1 Post – 124 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Haha my son ironically hates both of these things. He would choose to eat air in his room.

Don’t have kids haha.

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::: spoiler Tap for spoiler I liked him in Mistborn at least. After that, well. Jury’s out. :::

I swear I have spent 3 hours cleaning the kitchen today and like 1.5 hours cooking.

The rest of the house isn’t that bad, but I just do not have time for any hobbies before 9pm unless they somehow include my kids, such as camping or swimming.

The worst part of using Signal is to try and convince all your friends/family to use Signal. Otherwise it’s a pretty great messaging app. You can’t edit messages once they’re sent, but other than that it’s pretty great.

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I know this may be surprising, but sometimes I just read the title and look at the comments.

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I’m not sure why there is an issue here? My son has a gluten allergy and breaks out when he plays with play dough that isn’t gluten free.

Niche product, sure. But definitely a market.

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The thumbnail was still showing a preview when I first opened this article on mobile. Here’s the design. It’s pretty cute honestly.

Absolutely has to be intentional. That’s hilarious.

From the article:

As part of its recently publicised cutbacks, BioWare has "let go of" Lukas Kristjanson, the lead writer behind Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, and the writer of the first three Dragon Age games, Mary Kirby.

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Same concept. Kinetic sand not having gluten in it is initially why we swapped to it.

Truthfully having a big Gluten Free label on it just makes it easier for parents to know kids with gluten allergies can play with it.

But it wasn’t something that was obvious to us without researching it specifically.

I mean it’s like buying a hairless cat if you’re allergic to them. Like I still want to play with a cat, I just need one that doesn’t cause issues for me due to dander.


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I miss distracting coworkers with conversations instead of working! /s

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I’ll say I really only see downvoted for hugely unpopular or untrue opinions relating to the API stuff that happened over at reddit. Other than that everything mostly seems positive. I have stayed off political communities for the most part so far though.

Man as someone with a kid who is both allergic to dairy and gluten this just makes me sad.

My kid has real dietary needs, and I try not to burden whoever is handing out free candy for n Halloween with this.

My wife and I have taught my kid to be thankful to everyone, even if they can’t eat that particular candy when we do an allergen check later that night.

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In no particular order:

  • Mass Effect 2
  • Pokémon Colosseum
  • Kingdom Hearts 2
  • Kirby and the Forgotten Land
  • Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Super Smash Brothers Melee
  • Ocarina of Time
  • Ratchet and Clank
  • Uncharted 2
  • inFamous 2

I realize I included a lot of games that were sequels or part of a series, but these are my favorite of the series in general.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Pokémon Emerald
  • Mariokart 8
  • Super Mario Sunshine
  • Mario Galaxy
  • Sonic Adventure 2
  • Splintercell
  • Final Fantasy 7
  • Halo ODST
  • Halo 2

I’m pretty mad about the iOS “upgrade” too.

I’ve done Uber eats in the past, and you don’t see the notes until after you pick up. Things may have changed since 2020/2021, but all I recall seeing is

  1. distance to restaurant and distance to drop off
  2. total profit (including current tip)

So I wouldn’t see the cash tip note until after I accepted the delivery.

I was on reddit 10 years ago. Different vibes than old reddit for sure. Still way less users on Lemmy.

I’ll go with Mass Effect, the music in the first 3 games is incredible. Especially in the first game I think. This particular piece is called Vigil.

Here’s the not hour long version haha.

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You’re shitposting right? I mean this is what literally every addict I’ve ever met says about anything. Drugs, Beer, Cigs, Gambling, Porn, etc. they all say this exact phrase before admitting they have a problem later down the road.

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Hey! I’m a nerdy, windows hating, early tech adopter who is strongly considering switching his personal PC to Linux but has very limited time in which to do so.

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They already have.

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I have used both. Even under ideal conditions the cameras only is noticeably worse.

I recall parking in a parking lot and the camera systems showed that I was hitting a car while I was about a foot away from it. Lidar did not have any issues like that. And it was a perfectly sunny day.

Recently went to Paris, and most toilets were like this. It was fantastic.

I just read the 4 Stormlight Archives books this past year (in addition to the novellas) but I’m already itching to reread them.

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Is it something specific about a Kobo e-reader that is amazing or would any e-reader have turned you into an avid bookworm you think?

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Eragon was my first foray into proper swords and sorcery fantasy after Harry Potter.

Are the books really that bad in your opinion? By no means do they reinvent the wheel, but I enjoyed the magic system and enjoyed the aspect of Dragon + Rider and that relationship we see between the two.

I haven’t read much other Fantasy besides LotR and Stormlight Archive, but I enjoy the Inheritance Cycle.

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Moonlight Glaive Paladin Build BG3

Did you ever watch the Spiderverse movies? I feel like you’d appreciate Peter B Parker a lot.

Personally I don’t really hate any superheroes. I never fell in love with Wolverine like most people did though. My first experiences with X Men were the first two live action movies, however.

I have been using old.reddit to get around these since the API stuff started

Plus you can always come back to it in a few years and it’s nostalgic.

I played the shit out of Anna Molly by Incubus and whenever I listen to it I’m now reminded of the season of life I was living when I over listened to it hah.

I just give mine their food in batches. Usually a half cup in the morning and a half cup in the evenings (I have two cats).

If I leave out the same amount of food, such as if I’m leaving the house for a weekend trip, I will come back to hungry kitties.

Roshar is very cool, but I think I prefer Scadrial. Maybe that’s because I feel like I understand the history of that world a bit more. Plus Allomancy is really cool, but not as cool as Surgebinding.

I think it’s just an internet classic at this point.

Apples != oranges

Pokémon Colosseum, Super Mario Sunshine, Ratchet and Clank, Mass Effect

Orion supports (some) Firefox extensions. Worth a look imo.

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Similarly, I’ve always wanted the “wrist computer” from Chuck season 2.

Honestly I let my Gamepass lapse and was considering re-upping it to play Starfield. And now I am for sure not going to re-up it for Starfield. Maybe I’ll visit it in a few years, but it sounds like not a great time from Nakey Jakey’s review on it.

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