
42 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

meanwhile AliExpress still just rolls a d20 to select my language every time I visit them, then fail to load cause their cookies broke.

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yes I do wanna stroke a BNUUY too

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first thought is process bubblegum but no fucking clue what the thing on the right is.

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Aside from the other scumbaggery that Epic does, if you do wanna play their free games then atleast use heroic so you don't use the wasteheap that is the epic games launcher.

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Ngl, I've never had issues with either for ram. my experience with Firefox is mostly the sameas chrome with ram usage. The main reason Im on Firefox is cause it's been a whole lot more stable for me than chrome.

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Usually they look sorta out of place, earlier source games for example.

is that why it uses like a quarter of my processor to open the library/store

that is so cutee

helping people with their problems is quite fun when they are interested

the ad center in your account would be where you would tweak what kind of ads you get.

It's in data and privacy.

oh is that where that came from

it's like a glorified stretcher

looks like it really depends, has some information about the specific sensora they use.

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yes, prager university

no problem <3

what is the album art inspired by?

I wonder what happens if you press yes. It would be kinda boring if they just like extra searched you or something

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because you are focused on nothing but misery I suppose

what are those little nubs on their head? I thought it was ears but I think I see those.

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you too can add to this dream

I feel like the overlap is big enough that it pretty much counts

that fucking fox from the bloodline ads has an entire character arc in the ads

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I wonder if I ill become superhuman if I switch my water to milk of magnesia

Warframe and Minecraft wiki comes to mind

is the falling thing related to deafness or is that something else?

I use wired anytime I'm listening for more than an hour or so.

XMouseButtonControl is by far the best mouse macro software I have used (assuming you have no more than 2 side buttons)


no problem <3

last time I didn't use self checkout, the cashier keyed in all my stuff as organic when it wasn't :(

It's certainly unique

who the hell is god dating

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that would be kinda boring though

I love that like all animals have that thin fuzzy fuzz when they are young.

looking at pictures of canister vacuums, I wonder why the form factor isn't more popular. It seems incredibly convenient since you don't need to always be pushing the heavy motor around.

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System Engineer, Chapter 36 page 10


what in particular makes it more modern than 7zip?

you can always schedule a few texts every morning or night

how the hell will you lose it