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Joined 1 years ago

Do they?

I don't even know what an "ultra processed food" •IS•.

How is it different than the "processed cheese product" that passes for most individually wrapped "American cheese" cheese slices? Or is that ultra processed?

Are Doritos ultra processed or just the regular kind of processed?

Which kind of ground beef qualifies for "ultra"? Only the pink slime or anything that's been chemically treated?

I'm not being a pedantic contrary asshat, I legitimately do not know what qualifies something to be in this category and why it's worse than normal processing.

Bpa from plastic tubing used in the processing of Annie's organic leeched into the food. Is that considered contamination or a side effect of processing?

8 more...

I heard Jack O'Neill and Teal'c in my head on this one.

J: Well, tell him unless he cools it, I'm going to throw down!

T: Have you eaten something that does not agree with you, O'Neill?

J: What?

T: Is your digestive system experiencing discomfort?

Daniel Jackson: Yeeeah, this is probably my fault, I explained the euphemism "throwing up" to Teal'c last night after Sam's bout in the infirmary and I'm guessing he thinks the reverse means

J: No!

J: I'm perfectly... Continent.

They're processed, yes. The corn is milled, pressed into triangles, coated with preservative-heavy flavor powder and cooked in one order or another, possibly repeatedly.

What makes it ULTRA processed?

Frickin... most raw potatoes are "processed" because they're typically not covered in topsoil when they get put in 5lb plastic bags.

A grass-fed organic, antibiotic free, roaming free-range massaged poterhouse steak is "processed" because it's not still attached to the cow.

I'm trying to understand the definition, here. Almost everything is processed to some degree or another.

Is white flour ultra processed because they bleach and de-hull the wheat berries? Or only when it's made into cake flour? Or do both of those count as "processed" and only "cake MIX" counts as "ultra processed"?

Am I making sense?

First Mojo, now Kinky.


Holy cow, thank you!

One day the headline will actually explain something instead of being a vague proclamation of doom

Yeah, wouldn't that be great?

Ugh. I hate yellow journalism.

One of the cases involving "more of our rights being targeted" is this one:

The arguments in Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America set for Tuesday...

...That's October 3rd of this year, based on what I'm reading..., like, two days ago. I'll have to go see if anything has come of it yet a bit later on.

...will focus on whether the CFPB’s funding through the Federal Reserve violates the Constitution’s appropriations clause.

The blockbuster case threatens to subject the agency to Congress’s annual spending fights, which could in turn upend the funding process for the Federal Reserve and other key financial regulators. Created in the Dodd-Frank Act following the 2008 financial crisis, the CFPB regulates larger banks, mortgage and student loan companies, and payday lenders, among others, and has been a frequent target of challenges from Republicans and industry trade groups.

So...this one is going to be the supreme court saying banks, lenders for student loans, and the for-profit shitholes that prey on the poor known as payday lenders can do whatever they want so long as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and no federal regulatory board or agency should be (edit for clarity -- ) able to stop them, in this case due to lack of funding if this passes.

Just your typical "deregulate everything because all regulations that are bad for us rich folks are 'government over-reach', obvs" claptrap.

Then there's:

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. The outcome could overturn the landmark 1984 Chevron vs. National Resources Defense Council, which compels federal courts to defer to a federal agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous or unclear statute.

The goal of Loper is to severely limit or strip the authority of federal agencies like the EPA, Securities and Exchange Commission, and Federal Elections Commission to issue regulations in areas ranging from the environment, labor, and consumer protection and transfer their authority to the courts.

and let's not forget:

Moore vs. U.S. -- This case centers on the 16th Amendment and the right of the federal government to tax foreign earnings that corporations don’t distribute to U.S. investors but instead reinvest into the foreign company.

Both Roberts and Alito have investments in companies that stand to benefit from a ruling. Corporate and judicial financial disclosures show Roberts and Alito own individual shares in 19 corporations that could see combined tax relief of $30 billion

There's a whole bunch more reeaaallly interesting information in the article about who benefits from which cases and why a bunch of the supreme court justices should be recusing themselves from these things.

Good find, OP.

