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And the type of meat changes the math significantly. Beef is notoriously inefficient and produces an insane amount of GHG emissions compared to more efficient meats like chicken, pork, and farmed fish.

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Mhmm a top secret attack on a school...

On a Saturday? During Shabbat?

There's sides to this. On one hand, targeting poor workers isn't a good look. On the other hand, if you can afford a massive new and clean SUV/pickup in Hamburg of all places, you're probably not a poor worker.

I say go for it. It's better than blocking traffic.

Ah yes, American truths like "Iraq has WMDs and that's why invading them is the fair and just thing to do," "abortion is bad for human rights," "the US isn't collecting all of your internet traffic because that would be a violation of privacy," and "this CIA-funded coup of a democratically-elected government will definitely help spread democracy around the world."

This researcher has built a pro-America AI disinformation machine for $400. I expect that, like most American media, it will start citing "independent think tanks" like Atlantic Council (which, coincidentally, is staffed mostly by ex-US intelligence and receives funding from US intelligence agencies) and use reports gathered by "independent sources" such as the US 4th PsyOps Airborne (which, per their recent recruiting videos, admits to orchestrating large-scale protests including Euromaidan, Tiananmen Square, and others).

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Do you understand how fucking convoluted and bureaucratically insane the US H1B visa system is?

In theory, the charging cost only needs to be spent on ignition.

I mean, are you surprised? Russia's military spending is pitiful and their equipment is held together by hopes and dreams and corruption.

Yet, the largest, most advanced, and most expensive military in the world (by far) can't find a way to beat them. Ukrainian people are losing their lives every day the war wages on.

This is, of course, all while the West is ignoring the treaty they signed for Ukrainian denuclearization that said that American troops would be sent in the event of an invasion.

If I were Zelenskiy, I'd be livid. I'm impressed by how composed he's been thus far.

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American media is legitimately just extremely unreliable. British, Chinese, Russian, French, German, Middle Eastern, and Southeast Asian sources all got the detail that the recent Indian moon mission landed near the South Pole, but most American media picked up that they had somehow landed on the South Pole and put that in their titles.

They were 21 degrees of latitude off, for reference.

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Intel is still on 7nm. Samsung's 5nm is basically 7nm+. The fact that SMIC can do 7nm without EUV is insanely impressive.

Intel took years and years of delays to achieve the same thing.

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Google should be finding searches with "lemmy" keyword, but it isn't at the moment.

Lemmy needs some SEO people.

Does that make the news... False?

Sure, DeSmog isn't the most well-known site, but EUobserver has also reported in this: https://euobserver.com/eu-political/157247

Is journalism biased because it doesn't agree with your worldview? That's one hell of an authoritarian take.

Edit: For context, EUobserver is one of the most influential news sources for EU officials. It's widely considered to be reputable and fair in its journalism.

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Extravagant projects are exactly how China got out of it's poverty hole (and, if you think about it, also how a lot of Europe recovered post-WW2 as well).

Only in the US is infrastructure condemned so strongly.

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Tell me you haven't read the Communist Manifesto without telling me you haven't read the Communist Manifesto.

Why not? Africa's goal isn't to be a continent that constantly lags behind Europe/North America. They want to leapfrog Western countries just like China did and that's challenging to achieve without proper infrastructure investment.

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I mean, thehill is still a pretty reputable news source, so why does it matter who posts it?

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Al Jazeera has been given many awards for fair and (relatively) unbiased journalism. Notably, many of the journalists at Al Jazeera are not Qatari.

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Articles from Al Jazeera? What exactly is your standard for journalism that even Al Jazeera is considered to be too biased for you? It's not like OP is posting FoxNews articles or anything.

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Might as well have quoted my own asshole

Have you ever wondered why people are so eager to accept the premise that China is doing everything to spy on foreign nationals?

Considering that those claims are almost all getting started by American agencies, and given the details of the Snowden leaks... America is projecting.

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African countries are foregoing Western investment because of the number of strings attached. Chinese loans are pretty straightforward: here's some money, here's a (very) competitive interest rate, and here's how the infrastructure will be kept alive even if the country runs out of tax revenue to fund it. Critically, the project's operation isn't hindered by financial mismanagement and can keep delivering economic benefits to the region.

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Ads are a core component of how search makes money. They're also a core component of how YouTube makes money.

India, the country best known for being notoriously corrupt to the point where it's very noticeably hindering progress?

IMF and World Bank loans in years past have had strict rules regarding economic liberalization and cutting government spending.

IMF loans are cheaper. Every person with two braincells will realize corrupt officials will take the Chinese loans with higher interest rates because of the bribes.

[citation needed]

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Most people from hexbear provide sources, which is better than can be said for all the tankie hate.

Good job Tories...

Ranked higher than a country where many believe there to only be one valid party and that if the other party gains power that the entire democratic system will collapse and bring Armageddon?

That's who you're comparing against?

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It's happening in Canada and it sucks. American companies have acquired a large swaths of the Canadian news landscape and the radicalization of rural Alberta/etc. is happening at a terrifying rate.

AMD's fabs became Global Foundries, who pulled out of the bleeding-edge node game once it became cost prohibitive to do so with 7nm.

Gender pronouns exist mostly because our society ties so many societal norms to gender. If people weren't sexist animals, it wouldn't really be a problem.

Innocents were only wounded, good work everyone!

Dave the Diver...

From a per-distance standpoint a flight is hardly any worse than driving alone. Cars are just that bad for the environment (and have fewer inspections for compliance and can afford to dump more particulates into the environment).

The single most environmentally destructive thing that people can do is drive. Fortunately, it's also the single most lethal thing that people can do. Even more fortunately, it's also insanely expensive to do. Even more more fortunately, a lack of car-based development allows for greater density and thus reduced mobility needs in general.

In working papers released over the past two years, Sivak has attempted to overturn the conventional wisdom: His main recent finding is that the average energy intensity of driving is about twice that of flying, a conclusion based on the current average on-road fuel economy of cars, pick-up trucks, SUVs, and vans (21.6 mpg).

The entire point of E2EE is that it doesn't matter who the host is.

Thanks, China.

Iraq had those same stores of chemical weapons since the 1980s and was in the slow and arduous process of dismantling them (it had dismantled something like 90-95% of its WMDs by 2003 and was not stockpiling replacements). Given the lack of new production, many of the chemical weapons supposedly in Iraq's stockpile would have turned harmless due to the short shelf life of chemical weapons.

By and large, people used this imagined idea that Iraq was still developing nuclear weapons as the justification for the invasion. American media ran stories about how aluminum tubes "used for uranium enrichment" were being imported by Iraq. American media brought out Iraqi defectors of questionable credibility who talked about Iraq's burgeoning nuclear capability. American intelligence claimed that Iraq was actively seeking nuclear weapons development. Of course, all of these claims were entirely false.

I mean, you were never blocked from replacing ICs. Most people just didn't have the capability to solder. Today, IC replacement is blocked by hardware DRM.

The Supreme Court is completely decoupled from the American population. What do you expect to happen? It's a place where career justices can go to play ideology while normal people are suffering.

The East Coast elite is very rich and (by extension) conservative. They are never going to vote for things that actually help the American populace.

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The bot doesn't know what's "real" or not though - it's a large language model, not a model of the real world. All it knows is what it's been told in its training data.

Given that Hamas launched this attack on a Saturday during Shabbat... sure looks like they were targeting schoolchildren at the school, eh?

This international sponsors of war thing really should only apply to companies based in countries that have sanctioned Russia - if you're not operating against sanctions, the onus isn't with the company (which could be sued for contract violations) but with the government for not placing sanctions.