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You're right, it's totally nonsensical. Clearly that was put in to screw with this specific situation.

Rainbow vacuums, my parents had one when I was growing up.

First off, in the world of Ghostbusters, ghosts absolutely are real, though their appearances seem to be somewhat sporadic.

Second, Peck was a man who abused his power and nearly caused an apocalypse.

I'm not saying the Ghostbusters were entirely in the right, but Peck absolutely went too far because of his own personal biases. When he first went to the firehouse to investigate, he started out just fine. When he asked to see the containment unit, Venkman asked a perfectly valid question, "why do you want to see it?" From there, Peck immediately went off on a tangent, accusing the Ghostbusters of being frauds, and threatening legal action, to which Venkman responded in kind.

The next time Peck shows up, he has barged in and shuts everything down without thought of the consequences. Even the people he brings along for support think it's a bad idea.

It's like somebody built a bomb in their back yard, and instead of properly defusing it, he insists they take a sledgehammer to it.

Imagine how this goes if he kept his cool in the first meeting. Venkman likely shows him the containment unit, and Spengler explains how it works. If it really does run afoul of EPA regulations, the Ghostbusters get a fine, and are asked to bring their equipment into compliance. Maybe they have to retrofit a few things, but in the end, there's probably no explosion of ghosts, and possibly Vinz Clortho and Zuul never manage to link up (as their meeting was facilitated by the chaos of the aftermath), preventing Gozer from entering our dimension.

I think it's ok for them to have stocks, they just should be put into a blind trust to manage, and they shouldn't be able to make any transactions outside of that for the duration of their term in office.

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The rationale for this actually makes some sense. You wouldn't want an incumbent to be able to remove an opponent by railroading them into a minor felony conviction. With the way Trump ran things, if all it took was a minor felony to make sure Biden was ineligible, he absolutely would have pressured the DOJ to find something.

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Yes! Anyone in the custody of the state should be treated with a minimum level of human decency, regardless of their crime.

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It does fly in the face of the constitution, and multiple SCOTUS' have affirmed exactly that several times.

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Are you really asking what Nazis have to do with killing? A group famous for committing possibly the most heinous genocide in the history of humanity?

He's still on the hook for the full amount if his appeal fails, he just no longer has to put it all up to start the appeal.

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I'm sorry, but no. Not only does that invoke a ton of extraneous processing on both ends (when saving and when recalling the image), but the rest of the image is still important, too! Can you imagine taking a photo at a family gathering, and then coming back later to see randomly generated people in the background? A photograph isn't just about the "subject", it's often about a moment in time.

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Are you saying that God is canceling Trump now? When did He become so woke!? (/s)

Not likely. Your stomach acid probably destroys what's left of the virus before it enters the bloodstream, meaning there's nothing for your immune system to train against. There's a reason we don't drink vaccines.

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Yeah, when "Leicester" is pronounced "Lester", you have no hope of figuring pronunciation out without help.

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Because the judge isn't bending over backwards to accommodate Trump's every whim. That's literally it. If he was, he'd be the best, most honest and fair judge our country has ever seen.

It's not about the line itself, but more the sentiment behind it. The fact that the Emperor is just suddenly back without any buildup or hinting in the previous two movies is the problem.

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Were you paying attention the last several times he's tried to do more and gotten blocked at every turn by people who can't see past their own gains?

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It means if there was an actual politically motivated prosecution, that wouldn't stop someone from winning. ie. If Trump had managed to make some fake charge against Biden stick in 2020, if the people still wanted Biden to be president, he could be.

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Electronic components. Almost all small parts shops are gone.

It's one of the pet conservative conspiracy/culture war issues right now. They're claiming that drag performance is synonymous with burlesque or stripping, and thus having people in drag in the same zip code as minors is sexual abuse. It's part of their assault in trans rights, as they're equating drag with trans people, and saying that being trans is inherently sexual. It's all a load of bullshit.

A lot of people, especially those on the far right, have painted anyone critical of the Israeli government 's actions in Gaza as anti-semites. This is clearly absurd if you take a second to think about it. Making note that Jewish people and Israelis are also critical of these actions is pointing out the absurdity of the statements of the far right.

Giving politicians money and then asking them to pass a bill favorable to you is not "petitioning the government," it's bribery. If corps and billionaires want to try to convince the politicians that they should pass the bills they want, they can still do that. There just shouldn't be money changing hands.

This is much more than just hate, though. He's saying nonsensical things, making random logical jumps, and more. He can be a bigot and have dementia, they aren't mutually exclusive.

I wonder if the Republicans will kick him out for compromising, like they did with McCarthy.

...have you been paying attention? They've already been fucking with private enterprise. All that matters to them is the culture war. They've completely dropped the pretense that they're about business.

