2 Post – 125 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Bio et AOP : Pseudo, votre utilisateur français préféré !

If trickerred actual memory!

You don't need to master french to post here, you only need to welcome the power of automated translator!
Also, some people comment in English. That's fine, we did not inherit the racism from Reddit and r/rance.

That screams: Open you source code and accepted correction !

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We need a Lemmy community dedicated to find, repair and exchange dumb TV. These are become increasingly rare and increasingly needed.

13 more...

I wonder is it something specific to the USA or in other countries people are obseessing over nit having them in the lawn?
I'm in France and every though WE are far from having wild urban meadow or meadow at all, I've never heard of people and HOA complaining about dandelion before learning nolawn mouvement on the internet.

14 more...

Stealing? You mean reproducing. Right?

Angry users claim they are enabled to delete their own content from the site through the "right to forget," a common name for a legal right most effectively codified into law through the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Among other things, the act protects the ability of the consumer to delete their own data from a website, and to have data about them removed upon request. However, Stack Overflow's Terms of Service contains a clause carving out Stack Overflow's irrevocable ownership of all content subscribers provide to the site

It reality irritates me when ToS simply state they will do against the law.

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I believe the first one has committed suicide and if I have follow the story good enough, he was the one saying "If you heard I've commit suicide, you will know that I haven't".

I'm the same but not with coffee. I better drink it cold that rewarm. Everyone knows that "café bouillu, café foutu."

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2001-2006 the golden age of scrollbars.

Thanks you "so much" plus exclamation point at the end of a simple text. Typical american enthousiasm here.

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As of today no. But I'm going by steps :

  • I've stop using it without a front-end.
  • I look for other source of content from my favorite youtubers (podcast host somewhere else, web site, social media, blog especially for cooks)
  • I search for content on other plateform before it (but it is far for being systematic right now

My goal is not to go full private or open-source but just less dependent on YouTube. Onfortunately so many youtubers are solely there.

Anyway, I believe that the day big for-profit intrusive company will stop leading the video hosting business, the format will get noticeably less popular as it is extremely ressource intentive. It will mostly replace by podcast and illustrated articles.

In France we say "Ton père est pas vitrier" ~"Your father isn't a window maker".

XD Not in France my friend... Not in France

Thank you for that. It will probably work well in pair with Lemmy. The ability to compile a community or instance knowlegde out of the comment section and to an organised wiki will be very nice.

But if someone here reading as the time and skill, the sofware the fediverse is lacking is tv tracker.

Do people actually do that?

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I'm glad that Reddit gave me the push I needed to finally join the fediverse. I absolutely love the technology to the point I don't care so much about the content.

Legitimate interest was a concept invented by Facebook which basic is idea is to say "I've got my reasons, so it fine for me not to follow the law".

This is both

I'm sorry, French here, but a chair can be both. It depends of the type : Une chaise is obviously feminine while un siège or un fauteuil are definitely masculin. Also Germanic language like English and German mixing these two meaning are silly languages.

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Lemmy exist.

The thing is when you get out at 4 pm to wait a bit for the first buses. Forget about cars.

Network effect. That's why we need to keep the fediverse alive: so futur generation aren't forced to signed into Facebook, Discord or whatever would be (or would have been) trendy.

It screams both!

It is funny to see how cultural differences can affect the use of the same langage.

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I need names! I am recognising Obama ans Trump but the other ones... I know vaguely the faces but that's all.

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I've got enough of gloomy news from the USA. Why not try some other country for a change? Let say, Kenya (random choice). I'm sure there is plenty of things happening in Kenya to share on the internet. Both gloomy and happy, and at least, I haven't heard a hundred times about them.

If it takes two people bringing money together to have a million, they are not millionnaires unless they can find another million.

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You can access toots from Lemmy as long as the OP mention the community as a user. For example "Hello world, I'm posting on". But that would mean we lemmings could only access content a threads user meant to send to Lemmy.

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Yeah... He is the of .world

Any way he choose. How would pick my as boss? That's a very bad move.

Well, tell them, politely disagreeing on personal takes is a thing on the fedivers. They should join and try. They might then find your takes very much helpful and interesting.

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Fun fact : in France we mesure by weight except for the "gâteau au yaourt". The yoghurt cake is the most basic cake with each family having it's own recipe, a bit like maybe muffins in other places and this cake is entierly mesured in volumes.

Statistic is a really funny science. So some man who just pirate a 1 h 40 long movie will be inspired to also pirate a sitcom episode from the antipiracy campagne?

That is why I'm an ingredient purist. And I should add that Chamomile is an herbal infusion. No quote needeed. Don't offer me tee if your want to serve me some chamomile. Don't offer me tee either if you want to serve me hot water and present me an assortiment of plant a small bag. Tell me your going to serve hot water and I will chose what I drink.

And to keep the rant going in french "herbal tea" does not even have the "tee" word in it. So it is even more frustrating when someone offer you tee and you end up with some random "tisane" *rolling his eyes*

Can I keep it after that? I always wanted a pet.

Not long ago, I was watching 5 skipable ads after 10 minutes of video on Viki. It was a time when they were distributing Korean and Chinese Drama at a pace no independent subtitle team would keep up. The shows were culturally interesting, they were a community spirit you could feel even when not participating in subtitling. The video player was good with nice features like learning mode and timestamped comment. It was an acceptable tradeoff. Today's Viki and YouTube quality is barely sufficient for not favoring pirated website which have in the mean time greatly improved their user experience.

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Well said!