Thatcher rule

Nanomerce to – 434 points –

Girls with a time machine: dresses up as puppygirl Hitler

yeah this way the troubles could last 50 years instead.... thatcher was a hag but something tells me successfully assassinating her would have led to more problems not fewer.

That something is wrong and you shouldn't listen to it.

Now if only we could have gotten Thatcher, Reagan, and Pinochet in a room together in 1978 at the latest, preferably 72, that would've been a magnificent place for a bomb!

would be a very interesting alt history for sure. might have made the cold war go on longer, depending on the reactions to whomever pulled it off.

Personally, though, I'd prefer Pinochet get dumped from an aircraft at high altitude so he has time to reflect.

might have made the cold war go on longer

The cold war never ended. It just became multipolar and (mostly) less overt.

Seriously. With the US and Russia fighting a proxy war in Ukraine for the better part of 2 years now, and Russia threatening a nuclear option that the US would respond to in kind, this is basically still the Cold War. The only thing that happened was a 22-year pause in hostilities between the fall of the USSR in 1991 and Euromaidan in 2013. Now we're back exactly as we were.

I hate to think this way but it would be grand. Environmentalism was pretty big before the deregulation and greed is good 80's.

Cool if you want to trigger WW3 I guess

Thatcher and Reagan got in power in 1979 and 1981, respectively, and Pinochet in 73. The whole point of the timing was to do it BEFORE they became part of the world's politics. Nobody's starting WW3 over a governor, an MP and a general from 3 different countries, only two of which are even friendly with each other.

That's why you have to assassinate Thatcher earlier before she got into politics. No one is going to care about some nobody.

Just make sure you get her after she did the soft serve ice cream thing

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