Futurama Revival to Cover COVID, Bitcoin, NFTs, and More

Briongloid@aussie.zonemod to Futurama @lemmy.world – 119 points –

Hmm that's not promising news for me. I've found Futurama works best when it's handling things not directly related to current events. I've been concerned about this season in general since I heard about it, more so after seeing the trailer, and even more so now.

As someone who’s gone through those same feelings on previous revivals, my recommendation is to remain cautiously pessimistic.

I’ve been watching new Simpsons for whatever reason and every single episode is about social media or tech company.

Dread is the only way I can describe the feeling I get when I realize the episode is about like Uber or Elon.

reading this gave me fucking ptsd flashbacks to the few pieces of such media i've viewed, pretty sure i've only caught snippets of modern simpsons and stuff like the emoji movie and yet it's like it's infected my brain.

I hope stories don't overly rely on them, since so many shows do pop culture focused story lines that they start feeling like reskins with the same general plot.

Yeah I was a bit worried after seeing the trailer. Really hope it is just a bit and not whole episodes about covid shit. It honestly feels late to even be doing anything covid related anymore.

I can see this working if the show is capable of containing these things to a few jokes here and there, and keeps the socially-tied aspects subtle and more on the surface. If they dive too deep, it won’t feel like a Futurama episode.

The problem with these topics is that they’re all very politically and socially charged. The internet episode was great because they could easily make a ton of jokes about ads, porn, chat rooms, etc. and keep it light. I can’t see the same being done with something like COVID, but it could be funny with NFTs and crypto, as long as they don’t go too deep and end up pulling you out of the humor.

I still need to watch the trailer.

The last revival was just ok, this seems like it will continue that trend.

The original series was great. The movies were nice. The rest.... Eh.

They can cover whatever topic they want as long as it's funny.

They're gonna do the same thing to this that they did to Clone High, aren't they?

Well, I don't disagree with you about what they did to Clone High, but Futurama's history with cancellations/reboots is pretty unique, and they've gotten pretty good at it.
When I first watched the one with Susan Boyle/Susan the Boil, I rolled my eyes because that was already old news when the episode came out. But upon rewatch, that episode did give us some great jokes ("Shut up and take my money!") and good satire.
They also sometimes do classic movie plots or "scary" episodes, and each season has an anthology. I for one am confident this season will be entertaining.
(also, I love the anthology episodes, sue me lol)