move or look at screens without vomiting. She needs care, our dog needs walking, and work emergencies keep popping up. I don't resent her, I have my own chronic pain and health problems. I just wish I could jump back into work without staring blankly at the screen for hours. Which I can't do because I get interrupted by caring for my wife.

Sorry for the dump.

Go on, Texas, try to ban VPNs.

Just wear a mask, jeez.

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Out of the loop: Is there a problem with nova launcher?

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