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Joined 1 years ago

It is a happy coincidence that the evening before the 1970s began, at 4pm Pacific, they decided to invent UNIX.

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Sentencing judges hate this one weird trick

notorious for infidelity

What does this part mean?

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Because your tests might react differently in an environment with spyware. And rounded corners. These are called Edge cases.

Whoa! I didn’t even know I could wish for such a future.

I waited until an emergency before I finally realized I needed a license. Do everyone, including future-you, a favor by not waiting.

And I had the same fears, but driving is remarkably similar to other skills: you get better through practice.

Only a couple of these. Major. Life. Events. would destroy a lot of people. Pet your dog for me and give yourself some kind of hug. You’re amazing.

Is there fediverse reciprocity? I mean, can users on those instances subscribe to sublemmits on this instance, or is that blocked, too?

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They would not.

Lots of people whose parents are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (which had a shorter nickname until 2018, but even a church that self-identifies as the Universe’s one true church should not be deadnamed after transitioning) teach their children to:

  1. go proselytize, door-to-door, for two years after high school, during which, they must
  2. spend all that time being never alone, with a person of the same sex as they were assigned at birth, and they must
  3. never masturbate, and then
  4. come home and go [back] to BYU, but also
  5. begin having children with a spouse as soon as possible, all the while,
  6. being at the age of their highest libido ever and surrounded by people, each in their physical prime, and then most importantly, they must
  7. not discover, realize, or admit they might not be straight. It is forbidden. Like fruit of the tree of knowledge. For to do so would mean they must never ever have sex, or alternatively, that they must marry a person to whom they are not attracted, and then be encouraged to procreate with that person anyway.


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If you don’t mind the magical thinking monotheism and 1930s pseudoscience and sexism that must never be changed, then it may work for you. Plus its success rate is a non-negative number. What’s not to like??

says “Gesundheit” Archedly

Fuck yes. Thaaaaaaaaank you so much!

Even if this weren’t what I wanted, I’m delighted to see leaders who can change their minds. Thank you for that, too.

Things that don’t exist are the stuff of conservative nightmares. This story checks out.

Never felt so inclined to offer free tummy rubs all day. Poor guy.

Isn’t their world headquarters/flagship location literally at the George Bush Center for Intelligence? Chutzpah/folly.

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That’s a typo of the cleverest variety considering the millions of human-hours of misery and self harm that occurred after

  • hundreds of athletes were sexually abused at the school where he was a wrestling coach and
  • Jordan became aware of the abuse, and even worse than saying nothing, he also begged victims and their families to deny it as well
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I don’t have anything against the straights. I’m not a heterophobe – I’m a real cool dude — but when those people talk about not washing their asses, it’s only natural for us to feel a little bit of heterophobia against their lifestyle.

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Sounds kinda romantic. Please verify you’re not into it first. And then: let’s do this.

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Based on how often I see Venus flytraps online, I am still astounded that they’re native to only North and South Carolina.

I’m liking all the comments saying that [even despite its strong decline in quality], Google’s results are still much better than others’. I’ve been moving around a lot to other search engines lately and thought I’ve been doing something wrong.

As long as it’s not romantic. Meet me in the showers, Elder.

Spilling seed on the ground is a sin. I mean, ~cum~ on. I mean, come on. And cum in.

Wow — congratulations to the people of California!

Except the “placeholder”.

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referring to exactly those crimes

Thank you for your service.

Next time someone complains about cancel culture, let’s all remember to enlighten them about Gym fucking Jordan, whose ethical bankruptcy has gone unpunished and almost seems forgotten.

100% correct. Especially if the neighbor’s dog is a Black Lab.

Good point. He wasn’t just a 19th-century guy living with 19th-century values. He was worse.

Ughhhhh THANK YOU!

I saw this the other day somewhere and didn’t realize it was a goldmine… Then I forgot what it was called, where it was, where and how I’d found it, and the search engines treated me like it was 1994 when I looked for it on my own.

When we run out of alphabet, maybe we could settle on something like sexu-else/sexuelse/non-cis-het-hate/sexuallies???

I assumed it would be a little like New York’s junior senator, Kirsten Gillibrand? She was someone most New Yorkers had never heard of, but when Senator Hillary Clinton vacated the seat, Gillibrand was assigned to it by then-governor and thus has never, and will never, run in a competitive election.

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has finally arrived

Finally !

Nothing more attractive than folks wearing sexuality-agnostic clothes. Especially if they realize “appearing ‘gay’ ” is nothing to be ashamed of.

Downvoted because störgaphobia

Then upvoted because Blåhaj

In the olden days, Yahoo shuttered some of the largest digital properties on the internet with too little notice for them to be meaningfully archived (especially Yahoo Groups (easily the Reddit and Fediverse of its day) and Geocities (at a time before social media, a place to make a corner of the internet one’s own, it had mountains of longform geekery that’s now lost forever)).

Yahoo also used to be one of most widely used free email providers. Not as ubiquitous as Gmail, but definitely very popular. During that time, they had at least two – and almost certainly more than four – instances where bad actors gained access to user accounts and Yahoo failed to immediately notify impacted users.

This one time, they admitted that all their user email addresses, which then numbered in the billions, had been compromised by a years-old hack whose disclosure they seem to have withheld. The same thing happened a few months later, but affected only some email addresses. For the latter event, they were proven to have withheld discovery of the breach.

There was this one journalist whose email details they gave to the Chinese government to enable his arrest. Then they lied about it to Congress.

And while the NSA likely listens to every piece of data available to them, which trivially and almost effortlessly includes emails, and while Yahoo is one of the tech companies whose NSA PRISM membership is documented, Yahoo additionally performed scans for crime-adjacent keywords on all its users’ incoming and outgoing emails for years.

“But Daaaaad, I thought you were gonna save Me,” He cried. B&S 4:20:69

FACELESS ROBOT: the F train is running on the A line

me: did Halloween fall on Friday the 13th this year??!

Just trying Avelon out thanks to you — it’s fire. but definitely a big Voyager fan, too.

Perfectly ambiguous. Deal.

Yeah I usually run my backend in Asciidoc too. The level of its performance might surprise you.