
0 Post – 241 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Is this surprising given stagnant wages and drastic inflation for the last few years straight?

25 more...

And just like that, all G Pay branding on every store window, door, or register is deprecated. I think they forgot how to make products.

There's a reason Apple sold 7 of the most-sold phones in America last year. They all have the latest OS available, have security patches for years to come, and use the same first-party apps. I beginning to think that Apple isn't necessarily doing anything specifically innovative, they just aren't constantly fucking with their customers (though they do still fuck OVER their customers regularly).

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Blanche then asked Merchan if he could have the information if he promised Trump would not post on social media about the witnesses, to which Merchan replied that he did not believe Blanche could make such a vow.

Agree to the terms, and then when Trump inevitably intimidates the first witness, throw his ass in jail until the trail is over. I don't understand why they have to continue to give him special treatment for every single step of the trial. Either the trial process was never meant to handle all possible types of defendants, or it's being applied differently to this case. If it's the former, overhaul the judicial system to make it fit all types of cases, if it's the latter, throw the case to another court where it will be applied equally.

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Is there an anti-ad community on Lemmy? Or another non-Lemmy place to work through blocking/avoiding this bullshit? I'm so fed up with the advertisement industry. I don't want ads on my devices. I don't want ads in my operating systems. I don't want ads in my content. I don't want ads in the sky. I don't want ads in the ocean. I don't want to be forced to see or hear ads while putting gas in my car.

I really can't emphasize how much I am willing to go through to rid my life completely of advertisements.

45 more...

Huh. It kind of puts that very recent mandatory arbitration agreement into question, doesn't it?

The base models (the air's, not pro's), should have shipped with 12-16GB standard, and the pro's should have shipped with 16-24GB standard. I'd argue that a minimum of 24-32GB should really be the standard on something named a "pro" model.

Apple's M-based laptops are really great - excellent display, best-in-class speakers, good keyboard, industry-leading trackpad...But 8GB of RAM for $1600? Get out of here.

25 more...

Just call a tow truck. No need to resort to revenge. Them having to retrieve the truck and pay the fees should be enough of a deterrent without giving them reasons to call the police.

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Seriously, Google cannot support products beyond ads, search, YT, and gmail. I feel like I have been beating this horse to death for years now. Don't buy Google products and services. They will end support for them.

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Right? Also, since when does "mutual combat" involving a death not result in a charge to anyone?

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Gov makes it difficult to live on a single income: ...

Gov makes it difficult to live on dual incomes: ...

Gov makes it difficult to afford a house: ...

Gov makes it difficult to afford childcare: ...

Gov makes it difficult to afford rent: ...

Gov makes it difficult to use contraception: ...

Gov makes it difficult to have an abortion: ...

Gov makes it difficult to not have unwanted pregnancies: ...

Gov: "Why the hell is the population DECLINING???"

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They won’t.

Did anyone see the privacy details on the App Store?Screenshot

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These aren’t weird people with mental health issues standing on the corner with signs. These are elected Republicans.

That's exactly what they are.

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The storage facilities can then claim child tax credits for each embryo, right? Are the embryos currently considered in-prisoned against their will? Welfare and food stamp application for the embryos should be interesting. Can I install a freezer with hundreds of frozen embryos, then use taxpayer money to help pay for my mansion to "shelter" them in? Where is the line drawn? Are menstrual cycles without pregnancy considered murder each month? WTF

To be fair, a lot of people were wondering the same thing when the iPad was announced. Now there's like a billion of them out there.

33 more...

Reddit seems like IRL Silicon Valley. They had no idea what they were/are doing, winging everything, and somehow failing upwards. It's a complete bullshit company, and hopefully Wall Street will see it for what it really is at IPO launch.

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He's definitely a delusional psycho, but it turns out that isn't a dealbreaker for today's Republican party.

I love the AP article on this because it has this picture next to the big bright blue screen:

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Didn't Twitter almost take him to court if he didn't follow through with the purchase? I think he got caught in his over investment in Twitter last year, and rather than go through a trial with discovery (I think he NEEDED to follow through to avoid this specifically), he decided to go through with the purchase. I wonder what the hell they would have found during a trial discovery that made him sink $44B.