(edit again -- All in all an EXCELLENT article. Very well written, informative, and engaging. I'm just not a fan of the headline. Not sure I could do better though, so my apologies to the journalist who wrote it for critiquing a vague headline with a vague stance.)

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Okay, so I hit rotten tomatoes, checked movies that were both critics rotten AND audience rotten, and started perusing titles for stuff I thought rocked.

abraham lincoln: vampire hunter


hellboy (how is this in here? I thought this was universally loved)

mars attacks! (56 and 53, I also feel like this shouldn't be on the list. It's too good, and not in a bad way)

x-men origins: wolverine (again, is this not considered awesome? I thought it was great)

daredevil/elektra (I enjoyed both movies)

and now for stuff I've watched at least five times:

the ninth gate

planet of the apes (2001)


prince of persia

green lantern

van helsing

I'm dead serious, I was looking forward to MORE green lantern movies along the lines of that first one. I bought it on amazon having heard nothing about it (I was in a societal black hole for a few years there), watched it, loved it, and was like "sweet, when's the sequel coming out? I wanna see sinestro do his, this did not do well. Fuck."

I wasn't super happy with ALL of the writing, but that's comic stuff in general and I thought the whole thing was still quite enjoyable. Like, multiple rewatches enjoyable. Seeing Hal Jordan on screen and having Ryan Reynolds do it was great.

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If they make one of them look and speak like Morbo the Annihilator, I might actually watch.

Like, with the anti-human sentiment and everything.

First Anchor: And today, a local law firm files the first lawsuit in a series over a deadly salmonella outbreak linked to cantaloupe.

Morbo: Next time, we will put the salmonella in more than just the canteloupe.

or maybe:

Morbo: Canteloupe tonight, Bridegroom has the runs!

When you do this as a passenger to get a cheaper fare the airliner will ban you for life.

Wait, are you saying if you buy a ticket from Orlando to Las Vegas and the flight stops for a planned plane change in Atlanta, if you get off in Atlanta because that was your actual destination and DON'T continue on to Vegas you can get in trouble?

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Again, no court would uphold that Texas is being invaded.

Which is good because if we classify border-crossing migrants as "invaders" then not only does that mean really bad things for them, it means Abbott was funneling invaders further inside our borders by paying to bus them to denver or fly them to chicago or whatever else.

It's pretty clear he didn't think the treasonous implications of this particular initiative through very well.

And while it hurts now, it's REALLY going to hurt when large swaths of useful answers that don't exist anywhere else are gone and there's nothing replacing them.

Noone writes hundreds of pages of documentation for their stuff anymore. Without the collected knowledge learned from experience there, what do we have?

Unless we have source code to read, very little.

I'm still feeling the pain of google search results sucking combined with most of the large coding forums being gone and reddit slowly going to garbage. Stack Overflow was the last bastion of collected knowledge of it's type... and it's not like it was 25 years ago where we still had phonebook-sized manuals for almost all major software because agile has killed the concept of exhaustive definitive documentation for a given version of something.

I used to sorta roll my eyes at people shouting about federating everything, but at this point I'm scared and agreeing with them.

Like every time this comes up, this is straight up racism.

If they actually cared about protecting children, they'd put quality control restrictions on the fluids used in vape pens to prevent popcorn lung and the like BECAUSE KIDS DON'T REALLY SMOKE CIGARETTES ANYMORE.

You know who disproportionately smokes menthols and flavored cigarellos?

Black people.

If they actually had something against smoking, they'd ban ALL CIGARETTES.

If they were actually trying to protect kids, they'd go after what kids are using.

They're going after the smoke of choice for large portions of the black community.

What does that tell you?

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The way I heard it, it wasn't so much that the site itself was one wing or the other, it's just the site that people were getting recruited FROM to eventually BECOME right wing... operatives?

I'm not completely certain which domestic or foreign group is responsible for hiring all of them, but it's clearly deliberate positioning of less-than-successful actors/models into noisemaking/visibility roles.

They must be paying well because at least one of those people used to ostensibly be a liberal.

Outside of eliminating all PAC-type "contribution" organizations, all shell company sorts of situations AND forcing all pundits to disclose their financing like a publicly traded corporation has to, we're not going to stop bad money from funding horrible behaviour.

