1 Post – 489 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh is that what the Bahamas are doing?

I think we need a blend of false equivalencies and dangerous extremes.

I prefer the look of overhand, but the oversize rolls pull better out of my inset holder when it's underhand

With "v" sounding like it does in other English words like valve.

Firstly, the energy output falls far short of what would be needed for a commercial reactor, barely creating enough to heat a bath. Worse than that, the ratio is calculated using the lasers’ output, but to create that 2.1 megajoules of energy, the lasers draw 500 trillion watts, which is more power than the output of the entire US national grid. So these experiments break even in a very narrow sense of the term.

It's so refreshing to see an article at least mention the way these tests are measured are based on the energy just in the laser itself and not the total energy used.

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There's this super frustrating trend where instead of making the paid version of things better, they just make the free version worse. Like how you used to be able to do background play on the YouTube app. It's like they know these features are good so implement them to attract people to use their service, and then later take it away to force the subscription.

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This is a person who was able to get a driver's license...

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They're stupidly strict about things like pot but unhealthy drinking habits are encouraged. The culture around these things causes so much harm.

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You're just sentencing your child to forever have to spell out their name to strangers

The details around the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand really jump the shark. Must've been a drug-fueled writing session on that one

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It has the properties of bubble and gum

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They're wearing them upside down? Maybe they were released too early

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Why does the sign flip?

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I heard this in a heavily autotuned Cher voice

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Wait, I haven't paid for text messages in probably 15 years. Where do they still charge for SMS? It's usually unlimited with any plan that I've seen

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Kung Pow only has a 13% critic rating and I love that movie. 69% audience score though so that might disqualify it.

I remember quite liking Slackers when I saw it (haven't rewatched it though, so my opinion might have changed). I think if this movie every time I hear the song "She'll be comin' 'round the mountain".

The Big Hit

Movies I saw 20 years ago it seems when maybe my tastes (and me too let's face it) were a little immature. Still love Kung Pow though

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The overlap between gangster rappers and Santa: cap

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Or maybe it does, who knows. It's the Cybertruck afterall

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Maybe the great filter is the misuse of apostrophes?

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The Matrix Still looks great and works as a trans allegory

Gattaca Getting more prescient with each year

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Imagine you're watching a movie, and the main character turns over to their bedside clock and it shows 4:13 am. With time zones we all understand what part of the day that is and instinctively can relate to the situation.

Without timezones, every locality would have a different shorthand and cultural understanding of what times mean what. Or they'd adopt a second system that helps transcend that but that's just inventing timezones again...

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With an essay, it would literally take hours.

Ignoring that this would get faster with the practise of typing it themselves:

How quickly are people writing essays these days? I'm a decently fast typer and it always took me a couple of hours to write a whole essay at that age. Once I was a few years older and was diligent in drafting a really good outline first I'd maybe get it to under a hour at the computer, but the speed of typing was never the bottleneck.

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Not only does it help from drying out, but it helps with smell too; some things are better detected with a slower airflow

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Yes, but unironically

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Gotta be food from a studio Ghibli movie

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Man, the places I could hike without having to carry a pack! Wouldn't need to plan for resupply or anything. Would have communication access from anywhere in the world.

You could use it as a kickass home gym where you can dial up or down gravity depending on what you're doing.

Smuggling would be a whole lot easier if you went that route. Transporting all sorts of things really; you only need to get yourself to the new location.

Could do some very amazing magic tricks since you can disappear (and swap props or outfits or whatever).

With gravity turned down you could presumably build up some momentum and launch yourself places. Not sure how you'd stick the landing unless you can control which way is "up" as you teleport to the room.

Edit: Just realised this idea is kinda similar to an ability from HunterxHunter

They could do what they did back in the day; show recommended videos based on the current one.

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Never mind the huge difference in impact from oil infrastructure and nuclear, context matters. Who the aggressor is makes a big difference.

Like, at the same time?

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How'd you solve the last 25%?

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The only thing I really hate about "AI" is how many damn fonts barely differentiate between a capital "i" and lowercase "L" so it just looks like everyone is talking about some guy named Al.

"Al improves efficiency in..." Oh, good for him

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Damn pedestrians, think they own the sidewalk! Rant, rant, rant

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Tesla co-founder? Since when?

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He didn't misspell her name, he was making a portmanteau with "Nimarata" and "Nimrod" because it's always playground insults with this guy

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Had to. Why are all the letters capitalized except for the f? And the keming is so bad it has to be on purpose.