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Using high school as a marker for what to expect for the rest of life is such a terrible idea. Just throw that in the rubbish and go experience people for yourself. Wade through the assholes and you’ll find tons of nice folks just trying to live.

While that is true... There is still a ton of high school bullshit going on, especially in workplaces.

All the same drama and gossip... I'm so glad I don't work in an office anymore.

Retail jobs are the worst for that because most people there ended up working them right out of high school

It's true. I think the amount of attention highschool gets, from people saying it was the best years of their lives, to adults coming down hard on you to do the best thing for your future, to your peers seemingly having an amazing time while you're not, winds up making teens feel like it is indicative of how life will be in general.

It never made sense to me, but I wasn't having a GREAT time until I was in my mid 30s. I had something like a 7 year party. Disposable income, before the worst of my aches set in, and just doing whatever I wanted as long as I made it in to work.

High school was Lord of the Flies.

It just goes to show the average age of anons. Too sad if they plateau around that.

  • "X raped my childhood!"
  • "Jeez, Michael, you're in your 20's."