CIA Rule

Nanomerce to – 464 points –

The new one just straight up looks like something out off a movie

deff looks like a generic movie evil corporation logo, at least they're not hiding it anymore

The old one probably did too. I mean a movie from 1950.

Try to look like a retro futuristic evil corporation speed run any %.

next theyll rebrand themselves as 'The Agency' or something

Hey, my ai buddy stable diffusion made the new logo, stop being mean guys

The new logo seems to be a website emblem, but yes, CIA is using a darkmode version of the Truman logo. Sadly it resonates too much with the thin-blue-line US flag, which usually signals allignment with the transnational white power movement.

But yes, we should be asking the department who they serve, since the US state and the executive branch are both tightly controlled by plutocratic ideologues. And I would want an intelligence agency to be more self-aware than blind obedience to the puppets of rich guys.

Post Trump, I expect CIA as per the Coen Brothers' movie Burn After Reading.

The new one looks like a holographic sticker on VHS movies to prove they're genuine and not a "shady pirate's 5^th generation copy with burnt-in Spanish subtitles that will break your VCR's tracking!"

Do you remember all the evil shit the CIA has done? Coups, assassinations, training terrorists, torturing people, backing genocides? And then how all the people responsible were brought to justice and the culture that allowed these atrocities to happen was forever changed? Haha, just kidding. That last part never happened.

Isn’t their world headquarters/flagship location literally at the George Bush Center for Intelligence? Chutzpah/folly.

They named that building after George H. W. Bush, a former president and director of the CIA. Makes sense to me.

Yeah the guy who was the head of the CIA during that whole Oliver North thing and no one remembers that... right?

Pepperage Farm remembers.

And so do I. I was in my late teens and didn't have enough context to understand it then. But I do now.

That's because Pepperidge Farms is a CIA front, they remember because they have all he wiretapping records.

Perspective change: Every Pepperidge Farms meme is just them reminding you of something they've successfully subverted from public knowledge. They're looking into the sea of sheep and staring directly at you and saying, "Yeah, we know you know. What are you going to do about it?"

Yeah, but given what we know now about him and his son, keeping the name is almost a tenth as bad as the FBI headquarters still being named after abuse of power pioneer J. Edgar Hoover..

It looks like a pog.

Also, apart means essentially the opposite of a part

Yeah there is quite the space between those two

Seems like CIA's meme warfare deprtment is doing great

Yes, because the problem with the CIA was that their logo was wrong.

No eagle? How am I supposed to know it's American without a big brown and white eagle on it!!!?