38 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Isn't the whole point of Christianity that Jesus died for your sins, so by that logic Jesus died so you could have a divorce

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As an anarchist I tried being peaceful with tankies in leftist spaces, but the moment I criticized shit like Putin invading Ukraine they immediately turned on me. These people don't give a shit about leftism they care about state capitalism. After reading Lenin I now know why they hate other leftist so much, it's because he hated them too

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I hate the sub urbs, either go full urban or rural none of this cat dependant crap

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Sure I'll cuddle furries and give them kisses on their head

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If I remember correctly that line of thinking came from a fascist

What always confuses me is when I see a queer tankie or conservative, it's like why are you shooting yourself in the foot

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The new logo looks like an organization that would drug the populace to mind control

Dude the paradox of tolerance is literally saying we shouldn't tolerate in tolerance.

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Man's family took his advice

We gotta get to the libs before the tankies and fascists get to them

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Some people really need to fucking log off and find a lesbian to marry

Me trying to find that one really good porn that I liked a while back

It either turned you into a monster fucker or a furry, but yeah the beast was way hotter

Holy shit slutty sexy men in thigh highs

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Maga communism, which yes is a real thing, proves you 100% right

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Me and the boys turning into me and the girls

I don't know how it's hard to comprehend that you can just dislike both

Right wingers try not to make badass leftist propaganda challenge (Impossible)

Plato knew he was kenough

Bro you're thinking way too hard it's literally just saying don't be a bigot

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This is fucked up even if temporary. I do understand why they did it, I mean if my country was being invaded I probably wouldn't want the language and culture of the invader on my doorstep, but this still is a violation of freedom of speech.

This beats baby shoes for sale never worn, for saddest short story


I'm staying I like Lemmy better anyway, and Reddit has really gone down the shitter

Nuerodivergent depression be like

Ok give me a second

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Chad hater

The internet gave me a mommy fetish and I no longer look at some pokemon and tails the same

He's voting for the piss party

Shinji get in the Core processor

Only a pedophile eats pudding the way he does

I saw a meme that called breaking bad straight male yoai and honestly that is the best description

Me and the homies have a place we need to find

Yo we finally getting the movie we deserve


Bro you can't just spoil it's always Sunny to your partner like that

Would've been cooler if it was signed by Jesus but whatever

196 is truly back baby

Even peaceful protesters like MLK said that "riots are the voice of the unheard"


I need to absorb his crab powers