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Joined 1 years ago

You mean "the other F".

No, see, that would mean there are people out there who disagree with me who aren't either tankies or maga, and that impossible because that would mean... that would... oh no...

No, it did it's purpose: it made headlines.

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You'd think so, but I guess they didn't.

More like take note people, this is how you get laws you want.

"Amid violence"

Give it another 20 years, then release it with an accompanying series of articles about "wow, check out all the fucked up shit the CIA used to do, aren't you glad they stopped!"

I was actually kinda pissed when I had to switch to a car with a CD player and couldn't use it anymore.

It was kinda funny when lemmy was just taking in the reddit exodus crowd and people were complaining that their front page was full of German and Polish posts.

Organising requires funds, though.

When the competition is "you're not a real person, also you're Russian", even that may be enough.

So, the article itself says the thing it's writing about is irrelevant?

So why write about it?

I have a feeling abridged series are on average better than the originals.

"They're not mine, I swear, I stole them from NYT!"

It's not cheaper, it costs me time.

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So we've reached "bargaining". Good to know.

A .tarducken, if you will.

I... don't think that's the reason why people would avoid specifically CPR, specifically in a public place.

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"Good news everyone, our old products are compromised, and the only solution is to buy new ones!"

The title makes it, really.

Shrimps is bugs

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Oh, honey...

Yes they do: quite a number of countries banned Russians from non-essential travel. That's why there's so many of them in Georgia and Serbia: draft-dodging isn't essential travel, apparently.

I don't see the problem with mastodon, people without accounts can't reply, but it can still be used as a message board. It's not much different from linking to a wordpress blog.

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From what I gather, the place it was found in is possibly Ea-Nasir's house, and isn't the only such message, implying the dude was basically collecting hatemail.

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Why steal data when you can just make it up!

Other nation on land you claim

box them in, stop food shipments

Wait, that kinda reminds me of something recent...

When I was a kid, commercial breaks were always labeled as "economic propaganda programing"

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The US navy have a whole base in Bahrain. It's literally the home port of the Fifth Fleet.

Ah, yes, the pisser and non-pisser sides of the swimming pool.

The one and only Sadam vs Hitler thread

EDIT: wait, oh god, they deleted the actual thread. Tragedy I tell you!

It's actually Mali, as in, the country.

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I hope when the fascists rise in your country you [...]

Sanest US policy wonk.

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the aituation is more nuisanced

You got that right!

Yeah, much more appropriate.

I mean, if the US is serious about the whole "corporate personhood" thing, surely that makes corporations eligible for the death penalty?

12 feet is more like 3.5-4




"A break from reality" posts a page from a comic about the Iraq war.