Reddit and the End of Online ‘Community’ to – 215 points –
Reddit and the End of Online ‘Community’

A standoff between the site and some of its most devoted users exposes an existential dilemma.


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I had thought those where your words at first, you can quote like this;

These people who are mad, they’re mad because they used to get something for free, and now it’s going to be not free. And that free comes at the expense of our other users and our business. That’s what this is about. It can’t be free.

I'm struggling to show you what symbol it is without it turning into a quote, so here's a picture of the greater than symbol;

To display formatting characters without having them actually affect formatting, put a backslash in front of them. Like this:


That produces this:


Oh, nice! So I set the quote in between the greater then and less then symbols and it will show the quote? That is pretty cool. Thank you.

Not quite I think. I believe this uses markdown, which just uses the > at the beginning of a line

> This is a quote

should become

This is a quote

And if you need more lines, you just keep symboling

> 1
> 2
> 3


Feels like I'm back on Reddit circa 2015 LOL

This never changed for those of us who used old reddit ;)

I had no idea it was different for new Reddit, I never touched that interface except to hurriedly find my preferences and set them back to Old. :)

Well it did because everyone on old Reddit already knew how to use it LOL

And I believe you can do a multi line quote with 3:

>>> hello darkness my old friend
I've come to speak with you again

hello darkness my old friend
I've come to speak with you again

Unless I'm wrong and this isn't actually working

Hmm well that looks like it worked too well

> test


Nah, multi-line is just

> line 1
line 2
line 3

line 1
line 2
line 3

You only need multiple > if you want paragraphs:

> paragraph 1

> paragraph 2

paragraph 1

paragraph 2

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