glad to be back rule to – 56 points –

Reddit refugee coming back to my favorite sub



If you are looking for a mobile app you can try Voyager/liftoff/connect. I absolutely love Voyager since every day there is a new update the devs have done to make it more enjoyable to use. You'll have to download it as a web app which isn't bad. It used to be called WefWef until recently. It's available here at

I also see you made an account on which is fine, but that server has been taken down by some asses a few times lately. Having an alternate account on a smaller server will help in those situations. I personally found the experience much faster and reliable on my alt and ended up leaving my account within 3 days of joining Lemmy. is a good choice and has the most active 196 that I've seen. Real nice people here.

Welcome to Lemmy again! :)