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Joined 1 years ago

Just a heads up, Windows 11 IoT LTSC is out, and it has none of M$'s bullshit you read about weekly. It can be tricky to find the .iso, so it would be a real shame if people wasted their time looking for it @

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Texan with a Ranch and cows here. They're VERY curious and goofy and stupid, and scared. Occasionally you'll have a lone bull in the herd try to intimidate, but they're scared too. The only thing to watch out for is look down where you walk so you don't step in poo!

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It's probably hard to keep up with lol. I'll try my best. It has Edge and Defender ONLY. No cortana, copilot, recall, candy crush bloat or anything similar, .net, vcredist, edgeview/runtime, TPM requirement, online account, secure boot, store, xbox, one drive, winget, nor widgets.

You finish the install and it is BARE. All I do post install is, in regex and gpedit, turn off telemetry.

For my use, Steam installs all the .net and vcredist as needed.

Store and Xbox and the like are available to install via power shell or downloads, but fair warning. Once you do store or M$ account sign in, copilot and recall might find a way to sneak in via updates. None of them work, and error out when you open them, but the fact they install and exist makes me uneasy.

Edit: If you don't even want Defender, nor Edge, look up Windows X-Lite. That man is a wizard at figuring out the bare minimum needed for an .iso.

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That'd be advertising, and by a mile.

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There's a custom OS forum where I found it originally a year ago. Everything got scanned from virus total when uploaded and showed the report. And the guy had an excellent reputation there as well. I decided to go for it until 11 LTSC came out, and daily drove it for 2+ years issue free.

In the end, it's up to you if you want to trust it.

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Ohhh OK, these are beef cows as well. I don't know at what point they're free range, they have 100s of acres, but they see humans all the time.

Lmao, interesting. I was just there this week and repaired something close to the fence. All of them, about ~50, came over to watch. I wonder if it's a breed thing? And you're sure they came at you to be mean, and not come see what you were doing?

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One of the things for X-Lite I would do post install, is install Edge WebView2 along with the other runtimes available on X-Lites website. Not sure if I ever needed it or not, but never had issues with no Edge.

The advice in that article is primo out of touch and humorous. They give statistics that people's savings and assets are down X amount, and the first advice is save for an emergency. Running out of savings?! Just save more, five head.

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This article didn't research the VR bits...Gabe has said multiple times, even recently, that they are working steadily on VR and it's hardware. Their next headset even has a codename, Deckard.

Also, I don't think most people realize Valve doesn't have much of an internal structure. It more resembles a community of people working together because they want to.

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I feel like the biggest issue is what would amount to homeless corralling, and if they violated the law by living outside the designated zone, they'd be fined. The state knows they wouldn't be able to pay, and thus 90+ days of prison labor.

"The proposed legislation grants cities the authority to designate specific areas for unhoused individuals. If individuals are found outside of the designated area, residing in a tent, hut, temporary shelter, or vehicle with the intention to sleep, they may face misdemeanor charges, leading to a fine of $5,000 and a potential imprisonment of up to 90 days."

Don't get me wrong, the deadly force bits are definitely worse, but I feel like what I quoted above is the true motivation.

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"We have determined that we'll be able to fill 80% of the user's display with advertising before inducing seizures."

From Ready Player One movie.

It was something he did a few years ago, then the following year stated they are getting rid of the programs she just won an award for.

Them defederating piracy communities was the nail in the coffin for me, just deleted account.

First was some weird shit about a porn community with petite girls and how it invites pedophiles. Even though that one doesn't affect me, it's still like uhhhhh, petite women exist......

Now this piracy shit. It's like they're pushing their morals and "concerns" onto every member without consent. Reddit still has piracy and petite subreddits, which paints somewhat of a picture of how non issue they are.

Hopefully shitjustworks is fast, stable, and doesn't pull that shit.

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Wireless VR has been a thing since wifi 5ghz. And from first hand experience, it works great.

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Like others have said, Windows Defender, but also an ad blocker extension for your web browser. I'd recommend Ad Nauseam -which is ublock origin under the hood- and Firefox over Chrome. All of those are free.

That app is pretty pointless IMO. I've been a budget audiophile for a little while now, and one of the features a music player needs is to be able to output the music at the correct bit/format @ the correct sample rate. Ex: 24 bit @ 96000, which is the highest quality a song can be from Tidal.

Pipewire has the ability to adjust and match the sample rate on the fly, so that no resampling happens and you get "bit perfect" playback.

Since that tidal-hifi uses chromium for its DRM to allow the max quality, it is permanently set at 48000. Basically no music on Tidal is 48k, basically every song is at least HiFi quality at 16@44100, and then a lot of recent music is HiRez capable of "up to 24@96000."

So you're basically resampling every single song somewhere along the audio pipeline, before it reaches your external music hardware, like a DAC/AMP stack.

