
11 Post – 478 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸

These are pretty standard UI patterns.

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The DLC is batshit difficult, but all that does is make me try harder, learn movesets, and watch videos from pros. That’s part of the fun and achievement for me personally… but I also grew up in the 80s and 90s era of gaming where we had ZERO handholding.

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I’m gonna check your video out. I attempted the furnace golem once, but it was mostly to observe its moves. That thing destroyed me lmao.

Any tool that calls itself “open source” and uses proprietary encryption that they refuse to let any neutral third party review, should absolutely not be trusted.

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This is a good reminder that if you work in tech or in the video game industry, no amount of good work, overtime, creativity, awards, or anything of the sort, can save you from the chopping block. Capitalism will ruin everything you love.

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Elon is a masterclass in the Dunning-Kruger effect.

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This quote from the article is exactly why I absolutely won’t bother with OW2–“free” or not:

"I somehow purchased Overwatch 1 for $40, which Blizzard then deleted and created this predatory microtransaction simulator instead"

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Lemmy is a massive collection of separate servers and communities run by people. Therefore no government has a hold on it. I’m a guy that pays money out of his own pocket monthly to run a Lemmy server. If the government is controlling it, that’s news to me, and my comment history is pretty damn anti-government.

The whole point of decentralization is to remove control from the corporations and governments, and put it back into the hands of the people.

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Using high school as a marker for what to expect for the rest of life is such a terrible idea. Just throw that in the rubbish and go experience people for yourself. Wade through the assholes and you’ll find tons of nice folks just trying to live.

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The MOVE bombing. The fact that the Philadelphia police dropped not one but TWO explosive devices on the roof of their house via helicopter is still nuts to me. What made it even worse was the fact that the fire department showed up and let it continue to burn, destroying 61 evacuated neighboring homes and leaving 250 people homeless.

Any time I tell someone about it that hasn’t heard the story, they’re skeptical.

Another one is the time I learned that I was under local surveillance for being an activist that was part of a local non-violent black liberation org. The police would send a unit weekly to check my whereabouts and movements. I learned through a friend of a friend that didn’t even know who I was, but knew my name and that I was on a surveillance list. Pretty sure they were checking in on everyone involved.

Edit: if this comment has taught me anything, it's that you're better off not engaging with pointless nitpickers and police apologists. Fuck me for having an opinion.

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What’s to stop every single corporation from leveraging third party contractor companies just to escape union bargaining? Cognizant seems like a company that basically exists for this reason. Both Amazon and Google play this game and it’s infuriating.

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I will never defederate from y’all ❤️

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This is actually a thing. It's called "Model Collapse". You can read about it here.

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And he’s still getting a $56b pay package.

Money isn’t real.

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A lot of people are on the Fediverse to escape these corporate data-hoarder apps. It’s so weird to still see people embracing the abusers. It’s like we’ve learned nothing.

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“Well I’m sorry that you feel that way.”

That’s how this comes off. The ultimate non-apology. Fuck off, Unity.

Edit: something to consider is that Unity intentionally made this change as terrible as it is so that they could put out this apology, and roll things back to where their main goal was the entire time. It’s kind of like when you list your house for a high price so that it gets negotiated down to the price range you wanted from the outset. Don’t be shocked if Unity changes this a bit but keeps it essentially the same. It means they can then reflect on history and go “hey, remember that time we listened to the developers?” while still fucking them over.

They seem to think we’re all stupid.

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I just installed Nobara today so I could finally rid myself of Windows hell and it’s been amazing.

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The idea of "work vacations" only exists because capitalism demands the entirety of our lives. I’m not working on my vacation, period.

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And radar.

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They claim that they use photos from satellites and fixed-wing aircraft, but refuse to show the photos to both the owner and the news outlet. I can almost 100% guarantee the company is lying about how they obtained the photos and won’t show them because it would prove they did use a drone. Admitting to using a drone would open up a can of legal issues for them that they want to avoid.

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There is no way they can legally enforce retroactively charging. How the fuck is that even possible or legal?

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My solution is to steer clear of Google products. They excel at producing disposable… everything.

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Facebook. I never willingly go on it, but my friends all use it for events and shit. It’s funny hanging out with them and having someone mention things from a group chat I’ve never even touched. I absolutely refuse to install that fucking malware they call Messenger.

