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Joined 12 months ago

Its already too late.

Every relevant law enforcement and investigation agency from the fbi to interpol have been notified

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The infinite money dried up. Now they are out of ideas on how to make a profit because they werent before.

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No way that non compete was enforcable

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Yeah for real whats up with number 5

I am not a part of Mystery Inc. and don't solve crimes in caves

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Cant wait to play the next Monster Hunter and buy hunting permits at $2.99 for each hunt.

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So elon but a good businessman

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Go learn about capacitors and why its still dangerous as fuck to mess around with the ones in a microwave even if its unplugged

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Hexbear is trolls

Theyll assume whatever identity they think they can get the most triggered responses with

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Did the orcas get it

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What if it were egg shaped

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Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool

Haha jellyfin go brrrrrrr

The lone wolf dev who hasnt been seen for 3 months explaining how the new microservices he created all integrate together

So exactly how the world worked before the internet except instead of getting your misinformation from aunt Becky you get disinformation from xXxFrenchmansCumsockxXx a12 year old in a foreign country... or a bot

Oh man

I couldve sworn Levar Burton had died recently.

It was Lance Reddick i was thinking of

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Its just slowly becoming more mexican

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Im 100% certain something has gone over your head

Insects, birds, planes, clouds, celestial bodies

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No fuck off gen x already blew theirs on cocaine and dotcom stocks

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Mobile gacha / 10

Because the data is made up

I've read that you can start over. But not in any kind of sensible in game way.

You have to completely delete all of the game's files off your computer and steam cloud

You have to start from a fresh install every time

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PHP5 was basically the Adolf Hitler of programming languages

You know how something can be so terrible it ruins something forever? Like the hitler stache

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Idk i think they should probably use handcuffs and keep him in a jail cell

You have the right to an attorney should you survive my onslaught

Aye the seeds of fascism have already sprouted weeds

Oh wow that really wasnt that bad

I will learn nothing from this

Yeah i might enjoy soccer if players got to run around with roman candles firing them at each other

Goalies get three mortar shells per match

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Because she didnt say it with her hips

We are only able to confirm her hips dont lie

Oh cool wardogs 2: the enshittification with jonah hill should be dope

You'll owe your soul to the company store

Of course Russia is shooting itsself. I bet if it could throw itsself out a window it would.

How dare Russia make Russia look so weak

Congrats on cooking something for once.

Your reward? Its dirty dishes.

And your reward for cleaning those?

Having to put them away.

The completely random panic attacks are just practice runs for CRISIS MODE

Oh boy how much more can they assassinate Leela's character

She was insufferable for 95% of the latest season

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Republicunts did not read or maybe comprehend a bill they passed during the Trump years which accidentally legalized THC products derived from hemp or products that technically are hemp and not cannabis because the delta 9 THC concentration is low enough.

From my also limited understanding cannabis can be harvested early before the delta 9 thc crystals form... from the precursor THCa already present in the plant

THCa on its own is not psychoactive however it breaks down into normal THC when exposed to sunlight ... or heat when you smoke/vape it

So you can buy legal (for now) basically weed in the form of high thca flower online and have it shipped to your mailbox.

Im considering anonymously buying some online and having it shipped to my states AG office because fuck that dude needs to smoke some weed

Predefined queries that you can interact with like another table more or less


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And the even dumber part is we already had a way to express the same info with just saying latin