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Joined 1 years ago

The US doesn’t have a left wing party. We have a extreme right wing party, and a center right wing party. This both sides shit is stupid as fuck. “We want to ban gays” is extreme. “We want gay people to have rights” is not

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For those that need to hear this. Please don’t do this.

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Hey look! More mirroring of Nazi forces cling Germany! Fucking GOP

This is exactly it. It also wouldn’t surprise me if certain accounts had images from then that might get request by law enforcement that are now “oops all gone!”

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In my defense, I was really stoned at the time

Hell I’m 50 and I hate that shit. It’s the most pandering, “thought and prayers” bs since “thoughts and prayers”

Out of the two of these people only one is actually a billionaire :)

That’s gotta chap his orange ass

Hence forth this will be known as “Billiams law”

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Drink a cup of coffee THEN take a 20 minute power nap right after. Caffeine doesn’t clear the chemicals from the receptors that tell your brain you are sleepy. It DOES prevent those chemicals from binding for a while, so drink the coffee and immediately take a nap. Your body will clear up the Chema, and the caffeine will prevent the Chems still floating in your blood stream from making you tired again 20 minutes later

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Lottery numbers and a historical record of the stock market: first, win lottery then invest based on performance

Become a billionaire, then join the oligarchy and use my stock knowledge to bankrupt the rest of the oligarchy

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Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes, afraid of everything. They are like those little yappy dogs that bark at everything

The only good thing about Florida is eventually climate change will destroy it

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It’s because they are guilty of shit too, and they are afraid of their shit coming to light as well

I’m sure Fox is already adding her to their lineup

Doing alright, how you doing?

And it’s still a top seller

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Dude literally lived at 666 park avenue. Christians are stupid

Edit: 5th avenue, thanks blankets

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That shocks me that Equilibrium is only 40%.. it’s one of my favorite movies

Lol, that sounds very much “as a black man”

I’ll tell you, most of us in the states would love a total switch to metric. We use it where is matters most, but we also have an aging population raised on lead has fumes that think anything they don’t know is “communism” or “wholeness” or whatever else the propaganda right spews. Those are the assholes that pretty much stop progress on anything.

I’m big into 3D printing, actually got into the same argument with another 3D printing guy…. And I’m like, literally EVERYTHING we do is in metric. The whole damn hobby is metric.

I hate humanity

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Hate to tell you this, it’s no different here in the states. Wages have not been remotely kept track with inflation and home ownership is out of reach of most of the population

Hey, my ai buddy stable diffusion made the new logo, stop being mean guys

So is conspiring to overthrow the govt, so…..

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Yea, they take up too much funding that could be used for other orgs!

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And if they have trouble surfacing they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps

I mean sure, if you want to give your friends 3rd degree burns. A single ice cube is gonna throw oil a few feet. Explosively.

source: worked at a KFC in high school with a dumb ass who put a coworker in the hospital by throwing some ice in the fryer

Just close your eyes and let your mind wander. Even if you don’t fall asleep you get a large percentage of the benefits. The 20 minutes is because that’s about the best timespan for the body to rest without taking into a deeper slumber that’s hard to wake up from

He does, and also, didn’t we get you already?

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Russian oligarchs use Linux

You do realize asshole Republicans reverted before it could be more than implemented on a couple of highways

“Metric supporters argued the road signs were a crucial step in helping Americans get over any psychological blocks to switching measurement systems. But Republican Charles Grassley, then a congressman and now a senator from Iowa, killed proposed federal regulations that would have forced states to put up signs in kilometers.”

They literally locked putting up signs in both metric an Imperial

Also.. remember my comment about old fucks raised on gas lead fumes…. Yea, the 70s…..

But but, it makes fart sounds!! /s

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OH MY GOD! Mario was right! There’s turtles In the pipes!

That’s probably code for “We won’t let this be classified a hate crime. Stop targeting white people with your wokeness”

I hate this fucking timeline.

Well, that’s enough internet for today, day drinking anyone?

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210 pounds, yea in your bra!

This conspiracy theory is bullshit!

No! I am the leaker!

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I could see an mmo using it for small random side quest generation where any npc could give you a quest tailored to the character. That kind of stuff would go along way to make big open worlds more “living”

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It blows my mind with the amount of traffic you guys must be getting that you are only running one container and not running in a k8s cluster with multiple pods (or similar container orchestration system)

Edit: misread that a second was coming up, but still crazy that this doesn’t take some multi node cluster with multiple pods. Fucking awesome

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Why do you have to be so hurtful

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