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I bought a phone mount one, it charges quite fast and it is so much easier to place my phone in the dock and have it charge. It does get quite warm but that's easily remedied by pointing an AC vent to the back of the phone.

Honestly it sounds like you got a low wattage one and yes those do charge much slower.

Pregnant woman are supposed to report cravings like that to their doctor... Apparently it can be a symptom of a serious problem.

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While that is true... There is still a ton of high school bullshit going on, especially in workplaces.

All the same drama and gossip... I'm so glad I don't work in an office anymore.

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IIRC, this is a big deal because they are achieving more energy out than they put in.

If I've been reading these correctly they are achieving it with tiny amounts of fuel and slowly working up as they achieve success. I'm seeing these as proof of concept and fantastic steps in the right direction.

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I'm not sure why you got downvotes... You're correct. Some of the pills do absolutely affect arousal and libido.

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Well done steaks are fine as long as they aren't dry... This picture is of a piece of meat most of the way to jerky without anything that makes jerky good.

This is why they changed their API policy the way they did. They wanted to sell it rather than let bots scrape it for free.

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Yeah, it's just nonfood things. The main one that it manifests as is clay.

The ones that freak out over an acorn are cheaper and easier to brainwash.

I can see you put in /s but for anyone who really doesn't know Meta(previously Facebook) was basically constantly in court for various data violations. Anything you give them, they will be selling it and rarely will it be within their own guidelines let alone the law.

If you aren't doing photography prints there are plenty of nice brother color laser printers.

If you are doing photography... I hear good things about the ecotank printers.

My favorite fps achievement took place in Halo on the Xbox. We did the thing to play online and during an online ctf match I was on point with the sniper rifle. The match was tied up for flag captures and we were in a stalemate for a bit. The other team managed to get our flag and were running it back. As I'm in my sniper spot trying to line up the shot they all jumped at nearly the same time right into my sights. I take the shot and head shot every one of them... Except for the flag carrier because they apparently jumped just a tiny bit ahead of the others and dropped just enough to go under the bullet.

The entire lobby was going nuts over that last sniper shot. Even though we lost it was the talk of the match. The loss sucked but that shot was amazing. I quit playing for the day after that... No way was I going to top it so I left on a high.

You're not far off... Basically any news outlets with any ties to murdoch get a script for what they have to say.

There was a YouTube video not long back that pulled clips from a bunch of local news stations and showed how they were all saying the exact same thing almost verbatim... It started cutting between them in succession and the report was still coherent.

Walmart claimed it as well.

Seems like your joke didn't quite land... But I liked it

Impeachment is saying and "proving" someone is guilty of a thing.

The problem is, it's entirely separate from the consequences... You can be impeached and also suffer nothing except for the knowledge that you are publicly guilty of what you did.

Except they still believe that one... They even know what color it is.

It's blue, apparently, and you can protect your home from it by painting your roof blue... Doesn't matter what shade of blue, just so long as it is blue.

True to form... Someone began advertising their blue paint as protection from the laser.

Almost any brand has good products... Just look at the business lines of products. They are much higher quality and usually come with a decent warranty.

I had one years ago... It never made a sound. It just recorded how I drove and I started getting safe driver discounts on my insurance.

I rarely print anything but when I do it is almost always documents.

I bought a brother laser printer. It's only black and white but it has been flawless on every device I want to print from. I expect the starter cartridge to last me at least another year and any replacement will have a larger capacity.

The ink jet that got replaced would have had at least 3 cartridge changes by now and those easily cost more than what I spent on the laser printer.