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Joined 1 years ago

Ah yes the sunny florida, the only time where I had to "deal" with an active shooter while on vaccation, went back to EU very hapilly after that

Doesn't the federation part fix that? Couldn't they host their own server or be on a more neutral instance? or am I missing the point?

Well there is the word assimilation, so anti- assimilation would be the closest one, however I don't think there is a word that would capture the true esscence of what you mean. Also patriotic could work, as at least where I live (Slovenia 🇸🇮) it doesn't have that many negative implicationsv unlike Nationalism

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I didn't see anything in the article, but will it have stylus support?

i prefer cash, gives you anonimity and an easier overwiev of your spending

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No, not by deafult (some windows viruses are compatible with wine)

If you are having battery life problems like I was I would recomend using powertop or tlp

Google Maps: Osmand~


Seems like CIA's meme warfare deprtment is doing great

I use ls and ranger, to find files i use find -name and remember that * is used as a wildcard so you can use it when searching for stuff with in incomplete filename or when copying or moving files/directories. You could also use colorls to add some flare to your ls, and oh-my-zsh for syntax highlighting and tab autocomplete

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Where is antifa?

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They are still subscribing to Nizism, one of the only pure evil ideologies


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Are the rigs purely Scottish, idk how the UK works

I hope to think No Man's Sky falls into the non-abused devc category

I use Arch BTW

Isn't KDE spearheding HDR support for Wayland? And doing a bunch more objectively good/usefull projects like the xwayland video bridge?

Ran rm -rf /* insteas of rm -rf ./*

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I don't really see it as hypocrasy. While people reporting it are most likely against religion, why woudn't religious text be a part of the nudity ban?

An old thinkpad (or new). Looking for laptops made with linux (Tuxedo, system76). Or maybe a framework. As far as I know any laptop with a good screen, RAM, and storage. And at least for me a lackibg I/O (ethernet, headphone jack, mutliple USBs) is a dealbreaker

It did? Sad to see even fairphone did it

I actually fixed that issue by writing a script that just moves sruff I want to delete to a folder (in my case TrashBin)

Endevour OS, with Hyprland WM

Obsidian could work, its a markdown editor but I doesn't have any handwriting or drawing support, also its sync feature costs money but you can use nextcloud or github to sync your stuff anyway. An opensource alternative would be logseq but I prefer Obsidian

I prefer the SponsorBlock fork

Aren't cluster bombs a war crime?

When we learned about assimilation in Geography class my mind imediately went to the Borg

I remember there being a script for fedora, that apperently workes since it made me realize my PC only has one GPU (no GPU)

Install Linux, or just find a debloat script or something

I thought rice was an acronym that stood for Race Inspired Car Enhancment. I can see how it might have had racist orgins but wouldn't the racists win if we accept the word to have a different meaning?

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