Greg Clarke

16 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


That's exactly what a virus that was trying to trick me would say...

Yacht clubs often have Wednesday afternoon sailing races and those crews often need extra folks on board. I learned sailing that way when I was in university. An inexperienced reliable crew is member is better than an experienced unreliable crew.

I'm a Demodex folliculorum and I'm currently dating a Demodex brevis so I'm somewhat of an expert. Our host is pretty gross and rarely showers which has made the real estate in this area really expensive. We've been trying to move to another host but the opportunity hasn't come up yet. Anyway, to answer your question, we have scuba gear.

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That chiropractic care is not evidence based

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There is a lot of Stack Overflow hate in this thread. I never had a bad experience. I was always on there yelling at noobs, telling them to Google it, and linking to irrelevant questions. It was just wholesome fun that briefly dulled my crippling insecurities

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Religion has competition now, AI is also profiting from hallucinations that lots of people believe as fact.

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These data centers consume water for cooling systems

How does a data center consume water? Doesn't every liter that enters as freshwater leave as slightly warmer freshwater? What am I missing here?

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Healthcare is provincial here so it varies. I'm in Ontario, the largest province in Canada. Hospital emergency wait rooms have been fairly short in my limited experience. Accessing a doctor is free but getting a family doctor can be difficult. My daughter was delivered at a hospital in a smaller city of 50k. The staff and amenities were great. They had lactation consultants on staff etc. All free to use.

My biggest concern with the healthcare system in Canada is medical staff burnout. I hope they get the staff get the support they need

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That data is available is the ActivityPub but as far as I know, you don't have access to the vote data as a Lemmy user. You would have access to this data if you were running your own Lemmy server.

But honestly, let it go. Someone stole fake Internet points from you. It costs you nothing but it cost them 5 minutes of their lives. You're having a fight with some stranger that doesn't value their own time. Value your time and stop feeding these kinds of energy vampires. You deserve better! Have a wonderful day my friend :)

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The neck beards that judge someone's distro choice without knowing their use cases don't represent the Linux community. Just use the best tool for the job

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to avoid being overrun by that large truck heading into me

lol, I'm guessing you've never ridden a bike in Amsterdam

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The additional ~200 bones from fetuses in late stage pregnant woman would be more than the missing bones from amputees etc. OPs statement is accurate.

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I can't verify this story with any reputable sources. Is this real or just boomerbait?

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This is tough, the goal should be to reduce child abuse. It's unknown if AI generated CP will increase or reduce child abuse. It will likely encourage some individuals to abuse actual children while for others it may satisfy their urges so they don't abuse children. Like everything else AI, we won't know the real impact for many years.

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URL shorteners are but inherently bad. I find them useful. I self host them on domains I own. So they're secure, trust worthy, I can track engagement, and I can update them if need be.

Plus, I'm pretty sure Twitter forces you to use their shortener. My URL was "shortened" to a longer URL 😂

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That's unlikely in a closed heat exchange system. Maybe some additional evaporation because the water is slightly warmer. But unless I'm missing something, it seems very misleading to suggest that a Bitcoin transaction uses 16 kilolitres because of evaporation. Napkin math, it would require about 10 megawatt/hours of energy to evaporate that much water (please correct me if I'm wrong). I'm not a Bitcoin fanboy, I just don't like BS.

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Where are you from? This is a strange sentiment from my perspective. I didn't even know what I wanted to do when I was 22. But I had the privilege of growing up in a country that doesn't burden youth with high interest university debt. I appreciate that in some countries you need to get a job as soon as you finish studying to pay loans etc. To answer your question specifically, no, 22 is not too old to start studying computer science.

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Vlan I think

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Free tier cloud services like AWS, GCP, Oracle Cloud, and Azure. I use free tier VMs to host random services like VPNs, Mastodon instance, etc.

Tailscale has a free tier to connect your devices, VMs, and home servers.

GitHub pages is great for hosting any simple website for free.

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To be fair, destroying the planet and foresaking future generations is easier than admitting you were wrong. is hosted on Cloudflare and Cloudflare has tools to prevent CSAM uploads.

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Maybe someone is sneaking into your room while you're sleeping and stuffing dryer lint up your nose ¯_(ツ)_/¯

To be fair, fire is dehumidifying

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No you shut up!

I live in Canada and seeing so many people riding around without helmets in Amsterdam felt weird until I realized how protected the cyclists are by the design of the road infrastructure. Cycling while sharing the road with a truck with no barrier in-between is common where I live so I appreciate your perspective.

I'm running a search instance on a VPS so my home IP isn't linked to my searches. The main disadvantage is that my VPS is in Toronto and I live 2hrs away so geo searches don't work very well. For instance, if I Google "restaurants" I get results for local restaurants whereas if I Gregle (I named my search engine Gregle) I get results for results near my VPS.

DM me if you want a link to my instance to check it out. It's open but I don't publicize it because bad actors could ruin my IP addresses reputation with spam queries via the API.

What's the deal with name calling in a headline? Can we stop normalizing this behavior?

It'll be end to end encrypted. As far as I'm aware, beeper needs access to messages send cross platform

That's a strange coincidence

how would anyone know if a particular name is being unused?

I have a couple of nice domain hacks and I use them for email and random services I run so the root domain appeared to be abandoned. I received so many messages from people wanting to buy them I just started pointing them at other sites so they would stop hassling me. I've had one of these domains for nearly 20 years and it's my main email address. I'm not selling because it would be a year long full time job just to update all my services 😅

Did someone get in a petty Internet fight?

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And does that make Mistral the new OpenAI?

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I love that whoever filmed this didn't help or even flinch

Third party (you) tracking the user

I'm not tracking users, I'm tracking engagement. I'm not Zuckerberg

Hiding the true target from the user

99.99% of website use a reverse proxy, the target is nearly always hidden. I don't think you understand how the internet works.

Destroying any attempt at content archival

Who would archive a shortened URL and not follow the link to its target? It's not my fault if people don't know how to archive my content.

URL shorteners are not inherently bad.

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No. I reverted back to Windows 10 Pro for my gaming machine after Windows 11 Pro prompted me that it was "international bubble tea day". Don't get me wrong, I love bubble tea, I just don't care for these distractions when I'm trying to use my PC.

The "If you use adblock, you don’t care about creator’s point blank" is such a stupid argument and complete misunderstanding of the economics. There are other far more efficient ways to support creators than watching ads. Watching an hour of ads will generate a few cents for the creators and orders of magnitude more for the monopolistic platforms that host the content. The ads model doesn't fairly reward creators. I guarantee I give more to creators (via various means) than the misdirected "creator saviour" that wrote that ridiculous quote.

Everyone that has been on the Internet for more than a few days has an illinformed hot-take floating around. You can learn something for a perspective even if it's not based in fact. Read with compassion and you don't have to believe everything you read.

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Orcas! They probably did the Titanic in too

I used to get shin splints so now I only jog on jello

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Is it a comfortable coffin? And can I wear fake fangs and pretend I'm doing vampire cosplay?