It sure would be interesting to get a few of the worst of these folks hauled into court for the handful of harmful statements they're making that constitute actual crimes and get their funding exposed, though.

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Few seem to care…including those who will one day be there themselves.

What are those of us who care supposed to be doing?

Amidst deciding which bills get paid each paycheck, trying to find nutritional variety out of food banks (canned fish intake should ideally be less than 10 cans a month per person, for example, and even rinsing canned vegetables/beans isn't doing wonders for sodium intake compared to fresh), trying to decide which medical and dental issues we can afford to address and which just get to be endured, and watching debt go to collections because food, insurance, automobile fuel, home energy, rent, and everything related to cars has gone up, what are we supposed to be doing?

In what way can we unite as a people and fix this?

1 more...

I heard the Elderly Man's words in the voice of Kris Kristofferson's Whistler character from the Blade movies.

President Joe Biden pardoned thousands of people who were convicted of use and simple possession of marijuana on federal lands and in the District of Columbia

So that pardons people who were convicted of using or possessing while located in one of the red areas here?

Aside from D.C. itself, that's what, Land under the control of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Defense, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Tennessee Valley Authority, and a few others?

I guess, in the words of Angie Martinelli "That's not nothin!".

Hopefully this reaches the right ears and starts more change:

Biden on Friday reiterated his call on governors and local leaders to take similar steps to erase marijuana convictions.

The number of people we have in prison for this is bonkers and the fact that it makes life as a productive member of society much more difficult is absolutely ridiculous.

There's no way Microsoft would purposefully disable VPNs from working

No, but they've done it accidentally before.

One time a few years ago it broke all LT2P VPN's unless you removed a specific KB########.

IIRC, six months later there was still no fix.

I think it's been fixed now, though.

Mosseri didn't get into why he felt Android to be superior

This is disappointing, because I'd really like to hear what he has to say on the subject.

As an Android user in the U.S., I feel the exact opposite.

As an IT sysadmin doing mobile device management with BYOD in the workplace, iOS has a clear edge if you're willing to pay for MDM products that handle it. The built-in options in Azure are...varied for both products. ( )

As a personal user, though, the sheer ridiculous amount of variety of the android kernel between different carriers and models on the current version alone is positively insane. It should be a beautiful bonus smorgasbord of consumer choice, but with all of the carriers rolling their own lockdowns, hobblings, and forced includes it's a buyer's nightmare of trying to find a device that doesn't lock out the things you want while also letting you remove the things you DON'T want (preferably without needing adb to do so).

Separate text notification sounds for each contact? Not always!

Advanced SMS options? Totally inconsistent.

MAC Address randomization? Roll a d20 against the number of flagship models and carriers in your area. You'll probably get it, but no guarantees.

Heaven forbid you want to do something that should be straightforward in today's day and age like download your SMS History? Voicemails as audio files? Custom Do Not Disturb settings? Good luck.

Apple users have been sending text messages interchangeably between their phones and computers/tablets for years. I still recall the shock and awe when my android phone was getting a barrage of text messages from my boss because he could send them with the full keyboard on his laptop while I was one-finger-punching the touchscreen on my phone to reply.

A lot of this isn't the direct fault of the android kernel itself, but it is a large portion of the default android user experience in the U.S. and as such it's what I have to base my judgement of the android kernel ON.

Android should be the superior option, but at this point in time, I don't think it is.

7 more...

I'm far less worried about churches paying sales, property, and income taxes than people making tens of billions of dollars a year.

We'll get WAY MORE social benefit out of properly taxing the ultra-ultra rich than we will out of the hundreds of thousands of mini-churches who have volunteer receptionists twice a week or even the few hundred mega churches with jet-setting pastors.

Turn your ire on the bigotry and hypocrisy of a church that attempts to profess love and hate at the same time and out of the same mouth to your heart's content, but when it comes to money, we need to deal with the robber barons. They're the ones causing the economic problem.

For anyone else wondering, it's

Is THAT what they're associating it with? 9/11?

I seriously thought it was a reference to the eternal september of the internet, or potentially the school year.

That makes even less sense than the stuff I thought it was about, and I was fucking REACHING.