Other than that, anything Google. Have to use it all for work.

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For the widest device coverage, Plex is probably your best bet. I run a Plex server and can watch from anywhere on our network because they have apps on everything.

An alternative would be Jellyfin. I haven’t used it myself but have heard nothing but good things. I’m just not sure how device coverage is.

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Google search is horrendous now. Instead of showing you relevant search results, it’s become an advertising race to the top game. If they can find “sponsored” links or shopping results related to your search, those go to the very top space. It’s about to get way worse as the rise of AI continues to rot the brains of board room suits.

I use Ecosia and DDG. Ecosia on my personal laptop, and DDG on my phone browser.

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My instance will most definitely not be federating with this. It’s Meta. Untrustworthy to the core. I didn’t spin up my own Lemmy server and pay out of pocket monthly just to loop bullshit social media companies back into it.

Cops in the US are lazy and entitled as fuck. They also don’t represent or defend the working class; they exist to protect the rich and uphold the status quo. It also doesn’t help that the US still doesn’t take online harassment as serious as it should.

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Had an old landlord keep my deposit when I moved out just because they could. We left the apartment absolutely spotless and never damaged anything. In fact, we added value by fixing a couple small things. Didn’t matter.

Fuck landlords.

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I see we’ve teleported back into the 1990s during the violent video games scare among parents. Gotta make excuses instead of, you know, actually facing the real problems.

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You shouldn’t anyway. Their vehicles are terrible.

I had a 2003 Ranger that was in tip top shape. I was the only owner and regularly took it in for oil changes and maintenance. Sitting at a stop sign one night on my way home from work and the engine starts knocking out of the blue. Piston fucked and the engine is completely shot. That was like 1-2 months after a full tune up.

My mom had a Ford Focus. As soon as it was out of warranty, everything on that car went south. The electronics, the transmission, everything. That car was a massive piece of shit.

tl;dr - Ford fucking sucks.

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Etsy is now just as enshittified. Almost everything on there is dropshipped bullshit from AliExpress. You have to trudge through a massive amount of crap listings just to find anything handmade.

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There have been a few times in my life where I pirated a game or album, and ended up liking them so much I legitimately purchased them.

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The writer should maybe go and visit some nursing homes. They’ll find a fuckload of poor old people that are most definitely not wealthy.

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There are a lot of hotels where you can get apartment-esque amenities without the bullshit. They’ve made efforts to make hotels feel more at home and it’s nice.

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I ditched Brave ages ago when the ad and crypto bullshit really ramped up, and finding out Peter Thiel was involved and Brendan Eich was a bigot, were more than enough to keep me away from Brave.

I currently use Arc on desktop because it makes my life as a busy dev much easier to organize, and Safari on iOS because every browser on there is just Safari anyway. iOS Safari + custom DNS to block ads. Works for me.

I’d use Firefox but Arc’s organization features have become insanely useful.

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It has taught me that imposter syndrome fucking sucks.

On a more serious note, it’s taught me to be a solid ally for colleagues but always be skeptical of the business owners and decision makers themselves. I woke up to a layoff along with 5 other people and was laid off for 3 months before I found a new gig. Don’t allow emotions to cloud your job search. It’s all a negotiation and you should push for whatever you can get in terms of salary, PTO, etc. Never sell yourself short because the company sold you some story about how they need help.

I work with AI and don’t necessarily see it as “dangerous”. CEOs and other greed-chasing assholes are the real danger. They’re going to do everything they can to keep filling human roles with AI so that they can maximize profits. That’s the real danger. That and AI writing eventually permeating and enshittifying everything.

A hammer isn’t dangerous on its own, but becomes a weapon in the hands of a psychopath.

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These old meat sacks are obsessed with starting wars. Fuck sake, give the world a rest already.

Yep. I’m a programmer and have felt like I’m in a perpetual state of burnout for years. The work doesn’t interest me much these days, and I haven’t done a side project in ages. Being laid off for 3 months didn’t help, nor does feeling like all of the work is pointless. Im basically a prisoner to my work because the alternative is going broke and becoming homeless. Ain’t capitalism grand??

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