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To me, this reads like it implies that government and govt programs are bad because of the govt employees, but if you were to take those same "corrupt" politicians and put them to work at private companies that they would stop being "corrupt." Like it is a belief/reaction to one specific bad instance of a large government/program. "The government sucks at program X, so if we get rid of that program, the same general population will gain empathy, morals and efficiency if working for a company to run program X."

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What's wild, is they released a lengthy post on their anti-cheat this month. At one point they mention that current vanguard has been bypassed/defeated...a bunch of lazy clowns.

It also shows LoL's old anti-cheat, you'd get cheaters/scripters/bots anywhere from 1 in 15 games, to 1 in 5, depending on your region. The higher your rank, the more you'd run into cheaters, too, by a lot. Riot games is just a cesspool of free 2 play trash that breeds the most toxic of people.

In a YouTube video I watched last year, a group came up with an extremely good A.I. powered anti-cheat. The kicker is this, they couldn't sell it to a single major studio, because said studios implied that their player count would suffer way too much.

None of these studio's give a single fuck about competitive integrity. Just stfu, keep playing 100s of matches in an obviously broken rank/match making system to slightly rank up, and give us $.

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Everyone I know that carries does so concealed. They don't care about deterrents or whatever, they're just taking a precaution they hope to never use. Like being mugged or attacked. Source: Texas.

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This x1000. If you want a good arch experience, without doing the install yourself, EndeavorOS is the way to go. Just whatever you do, stay away from Manjaro unless you want problems.

I've tried tons of Arch distros over the years out of laziness, once I already had success manually installing it myself.

I wish it was getting cheaper....I've been @ $6.35/month for their CD FLAC quality middle tier, with my veteran discount for a few years.

Has been perfect for my budget HiFi setup.

Now it's nearly doubling in cost, and they won't have the discount anymore....

It still is in some states 😥

Having played in one of the first tests, it's far from Sea of Thieves. 1 man controls the entire ship, opposed to a crew controlling 1 aspect of the ship at a time.

And it got boring very very fast.

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Unless you built with like, really old parts, I'm not sure how this would be a problem?

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Lmao, do they not know that online porn companies just region block any government dumb enough to pass these laws? A few months ago I read about PornHub and others region blocking a US state (IIRC), because they did the exact same thing.

IMO, a lot of people see the open carrying types to just be people cosplaying badasses. The type that has spent basically 0 time training to use it, outside maybe taking it to a range and firing off a hundred rounds. They see it as a gun to be stolen?

The only time I see open carry that seems to make sense in all of this is shop workers/cashier. I've been in stores that have a reputation based on what they sell to get hit by robbers, and the guy working is carrying outside his belt. Like a smoke shop or liquor store for example.

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"Meanwhile, poor countries are struggling to raise the estimated $1tn (£785bn) a year of external finance needed to help them cut emissions and cope with the impacts of the climate crisis."

It felt so sad to read this.

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I've distro hopped a decent amount over the years, and bazzite is easily the best fresh install and ready to game experience. I am all team red, though. Added bonus you no longer have to worry about updates or breaking things.

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Switch gears to, "I'm here for a good time, not a long time."

I'd think a bigger difference is he's a single YouTuber, the Verge and Engadget are actual companies with $ and man power.

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Riot's Vanguard is the only one that needs to start with boot, and always run in the background. Others can initialize and close when the game is done, IIRC. Which is why they can work with proton/wine.

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Phil Tippett's Mad God. It took the man like ~30 years to make the most fucked up, fever dream of a stop motion movie. I don't know what would be worse, watching it sober or high on anything.

I like to imagine, that like Stephen King, he did some wild drugs. But instead of writing a book and moving on, he just kept getting absolutely zooted for 30 years until this movie was done. Because that is the only reason that would justify that movie's creation.

Hear, hear! I freaking love unRaid. Just the right amount of minimal GUI. And it's not like it's expensive, I don't mind supporting the people that create this.

I thought that was a big Chad energy answer lmao

My Tidal Hi-Fi quality with veteran discount hasn't gone up a penny. It's like $6-7 a month for the CD quality lossless.

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The new Godzilla Minus 1 movie actually goes over this, >!they even use it against Godzilla to try and defeat him.!<

Just a heads up for anyone, bitwarden can be self hosted using vaultwarden. All of the bitwarden apps and extensions will work.

Also, for anyone already using their stuff, Proton Mail rolled out their password manager. I like it so far, the free edition is good.

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Riot's games can only be played with their own launcher, so no steam. They give a big message about "now installing vanguard, our anticheat," then inform you to reboot to finish the install, since vanguard is the only ring 0 anticheat that puts itself into the kernel start up, always running.

Tidal on Linux is a crap shoot, which sucks because pipewire is awesome for HiRes music since it can change sample rate on the fly to match a source. Best bet is Firefox and their web player, and using the middle tier "high" that's blue colored, and letting pipewire play @ 44100

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