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Joined 1 years ago

Easy enough to get around for everyone then. Are you male to female trans? You're not getting a vagina, you're getting a penis reduction.

Sounds like an easy claim that they didn't deliver the package.

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"Her" could refer to AOC or Boebert. It is technically unclear.

Religion is insanity.

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.... People shoot up schools

Everyone loses their minds so someone gets naked.

Hey now! Bullets ain't free.

He pays lawyers?

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Just replace the pronouns.

"Hi. Steve was wondering if Steve could go ahead and start Steve's next project since Steve's current project is now in review? Steve would be working with Kevin on Steve's next project and Steve knows that Kevin is wrapping up Kevin's project this week so Steve and Kevin could start next week"

Doesn't that sound so much more professional? 🙄

Tell them it's against your religion to take on extra work without extra compensation.

If they expect you to commute to the office every day, then you clock in when you leave your house, and clock out when you get home (assuming you're not stopping between to do personal errands).

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So I apparently need to start using my reading glasses all the time. I read the headline as "Elon Musk blames AOL for lost revenue". I genuinely had a what-year-is-it moment.

They'll increase hourly wages by $0.50/hour. ... And decrease employee hours to 10 hours/week.

some documents that Trump really does not want the world to know about.

Like his actual height and weight?

"Yeet" (because, you know, it's a throw pillow)

You know what they say, "I before V, except after C". (Or something like that.)

Kick Mike Johnson in his micro-johnson and tell him God told you to do it.

You should start responding with "You're welcome". Because if Jesus hadn't died for their sins, they wouldn't be Christian.

Ok, hear me out... Train station in the shape of a bald eagle with the covered track area leading out shaped like a gun penis for the eagle. The engine is shaped like a bullet, and the cars all have flames down the sides so it goes extra fast.

I have, for a long time, used the phrase "speaking of segues" to change the subject in a conversation.

So if I jerk off on the firehouse steps can I claim I'm just using the Safe Harbor law?

By that measure, we're all billionaires, kinda.

If anyone is interested, he's running the P operating system. Otherwise known as POS.

So if I have a pot on my back porch and I grow some basil in it, does that make me a farmer? Can I start shooting the delivery drivers who are bringing packages to my door?


I've genuinely never had that experience at Target. I can scan everything in my cart without once putting it in the bagging area and the self-checkouts at Target don't give a shit.

Hey GreyTechnician, are you a good bot or an evil bot?

And offer them that sweet fresh-out-of-college salary

Vacula. Because he sucks your... dust.

But let's ban abortion because that will fix everything.

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And over there. And a couple more over there. And one there too.

Hey, you're right! I'm worth -$248,657.36 (yes, that's a negative sign). Am not rich at all.

Technically tips were originally given upfront to ensure good service, not after the fact.