But what he's doing now? I don't think it's related to that. I think it might be to help manipulate stocks, as we have seen him do several months back. Maybe he thinks that destroying left-leaning political action saves him in taxes? He destroyed public transportation in California just so people would theoretically purchase more Tesla cars. Nothing is beyond being trampled by Musk if he thinks he can benefit by stumbling over the other side of the corpse.

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We shoud have a right to not have commercials shoved down our eye and ear holes. If they could, they would force it down our throats and noses too.

16 more...

Trump might actually show his face in congress to get a view of those.

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Wait, you have to have an app to print? On Windows? Can't you just install the driver and print using the Windows print interface? I understand that they have software that might have extra features, but basic printing should only require a driver, at most.

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Like in every other case, he's all talk until it comes to the trial, then he will not take the stand or say a damn thing.

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It just sounds like they don't want kids to be able to talk to each other about how fucked their state and their educational system is becoming.

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I need to get back to playing W3. It seems like a great game by all accounts. But, I will not be purchasing another game from CDPR until at least 6 months post-release given the state of CP2077. Not only was it released in an unacceptable state, it wasn't the game that was promised. There have been so many good games released between last year and this year, I can wait until ~2030 if they need to take their time polishing it and making it a complete experience.

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If he was able to get the original loan forgiveness he wanted, my wife and I would have replaced a car with a newer one, or maybe bought a second car. As it stands now, I guess we will be driving ours for a while. I guess the student loan providers wanted our money more than the stock market.

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I'm starting to think this guy isn't very wise about spending his money.

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Yep. What's weird is there are multiple posts/comments on Reddit where people are saying Trump is going to spend the money on his campaign while continuing to say he doesn't have the money for the judgement. I don't understand that. How do some people just not see right through Trump's bs?

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If this becomes heavily used, I will probably go back to reading books for entertainment instead of browsing the web.

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So he's getting sentenced 5 years for each offense, like the woman that thought she voted legally while she was on probation, right?

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MacOS is pretty decent at memory management. That being said, 8GB of RAM is ridiculous in 2023. Newer and updated applications are tossing memory management out the window. Platforms like Electron wreck memory usage, and many apps popular desktop apps are using Electron now. 12GB is the new 8GB, for Macs. 32GB is the new 16GB for PC's. I wouldn't recommend a computer with less than 12GB of RAM for more than $300.

I tried it for a bit, even daily drove it on my laptop for a while. It has a pretty slick interface, and uses containers so you could, for example, have one container that you are logged into your google account for (say, Youtube), and the rest of your containers you can not log into Google.

The downside is that 1) It's still not mature as of a month ago. They are making massive changes and adding new features constantly, and 2) It's still Chromium, so all of the downsides of that are still present.

If they switch to using Firefox or another open-source foundation, I'd be all over it.

12 more...

People only need to go to jail or prison for crimes. Witness intimidation is a crime.

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So...potentially unreliable, potentially unsafe, inefficient, expensive, bad quality control, bad customer support, and buying one supports a complete baby man to try to continue to mess with our country's politics. What are the benefits of buying one of these again?

The 4/20 restart date makes sense for a start-up company that needs to grab headlines, but that isn't Tesla any more. They are an established company in the industry now - it's time for the company to act professional.

My brother had hundred of thousands in medical debt before he finally passed. He had insurance. He was a teacher.

14 more...

Probably still have some safety if you're using two-factor, or have a master key in addition to a password (e.g. 1Password).

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I don't think this culture of "if my person doesn't win, the election was rigged" bs is going to stop with Trump. I think this is just the beginning of the enshittification of politics and elections and idiocracy for running the country.

In 20 years I expect we will see entire seasons of reality TV shows during election years with the candidates as guest, smearing each other and trying to top each other with the more outrageous false information possible, with the winner each season becoming the president.

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I wonder how many of these policies are being created in companies privacy policies not because of AI, but because it gives a "reason" to allow collection of all user data?

I chose well this time