
0 Post – 223 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Took me 3 reads to notice that ABODE is not ADOBE

Maybe I'm a little dyslexic after 8 hours of work.

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Like... Sexually?

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Shame. People died... Crushed like a can of beans.

It's getting REALLY difficult to tell normal operation and viruses apart.

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Even the most transgenic plant, grown in the techiest greenhouse ever cared for with the nastiest fertilizers and pesticides is organic in the most widespread and commonly used meaning of the word.

The air quotes are well deserved.

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Have you ever seen a 7 segments display?

Nobody gave them anything. They just took it... while we were sleeping.

Management doesn't know how to deal with it. And instead of research something that would indubitably benefit everyone else, and in this case it includes not only workers, but also customers and even their fucking business model... They go back to a place of false comfort for themselves. That's the sign of a sinking ship if I ever saw one.

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Because the only possible thing to do in c# is unity stuff.........





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That would make today 2057. Damn! I overslept!

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Is this company still worth "billions" with a b?

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Your bar for "low effort" is way above my bar of "too much effort".

Aka child labor exploitation.

Emoticons are representations of emotions. We don't have those. We're dead inside.

That's the intention. In reality lots of genuine devs can't afford it, so people get accustomed to just ignore the whole thing.

That's because more than 75% of the people affected keep paying. The results for Disney are Immediate savings on resources (less people streaming) and they still increase profits.

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They're saying adieu to the brand alright.

It's lung cancer

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Mathematically It's one. Think of a disk, like a CD, does it have one hole or two? One, right? Now imagine you can make it thicker, I.e. increase the height, and then reduce the outer radius... Making it progressively more straw-like. At what point does it stop having 1 hole and begin to have 2?

Topologically they're the same shape.

I'm sure Matt Parker has a video on this topic in YouTube. Here

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Self-pardons? What!?

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Socializing. There are lots of benefits to being connected, but I just can't stand people. People are the worst, and yeah, that includes me.

I'm pissed at HOW they did it. Without an ounce of respect for the user base. They could have made it affordable and turned a profit out of 3rd party apps, they could have been more civil on the communications, they could have explained the problem and asked suggestions, even if they had no intentions on doing something else.

But they choosed a huge FU, not only to it's end users, but to people that were trying to make reddit a better place, either at barely a profit, or with volunteer work.

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Like many cases of "success" lately. A well connected and rich parent.

Back at the buffet

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What's next?

Printed ads.

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But at this point where does the original blame for all of it start

The Brits

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My grandpa had a tv store around the time, and he always told the story of him pulling someone's leg by making them believe the tv was voice activated, with that thing in his pocket. So he covered the click sound by yelling at the tv.

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They're paid by the hour.

You spin a magnet near a loop of wire

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I don't know the name, but it tastes like ass.

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No. AI wouldn't mess up like that. It could spew other kinds of shit, but with excellent syntax. It's far more likely for humans to make mistakes like that.

On what grounds? That she might find him guilty?

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In my country, the vast majority.

Here professors are so underpaid, that anyone with an IQ above 75 is doing something else.

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Don't stop him! He's making the world a solid! He's eliminating Twitter ffs.

Give him new ideas like join with a paid invitation only.

I agree with Lilly.

They did what? with consenting adults? we have to stop THAT!

-The pope, probably

Companies being the sole arbiters of OTA "Upgrades" and DRM "purchases".

You mean without poop

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Brave is even worse than chrome. They would sell your mother if they could get away with it.

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Most of them, yes.