So… Her last good movie was Silence of the Lambs, right? Oh, that was her first one, too.

If you haven't seen "Contact", I highly recommend it.

Looking at IMDB I've seen a grand total of six movies she's in and while the ones I saw were all enjoyable at the time, some even worth re-watching, Contact definitely stands out for me.

Okay, so this topic is moderately amusing to me. The truth is we still don't actually know for sure, but it's WEIRD.

He had a long and apparently well-documented history (letters he wrote) of multiple relationships with adult women. So much so that his family attempted to cover it all up because, by victorian standards, it was absolutely fucking scandalous. Like, wreck the surname for generations scandalous (which admittedly didn't take much by victorian standards). This makes it look like he had NO relationships with adult women, because being an oddball that way was LESS of a freakshow publicly than sleeping around was.

The victorians also had this weird thing (by today's standards) about nude children being the very symbol of innocence. Like, so much so that you'd wonder if they thought the mere sight of naked babies restored an adult's innocence or something.

And these people had WEIRD hangups about sex.

We're talking they supposedly covered the legs of tables and chairs in cloth so they would less resemble actual people's legs, lest someone accidentally think of what's at the TOP of legs on people. (genitalia! scary!)

The schism with Alice's family may just have been that SOME people were POSSIBLY gossiping behind closed doors about the man and they refused to be associated with even the POSSIBILITY of scandal, especially if that scandal was that he slept with multiple women. There's also mention that he was interested in Alice's older sister, and something about a maid.

The whole thing is just straight up odd, but apparently most of the pedo rumors didn't start until after his death. I'm not sure what, if anything, that means.

So, who knows. an oddball dude in a SUUUPER sexually repressed society, it honestly could go either way on coin flip odds.

For most people, these are harmless and just a part of getting older. You’ll get used to them.

I've had these since I was in preschool.

They're far less pronounced (almost entirely absent, really) now in my 40's than they were throughout my single digit years, but I still see them once in a great while

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Because they don’t care.

Not entirely true.

Some of us are still occasionally browsing parts of reddit because not every niche community has fully made the transition yet and said niche communities are the ONLY places to get relevant, timely information for those niches.

I know for me there are some decade+ old MMO communities that haven't swapped over yet. Since many of the old wikis got shut down years ago when fandom, etc, took over everything, for some games the only choices are youtube and reddit. Personally, I hate youtube's monetization forcing tiny bits of information to be strung out into 15-20+ minute videos more than I hate what the reddit team is doing, and I hate what's happened to reddit a LOT.

The move is going to be an ongoing process for a while.

Labeling everyone with broad brush strokes misses some of the nuance of the situation, but I look forward to the day I no longer have to visit Reddit for the information I'm looking for.

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I believe this is what "[sic]" is for.

Back twenty years ago when I first started seeing "SMH" it was "So. Much. Hate."

As in "I really dislike that."

As in "So, everybody unanimously said they want sheet cake for office birthdays and management decided to double down on the day old donuts again anyway? So Much Hate."

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Not even remotely.

That's how old I was when I started pursuing it seriously instead of just dabbling. Two decades and change later and it's still a choice I don't regret.

The basics are fairly straightforward and the field is wide, deep, and mutable enough that everyone's always picking up new things anyway. The only thing that'll make you different from your peers is the ratio of how many birthdays you've celebrated v. how much direct experience you have. Thankfully that metric is spread out far enough amongst CS folks that it's only useful as a point of conversational amusement and has no bearing on one's ability to do the actual work.

I made the mistake of googling "ted cruz tonsil stone" and the still images alone were enough to send me packing. I'm not easily grossed out but, like, fair warning - click links at your own risk.

The ability to easily hide individual threads.

Like, I've seen "Wendy's wants to go to Uber style pricing", I want the ability to mark it as "read" and set jerboa or in my browser to "show unread" and still have the ability to view my "read" items later if I want to refer back to them or whatever.

It would drastically improve my mobile experience and greatly improve my PC experience as well.

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Edit: mikkelson is a fucktard.

Without any concept of where the dude stands and knowing nothing more about him than the majority of hollywood leans more left than it does right, I took that "fresh wind" thing as comparing Trump to a fart without outright saying it.

