64 Post – 445 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you are going to use this account to auto-post, yes you should be tagged as a bot, alternatively I would recommend making a second account for this task.

My belief is that they want to tokenize Karma and any other reward/currency will compete against their new tradable currency.

I believe they had already said years ago that the r/CC moons was a test run for something site-wide.

Personally I made $300 after moons first tanked, just from some lame comments in the subreddit that was ruined by the scheme.

I will likely use my 150k+ Karma account for profit if this happens and it won't be for the benefit of the community like the last decade of my activity used to be.

Lemmy is now where I participate in a positive way.

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v2.0 is all well and good, but it's still 3 years after I bought it, not giving them the benefit of the doubt next time.

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You ask for a comment regarding an accusation, this wasn't something to get a comment for, it was the details and evidence itself which is not refutable.

If there was a claim against someone of an event that cannot be shown, you would ask them for their version of events, if the news had a clear video of an irrefutable event they would not require comment for what the video itself would clearly demonstrate.

Steve's video was demonstrable information through explicit evidence, it wasn't something that a comment would have shed light to as the only appropriate comment that could be made be a public response.

The content of the video could not have been changed and given what was demonstrated, it did not serve the viewerbase to wait for the response of the larger platform with greater reach.

Linus Tech Tips has the reach needed to be seen by at least as many viewers with their response.

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Install official version from Microsoft website.

Open PowerShell;

irm | iex

This authenticates Win and/or upgrades version Home/Pro is his product he owned, that is loosely associated with PayPal's success despite it having nothing to do with the tech that it was merged for.

By "absorbing" twitter with his original X company that is older than twitter, he can pretend to be the founder of the parent company X, like he pretends to be the founder of Tesla.

The next step is for the ad-tier to go to $7.99, $8.99, $9.99

The strategy was always to make the ad-free options more valuable by comparison.

In no more than 36 months, the ad-tier will cost the $9.99 it was intended to replace, making Netflix having successfully added ads to the base tier, for no discount.

USB 3.0 is already 15 years old.

I'm sure they got better, but they never won me back, that original feeling of disappointment is still associated with the games for me.

It's always a matter of how much electricity and how efficient is it.

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500mb 1080p HEVC for most shows on a 75" TV, but if it's a space sci-fi show with lots of dark scenes I need that 1GB-2GB episode.

Some shows get by on 200MB, but it depends how static the scenes are and how much lighting there is.

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It's about the server access sellers, but to block a whole major VPS instead of accounts that commit the violation is kinda absurd.

It looks like another step towards further restricting what users can do with their servers, local or virtual.

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SyncForLemmy sub is unavailable outside the app!

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That little quip at the end implying that they could be targeted in public over this, with the intention to have journalists write as if we are flying off the handle.

This isn't Rick & Morty's szechuan sauce crowd, these are the moderators and content creators of the website. We are peacefully protesting his poor conduct.

The worst that's happened is that he's had some memes made about him and himself alone.

Reddit is digging their own grave.

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They were happy to come in and get everything for free from us, now that they are inconvenienced by a decade of content production/moderation being screwed over, they don't care at all.

We couldn't talk about real digital piracy anymore after seeing so many subs that were acceptable early in Reddit's lifespan get taken down, some deserved, some not.

Having our own server based sub is extremely beneficial and this particular community was lucky that this event occurred. If anyone would like to talk about PC Gaming in a piracy friendly environment, checkout !

Oh my show is no longer available on my paid subscription? It's still right here on my server.

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I know I'm angry with Reddit atm, but that is the first time I have seen a Reddit post embedded in an article like that, I just had a look at the embed options and they are very good. I assume that Reddit is trying to fill the hole that Twitter left when Elon had no idea why embedded tweets were good for traffic.

It's a shame that I strongly dislike too many of nuReddit features, it meant I missed the good ones using oldReddit.

It would be a very long way away, but a lemmy embedded feature in the future would be cool, I especially liked how you could opt for dark mode.

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I had thought those where your words at first, you can quote like this;

These people who are mad, they’re mad because they used to get something for free, and now it’s going to be not free. And that free comes at the expense of our other users and our business. That’s what this is about. It can’t be free.

I'm struggling to show you what symbol it is without it turning into a quote, so here's a picture of the greater than symbol;

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It's almost like a sitcom.

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How niche are we talking

Literally all you need is enough money and you can pay smart people to do impressive things, while taking all the credit.

I'm still amazed that they decided to do this, given how involved they are with this type of thing.

I had already moved to porkbun, but Google Sites was such an easy way to make a simple webpage with a domain.

I own this domain and don't have anything better to use it for, so it's a shorter link to the above mentioned community indexer.

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I agree with the diversification of ownership, it's too large now for one couple to own outright and be in the best interest as an organisation.

The point of the restriction was to silently remove the apps with excuses that it's just a side effect of other actions.

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Not quite yet, it's assumed that some of the bigger Reddit apps that are shutting down may do all three to maximise their userbase.

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I really hope Jellyfin gets a leg up soon, as a Plex Lifetime Pass owner I have become more and more discontent with the platform.

When I paid for my personal licence, it included downloads for all my users, now its cutoff to only older users. I had expected that Plexamp would only be restricted to me while it was being developed, but it remains locked away from my users should never individually have a reason to subscribe for just themselves.

I bought my licence to support the company for the use of my server and I feel like they've only downgraded my service in the last couple years. Getting new users to jump through all of the hoops with their pinned content, only to have them ask me why there are adverts on my movies is frustrating.

I feel like very little has improved in the core product in years, my users default settings are still transcoding to the same bitrate, or 10x its bitrate. Every time I have made a valid suggestion on the old subreddit, the Plex devs had plenty of time to reject any and all criticism.

I don't believe Plex is going to get much better and likely we will see further erosion of our licences as the company only focuses on free users and the FAST service. I will keep checking in on jellyfin and alternatives, hopefully they get a boost soon.

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I believed that I was being unfairly marked with a biased grading.

I got access to admin privileges, found another students essay from the same class but different timeslot, knowing what grade they got after handing it in early, I changed nothing but the font and name and handed it in to get a full letter grade less than the original student had.

I couldn't keep myself from complaining about it and was suspended over it, but it was a privilege when I knew I was right.

Edit: To clarify, it was the same teacher for both class groups.

Venues will just need to implement infrared checks at the door.

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Any platform that believes it should be their choice whether the user can opt-in to any part of the fediverse, is a big no from me.

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It's crazy to me that Infinity and Relay think they can get by on subscriptions, when the only people who use it enough to pay a subscription, use it more, making it exponentially more expensive as it's based on usage.

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Some armies use cheese to reduce frequency of bowel movements.

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That's what I do, but it requires doing it frequently, as for OP they should start fresh with a new profile which can be under the same login via channels.

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I think that Lemmy Gold, Silver & Bronze are inevitable, with say a 90/10 cut to instance/lemmy-devs.

It would be best if the developers and the biggest instances agree on a standard payment system to implement into the Lemmy UI.

I've already donated to my instance as it's a regional one, I didn't buy Reddit Gold, but Lemmy Gold/Silver/Bronze is appealing to me given the money goes to a much smaller local group.

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I have my doubts, it's not a great variety I'm nutrients and it wouldn't be an ideal overall diet, but I am very doubtful that it killed her.

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Many of us are sharing without reward and have strong ethical beliefs regarding for-profit distribution of material versus non-profit sharing.

I'm torn, because normally I wouldn't want a company like microsoft to buy such a big publisher, but what Activision did to Blizzard was so bad that Microsoft would be an improvement.

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