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Joined 3 weeks ago

Refugee from another, less-friendly instance. Please forgive the youth of my account— I’ve actually been around here for a while. Still, glad to be here!

isn't posting 4chan content kinda cheating here? lol

you mean when he kept responding to Trump's tirade of lies? THAT was all over the place, so it makes sense that Biden would have to cover a lot of ground.

Biden stuttered and is old.

Neither disqualifies him for the presidency

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he may hove spoken more clearly, but - by no means - is he a better speaker. he spent the entire debate incoherently spewing his unhinged conspiracy theories and lie after lie.

oh, no disagreement here-- but it's either Biden or Cheeto Mussolini.

i'm glad you're not choosing that latter!

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looking forward to the upgrade!

puerile. i love it.

Someone should redub that movie with all of the answers provided by ChatGPT and its voice

Trump lied, while Biden got his facts straight. Clearly, an old man with our best interests at heart is better than a cheap imitation of Hitler.

ITT: the worst users on lemmy debate getting a modicum of attention…

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Realizing your shortcomings?

Somehow, I doubt it. I’ve seen your comment history

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Opening one’s mouth when they are demonstrably wrong is no grounds for praise.

I guess I just don’t appreciate lies the way you do

it was particularly galling to see Moskowitz stand up and repeat Israeli propaganda without anyone calling him out on it.

When AIPAC is lining your pockets, getting you re-elected, you say what they tell you to say.

Thanks, Citizens United!

“Fuck your feelings”


It’s all good,
he just drove off,
Sometimes life‘s OK

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Because that shit was actually funny 35 to 40 years ago. It just didn’t age well.

Tastes change.

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*citation needed

Let’s see evidence of “the internet” solving extreme gerrymandering

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This appears to be an issue with accurate reporting. Considerations like this would make the data make a lot more sense.

The problem is the interpretation by those running the study.

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Until you can back up your statements with verifiable evidence, you should probably just stop

I said "the internet"... And now you're demanding I prove…

I asked you to prove your claims. (if you can’t, of course, nobody should believe them). Not something unrelated. But thanks for the

Red Herring

red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question.[1] It may be either a logical fallacyor a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion. A red herring may be used intentionally, as in mystery fiction or as part of rhetorical strategies (e.g., in politics), or may be used in argumentation inadvertently.[2]

Why don’t you just answer the question?

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Veruca Salt sends her regards

that’s a fine song and dance you do.

let me know when you can back up you claims with evidence, instead of showing ed hearings...

This is what “specialty interest” magazines and newsletters used to address. Whatever the hobby or interest, there were likely a dozen magazines specifically targeted to that audience.

Then the internet happened. Also, media conglomeration.

I think this may be less about Agile and more that you have a great management team that sets clear priorities and goals. Not every Agile environment is like that.

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It’s all good,
You just laughed it off,
It was all ok

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I also have seven monies. What do I win?

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You joke, but i bet that it would be at least somewhat effective.

Wonderful! 🏳️‍🌈

Sure, but the internet increased this interconnectivity by orders of magnitude.

The LGBTQ community is one which massively grew in outreach and connections due to the internet. Without it, I have no doubt that LGBTQ rights and visibility worldwide would be nowhere nearly as advanced as they are now. Of course, it also gives the opposition the same megaphone and organizing capability.

Hope you’re doing well! Best wishes!

American healthcare sucks unless you’re rich

I wish there was one for jobs :(

It’s quite shocking at this point haw few people use ad blockers

That was "my claim".

Backed up with nothing but excuses and self-serving bullshit. You have zero evidence to back up your “claims” …

Blaming me for calling you out and then blaming both me and others for your own actions and their consequences is textbook projection.

Facing the consequences of your actions is not a state of victimhood

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This month…

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Get ready for the great memes on social media for the next month or so.

The fake show they had was hilarious.

I’ll take it!

I was gonna say… disgruntled people on the internet have been around probably since before OP was born… the grievances and bitching unleashed on Usenet and IRC back in the day could be legendary. ESP on IRC, where users and entire servers would go to war with each other.

The Internet is pretty incredible now, but it used to be a hell of a lot more fun

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Oh my goodness that sucks