9 Post – 857 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe.

Being fat has nothing to do with liking salads. You probably just don't know how to make a good dressing!

I think running Biden gives Trump a better chance of winning. It's obvious Biden isnt fit for the job. I'd vote for a wet sandwich over Trump, but I'm not someone the Democrats have to convince. The Dems need a dramatically different candidate to have a fighting chance this November.

Did we watch the same debate?? I saw and heard him. He's not fit to be anything but a retiree. I'll vote for him but I fear many won't.

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It could've been Sanders back in '16, maybe '20, but he's too old now. Don't switch one senile old fuck out with another.

I'd be very pleased with AOC, but she isn't too popular with a lot of people.

Or simply have YouTube links redirected to NewPipe.

Wdym? In Europe, political campaigns take a maximum of a few months. Campaigns that take years aren't the norm. Plus, if it's Harris, she's a known quantity.

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Woah, I didn't mean to say that Biden is a fascist. That's not what I meant at all. What I meant was that to keep a fascist (Trump) from the White House, Biden needs to step down.

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I hope you mean the car

Reading this comment is like reading a modern-day Book of Revelation.

I think that's something we can all safely kinkshame...

Is Lemmy the new Tumblr??

Fucking hell, isn't his goal to rid the world of preventable diseases? Giving everyone the knowledge to make their own medicine is very clearly a good thing!

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Hey, you know what? That first time you write it out in full is a first draft.

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Is really final if you "edit as needed afterward"?

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It doesn't. Synagogues don't have to pay taxes.

The worst part is, they're partnering with Tencent.

Telegram is dead.

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I voted for him. Sad to see him leave. It doesn't seem like we have many advocates for digital privacy in the parliament.

e: typo

Elon truly is one of the businessmen of all time.

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Fucking hell. IDF is doing an indefensible acts speedrun, I guess.

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Anybody else worried that PragerU is using lefty language in their propaganda?

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Idk man... Guns are kinda phallic... Wouldn't it be gay to make one shoot??

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You'll notice that the salmon is no longer alive.

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Fucking hell, what a backwards country. How hard is it to just let people wear/not wear what they want? Fuck!

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We need more people like her calling those shitheads out.

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This is why we need large-scale open-source AI efforts, even if it scares the everliving shit out of me.

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If the CCP wants you gone, they can have you gone, just like that. The only thing that keeps them from putting people like Naomi away permanently is international pressure. I'm worried for her, because I don't think that will hold for much longer.

A democratic one... shudders

The hexbears won't like this one.

But I do! Good post, OP.

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Can you really call a cave bat-infested if that's where the bats live? I don't refer to my apartment as being infested by humans. But maybe we can say that this planet is infested by us.

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Can't wait for him to rebrand it as Y

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We could learn a lot from Indy. Not the misogyny, mostly just the nazi-punching.

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Whenever machines have become better than humans at anything, we've still placed more value on the handmade items. Same applies here. Keep creating! People love your original stuff.

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So a man and a goat are trying to get across a river, and they have a boat. How can they get across?


To solve the problem of getting a man and a goat across the river using a boat, we need to know the constraints of the problem. Let's assume the following constraints:

  1. The boat can only carry one additional passenger besides the man.
  2. The goat cannot be left alone on either bank if there are certain items (like a cabbage or a wolf) that it might eat or be eaten by.

Given these constraints, here’s a typical solution if the man is trying to get a goat, a wolf, and a cabbage across the river without any of them being left together unsupervised:

  1. The man takes the goat across the river and leaves it on the other side.
  2. The man returns alone to the original side.
  3. The man takes the wolf across the river and leaves it on the other side.
  4. The man returns with the goat to the original side.
  5. The man takes the cabbage across the river and leaves it on the other side.
  6. The man returns alone to the original side.
  7. The man takes the goat across the river again.

If the problem is just about the man and the goat and no other items:

  1. The man and the goat cross the river together.
  2. Problem solved.

The solution might change if additional rules or items are introduced. If there are no additional constraints, the simplest method is just for the man to take the goat across directly.

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The Vikram lander and rover weren't designed to survive the lunar night so this was expected, but a loss nonetheless.

Imo the baby isn't really important here. It's the fact that she wasn't allowed to leave after experiencing abnormal pain while pregnant! We should be taking so much better care of pregnant people.

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Yet somehow only the smelliest turds float to the top...

Sorry, what reasoning did they give for this harassment? It's not like you were using a piece of pedestrian infrastructure for it's intended purpose or anything.

Finger banging

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That's what the horses want you to think... Who knows who they're selling your secrets to...

Damn horses...