3 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Getting strong “MTV made my child addicted to the devils lettuce” vibes from these comments

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Billion user platform that’s popular with young people has young people interested in easy to get drugs. Won’t someone think of the children

Ugly people make music all the time.

You really gonna tell me Ed Sheeran is good looking? Post Malone?

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Did we read the same post?

Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it

I guess your comment makes sense if you find those two attractive.

Like I get the boomer joke of music these days sucks but my comment was leaning into joke.

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I miss IBC I think they went bust or some shit so you can’t find them anymore.

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to keep people talking about

Honest question but do they really keep people talking about climate change?

I feel like this is the tenth stunt that I’ve read about then came into the comments and it’s just the same talk about exposure vs art vandalism.

I generally just leave these posts more exhausted and don’t give a shit about exposure or vandalism in the end. With climate change being something the furthest from my exhausted mind.

There’s a behind the bastards two parter on this topic

Nothing like having to swat away 10 text boxes of bullshit on launcher start.

When the game finally starts you get 10 more boxes and then ads for the season pass you couldn’t give a shit about.

Fr anime is never ok

Not only that but it’s a worse user experience all around.

I fucking hate the EGS and Xbox stores for browsing new games. Most of the time you’ll get an animated video that’s not game footage and two screenshots that don’t tell you shit.

Not to mention that the formatting is so bad that the client requires you to basically be in fullscreen but you’ve still gotta scroll a mile down to get any info.

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Who tf wants to see profile pics

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You know whoever chose the main article image was giddy af when they found it for this article.

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We’re lucky that Ubisoft doesn’t make any good games.

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For me the appeal of a car was having somewhere private to do drugs, awkwardly make out with girls, and hide from my parents.

I feel like those things are somewhat timeless?

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Is less people really such a bad thing? We’re at a point where everyone’s already complaining about housing and climate change.

We can blame the 1% and we can say the elderly will suffer but something’s gotta give. I feel we’re all buying into a pyramid scheme.

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Side rant but one of my Comp Sci professors was a house member and he was gone for a few weeks out of a semester.

I hated him because he required us to still go to class just to have his TA hand out some shitty worksheet.

When he was there he was also a shitty professor

Swifties go harder than metal fans, confirmed.

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The brake pedal slides an opposite side magnet closer to you.

I mean it’s not like we’re throwing away the blueprints and plans to mass produce them. Don’t need to worry about upkeep and storing now.

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It’s funny that they’d note Nixon as a mentionable guest when Nixon hated India more than the normal baseline amount of hatred at the time.

“The most sexless, nothing, these people. I mean, people say, what about the Black Africans? Well, you can see something, the vitality there, I mean they have a little animal like charm, but God, those Indians, ack, pathetic. Uch.”


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If it doesn’t come from loch ness it’s just sparkling whisky

I’m not sure who is in charge of community relations over at CA but they probably shouldn’t be lol

unconstructive (critical without offering solutions)

You don’t need to offer solutions when complaining about something not working or feeling right, jfc.

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Right? I was telling my wife the other day that I want to see a gallery of all the Jesus pictures that get donated to a Goodwill when a grandma dies.

Yeah I was about to say these people spent a lifetime using immigrant labor. They probably still get kicks out of having someone beneath them wipe their asses

Always pretty lame to see weapon nerfs in pvm games since I couldn’t care less what someone’s abusing to hit their endgame quicker.

I don’t play with randoms so for me the fun of stonger gear is that I can fill the rest of my gear with joke gear. Sometimes my group will rock all mines and mortar sentry to try and blow each other up.

Edit: the railgun did need a nerf tho I mainly mean like the other smaller weapon changes.

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Real John Mcafee vibes

Feel like this is one of those games that’s super fun but flawed to a point you can’t fix it. Like the last time I played without any cheesy strats, I found myself not wanting to build anymore because the exploders would destroy everything so building a base was pointless.

We’d just find a random gas station or something and just remove any way the dudes could climb up. It’s fun for a bit but after a while you’re just shooting fish in a barrel.

Slang as well. Apparently my grandma was hood af so when I tried to use what little German I knew my teacher was like that’s some informal shit.

Dawg like a year ago I came back into the office for the first time since Covid and all the 20 year olds had somewhere between pedo stashes and handlebars. Zoomers crack me up they’re great

We’re just calling everything ADHD now

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Careful, the next generated image is gonna contain a windmill with clogs for blades

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Jesus, I thought heat treating had become the norm for dealing with bed bugs?

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$2.50 Cones were my breaking point. The tourist trap general store next to me does a decent waffle cone for $4.

Idk but wtf are people always doing on their phone in the car. Am I the weird one where I can’t even think of anything I’d like to do on my phone while driving? I can change media and text my wife all via voice control if I need to.

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I do feel like a lot of people here are on guard and that doesn’t make for the best vibes.

My wife was asking me the other day how my “shitty Reddit” was doing. I told her it was like someone rounded up all the little twerps that require you to add fine print to everything you say on Reddit.

Also if you post more casual things to a specific sub then you’re almost guaranteed to get downvotes from people just browsing the ‘all’ feed. Like who gives a shit about downvotes but it does make it harder to gauge if they’re from people in the community not interested or just randos.

Fly fishing

Got yelled at as a kid for playing with your pole too much? Then it’s the hobby for you. Can practice in your backyard and it’s fun just to whip shit around

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Don’t forget blackface thing mon

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I use my credit cards for everything I purchase because I get some cash back or other incentives along with fraud protections.

My brother’s a psychopath who plays his credit score like it’s a game so he has like ten cards and a 800+ score he’s proud of.

I make nearly three times as much as him and it took me forever to get an 800 so maybe he’s onto something but fuck that game.

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That and even if I agree with a lot of the posts you’ll notice that they’re posted by the same people at a very alarming rate. I’ve ran through and blocked anyone who posts the same topic every 6 minutes. Since then my feed has been less monotonous and slightly more authentic.

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