Telegram starts to look like a super app, echoing WeChat to – 188 points –
Telegram starts to look like a super app, echoing WeChat | TechCrunch

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The worst part is, they're partnering with Tencent.

Telegram is dead.

This week, TON Foundation announced that it’s forged a partnership with Tencent Cloud, which has “already successfully supported TON validators and plans to expand its services further to help meet TON’s high compute intensity and network bandwidth needs.” Validators, in web3 lingo, are participants that help authenticate transactions in a blockchain network.

It looks like the partnership with Tencent only extends to their Web3 blockchain thing, and there doesn't seem to be any partnership in the main app so it's not the end of the world - at least, for now.

Also, what even is this TON blockchain? I never knew Telegram had anything to do with crypto :/

Yeah, nah. Anything the CCP can slip it’s slimy festering little dick into, it will.

There’s no way in hell that Telegram is secure.

I guess, but I don't see how much they can really influence Telegram without any stake in the app itself. They only seem to have a deal for cloud-hosting with the TON Foundation, a non-critical part of the app, and even that appears to be non-exclusive. So if Tencent tries to force a bad decision onto Telegram, what's stopping them from severing ties and moving everything over to another provider?

Of course, we don't know what the situation will be like in the future, but at this present moment, I don't think Telegram's security has been breached by this. (Also I think you triple-posted this comment)

Apologies for triple post. Lemmy seems a bit unresponsive so sometimes I hit ‘post’ a couple of times without realising that it actually registered.

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Telegram is partnering with tencent??

They are renting server space off a big company, not much different than AWS or Azure.

Except that it is

You are just used to aws. They are a shit company too.

Tencent is a CCP front. No way they are just letting Telegram operate on their hardware without snooping some. No guarantees about data security when you're operating on someone else's switches.

Yeah, sure. Totally different from having backdoors to the NSA or collecting massive amounts of personal data for targeted ads.

EDIT: You can't trust ANY company if your concern is privacy; your data is just too profitable (for them) to sit there untouched.

Amazon and Google are NSA fronts. You are just used to what you know. Our computers have chips in them made by Intel, with closed firmware. Our operating systems are made by Microsoft, Google and Apple.

I agree that it's better to be under American spies than Chinese spies but it's mostly the same idea of monitoring everyone and making sure they stay in line.

The entire point of E2EE is that it doesn't matter who the host is.

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