Yeah, SCOTUS just kicked it back to the lower courts and said they weren't going to keep the pause.

If it's insulting depends on context, but responding that something is "double plus good" is implying that it is fake, false, propaganda, ingenuine, etc., so keep that in mind.

This is 100% my take as well. Conviction is how the government proves a person did something. Absent that, all you have are allegations, and we really don't want to open up the possibility of disqualifying people because of unproven allegations of sedition.

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The amount of electoral votes per state is adjusted based on its population, but they all get a minimum of 3. So, if enough people left, it would have some effect on the state's voting power, but once you get to a certain threshold, the weight of each person's vote actually starts to go up.

Let me see if I can try to explain this.

First off, light isn't just the fastest thing we know of, it is physically impossible to go faster than light according to the laws of physics as we understand it. This is because the speed of light is actually tied to the way spacetime works.

Imagine you are standing and you throw a ball. The ball travels at whatever speed you throw it, let's say 5 mph.

Now, let's put you on a train traveling at 20 mph and do the same thing. If you throw the same direction the train is traveling, your 5 mph adds to the train's 20 and the ball goes at 25 mph according to someone standing next to the track. Throw it the other way and they see it travel at 15 mph. To you, in either case, it appears to move at 5 mph.

Light doesn't do this. We've measured it, and in a vacuum light always appears to travel at the same speed (we call it c for short). If you hold a flashlight, your friend next to you can measure the speed of light and will find it to be c. If we put you back on that train and stand your friend next to the track, you will see the light moving at c, but so will your friend. Not c +/- 20 mph, but c. Even if we put you on a rocket traveling at some significant portion of light speed, say 0.5 c, both you and your friend would still observe the light from your flashlight to be traveling at c.

This is what Einstein figured out, and this is what we mean by Relativity. From this, we also know that objects moving faster experience an increase in mass (you have to get moving pretty close to c to really notice), and as you approach c that mass trends to infinity. That's why anything with mass cannot achieve the speed of light, it would be infinitely massive, and thus require infinite energy to accelerate to that speed. Thus, only things with no mass (such as light) can move that fast.

Saint's Row

Black Desert: Traveler Edition

Generation Zero

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Most people don't realize that your address actually has a huge impact on insurance. Moving less than an hour's drive for me caused a change of nearly $100/month.

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It's relevant in the context that helping China is explicitly something Trump says he's against. So the fact that his policies would actually help them is yet another example of him being an idiot and a hypocrite.

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Because of the rise of online stores and the decline of brick and mortar, there's actually a lot of stuff you can't reasonably get without shopping online now.

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That's just preparing you for the real world of job applications, where they ask for your resume and then ask you to fill out all of the information that is contained in your resume.

No, he wasn't "pretending" to be a citizen, he was a citizen. They've just now decided his citizenship was granted in error, and so he now is no longer a citizen.

No, he was a US citizen at the time. They've revoked his citizenship now because they said it shouldn't have been granted, but that doesn't mean he wasn't ever a citizen. It means he was before, but is not now.

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I was born and raised in Texas, and as much as I've grown tired of their shit, this is a vastly different situation to the last couple of power incidents they've had.

This was essentially a freak storm that came out of nowhere with something like a couple of hours of notice, spawned multiple tornadoes that took out a bunch of infrastructure, including at least one high-voltage transmission tower, and cut a path over a thousand miles, from Houston, Texas all the way to Cape Canaveral, Florida.

There are no regulations they're circumventing by being in their own power grid that could have avoided this, and even being interconnected wouldn't help much when the transmission lines have been ripped apart.

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Not that rare, this is a very similar situation to what the DREAM Act was trying to resolve. As of last year, there were more than 500,000 people who qualified.

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I'm not sure how much truth there is to it, but here goes.

The basic idea is that they've convinced themselves that they can get naked together and insert and it's ok, but actively thrusting makes it a sin. So they will get into position and lay still. A friend then bounces the bed, jostling the participants about, and basically making them have sex but "not by their own actions," which somehow makes it all alright in the eyes of God.

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You misunderstand. You take a picture of, say your dad at a family reunion, and in the background the rest of your family is just milling around. That's not the subject, and so the AI model saves it as "people doing stuff" or whatever. When you load that photograph, the people in the background will be generated, and they won't be your family.

This is all beside the fact that the AI may decide your subject is different from what you think it is.

This is just an extremely unreliable form of data compression, and extremely unnecessary. Phones and cameras can currently save hundreds or thousands of photographs locally, and cloud storage can save millions for free, and even more for extremely cheap. You're solving a non-existent problem by shoehorning AI image generation in where it's not needed.

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