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Joined 1 years ago

I can't speak to lions and mice, but chickens or even just birds in general will peck at anything smaller than them that moves.

Yeah, I saw that documentary. They would even sometimes team up with yellow triceratops.

Triple I as in triple Indie? That's cute as hell, I love it. I'm all for III over AAA.

Now THAT is a shower thought.

I didn't have sex with a girl I had a crush on for the longest time.

It didn't matter a bit in the long run, but it would have been nice.

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That dog is doing CPR all wrong.

They knew.

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My vote is 10 years as an arbitrary number, or 2 or more console generations as the graphics technology will have (hopefully) have advanced enough to make an impactful difference in graphics quality.

Control schemes have largely not changed since the PS3/360 era, so there would be no point in remaking a game solely for that, at least not if it's from around that era. For anyone that has played the Rare Replay, Rare Studio's entire collection of games, Jetforce Gemini (a N64 game) had an option in the control settings to make the controls modernized.

All in all, a game should be remade/remastered if it is going to be significantly different to its original form. A fresh coat of paint does not a remake, uh make. For the best example of proper remakes in my opinion, see the Demon Souls remake or the Halo 2 Anniversary edition.

I like Nickelback and I never understood the hate they got, even if they paid radio stations to play their songs or whatever the stupid controversy was.

There I said it.

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Does the application of glue to paper not make that paper a sticker?

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Everybody knows you go to Thailand for femboys.

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It's refreshing to see evil motherfuckers being evil openly instead of trying to hide it with doublespeak or outright denying it. I love Coffee Stain Studio's games and how they handle monetization, and this announcement makes me worried for both the studio and their projects.

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That is a sweet sentiment.

I got one for ya. I was changing the oil in my fiancée's car and wanted to know how to clear the "maintenance required" light so I looked it up online. First result was of course someone asking the same question to some sort of car forum. The top response? "That is something the dealership can do for you".

Motherfucker if I wanted the dealership to do it for me, I would have had them change my oil in the first God damn place! Jesus fuck that response just ruined my day. Utterly useless waste of kilobytes. Luckily the response right under his had the answer I was looking for. This happened like a month ago and I'm still pissed off about it.

They do this in every game that has a competitive scene. It's done as a means of eliminating random chance being the factor for a victory or defeat. Does that make it less fun? Depends on who you ask.

If you ask me, yes. But then I don't play competitively.

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Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

I like your funny words, magic man. Can you explain them?

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Wouldn't they have revoked your license by this point?

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For when you're tired of being regular and would like a break from all the pooping.

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We do, I just don't know how to link to communities in lemmy.

Edit: Did this do anything?

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Is this some Gen Z thing I'm too Millenial to understand?

I can't keep up with these kids.

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"Jorge wants to be hardcore and his mom won't let him"

For all my non-Spanish speaking peeps.

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This meme can vote

Edit: This song can vote

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Let's do some math, shall we?

Average person takes 12-20 breaths per minute. 0.05 × 12 = 60 cents a minute on the low end.

0.6 × 60 = $36/hr at minimum.

I was initially gonna say the steps one, but $36/hrs minimum just to exist? That sounds kinda tempting...

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Would you say that common sense changes with the generations? What was once common is no longer, and what was uncommon becomes common?

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Cautionary tale?

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Little of column A, little of column B

I haven't played it myself, but I've seen playthroughs of The Last of Us. Even though there's a sequel, I've heard the first one is better. Anyway, if engaging story is what you're after, I'd check that out.

I've also never played this one, but I've heard SpecOps: The Line is also a gutpunch.

It's a bit of a commitment, but I always found the Halo series to be kinda emotional to me, but then I also grew up with it and got invested in the characters. Your mileage may vary with Halo.

Final recommendation would be Ori and the Blind Forest if you're into platformers.

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Crying eyes. The period is a nose, and the legs of the n are tear streams while the horizontal line is a closed eye.

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Full speed ahead, tell her how you feel. It can only end in two ways:

  1. Your dream becomes a premonition and you live happily ever after.

  2. She tells you she doesn't feel the same way and it ends there, awkwardly or not.

Speaking from experience. I had a crush on this one girl and I just couldn't get her out of my mind. I decided to do something about it and asked her out. She said no and that was the end of it.

Don't be afraid to be awkward.

Edit: If this truly is an impossible situation (you or the instructor are already in committed relationships) then I agree with everyone else telling you to find another instructor.


Still do what I said but try to reconcile your feelings for her, with her. Also speaking from experience here. If she is a dance instructor, she is probably no stranger to having her pupils develop feelings for her.

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Thank you for answering the one Mister i didn't recognize.

Is Adam booping the snake on his snoot?

Also, looks like Eve was an absolute unit.

Gill doesn't sound so bad.

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What does it mean to you?

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So Bungie is officially dead

These are great QOL changes. I wonder why they waited for the DLC to release them instead of doing it with the colluseum update.

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