Am I wrong?

1 more...

It's fucking "'til" not "tell".

'til is short for "until".

Please stop saying "Let's wait tell later to do that".

6 more...

I'd recommend everyone download all of their amazon purchased mp3 music and back it up in a safe spot just in case, heh.

You know, if you're a weirdo like me who still buys individual albums that way.

3 more...

Seriously. ^That's the important bit.

I would be shocked if that was on any of the judge's minds, but it's the primary concern in cases of domestic abuse.

Domestic abuser plus gun owner is the "my boyfriend choked me during sex without my consent" red flag for upcoming potential future death.

it's not a guarantee, but it' statistically waaaaaay more likely to end that way.

I thought it said "Grimes" and it was making a joke about how ugly and comical the cybertruck looks.



Ahh. the terror of walking into a cave and seeing nothing but inky black darkness and four lines of text pop up all at once

       Corp Por

                     Corp Por

                                                   Corp Por

        Corp Por

Always reminds me of this little ditty --

...on regs and runes I drift in the night

any place it gates is right

gate far

gate near

by a dungeon I reappear


you don't know


we can find

why don't you die for me little newb

on a magic Corp Por ride...

Credit where credit is due --

I’m not sure why you’re upset about restoring net neutrality but go off I guess

Because there's a non-zero chance that the service providers will pull the same kinds of stunts that some police departments did in the wake of all of the post-George-Floyd ideas we had about "reform".

The providers will most likely throw a tantrum at the increased regulation and we will get everything from "weaponized incompetence" to "malicious compliance" along with a petulant toddler level of foot-dragging. They will then probably claim that everything that's going wrong with their services is now due to these new choking, stifling, innovation-killing regulations that are none of those things in actuality and then they'll do their level best to lobby things back to their current state at the very least and more likely an even worse state for the consumer.

I'm not saying we SHOULDN'T restore net neutrality to the state it was in, I'm just saying that the providers are probably going to be big babies about it and pass the pain on to the customer.

AT&T, Comcast, Charter, Cox, Verizon, CenturyLink, and T-Mobile have basically invisibly colluded themselves into one big ma bell lookalike by one or more of them setting "market pricing" and waiting for the others to follow suit because "profits".

Why be competitive when you too can rake in record profits by silently agreeing to the rip-off?

The least we can do is limit their ability to pull stunts like marginalizing content they don't get make extra money off of prioritizing.

I can get why someone might not be excited about this because it's going to suck for consumers in the short run and it's really not going to solve the problem at hand, it's just going to do a tiny bit to keep it from progressing even farther into "enshittification" territory as the providers keep moving the pot towards boiling.

Until we remove the ability for corporations to buy legislation, though, the problem will continue.

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I've clicked on ads "plenty of times" on purpose.

Probably a half dozen a year at one point.

There was a period of time where some sites I visited hit the sweet spot of only using advertisers that were moderately relevant to the content or to similar interests that people who would be perusing that content might have.

If the ads are for things I might be interested in, I'll click.

It's utterly shocking that with as much as most service providers and companies actually know about the average person that we've so thoroughly failed to target ads at people.

Couple that with ads being an occasional attack vector because nobody properly vets shit anymore and it's not worth it to whitelist most sites in my adblocker unless I'm REALLY interested in supporting them.

I avoid YouTube and that sort of stuff like the plague unless I need to repair an appliance or a car or something, so outside of text ads, the only ads I regularly see anymore are the occasional totally irrelevant commercial on a streaming service.

Once upon a time Hulu let you PICK what kind of ads you wanted to see, which was the tiniest of baby steps in the right direction.

We had the potential to drill down, do the hard work, and provide relevant, interesting, and specific ads, and the corporate fuckis at the top chose greed.

I almost feel bad for people who work in advertising.

A few of them.


That reads like a Joni Mitchell lyric.

I mean that in a good way.

You have to admit, there's a ridiculous amount of stuff that lines up here.

Showing this to fundamentalist MAGA's might be an interesting exercise.

I mean, a whole bunch of that could be true about a LOT of people who go out and profess they WANT TO BE CROWNED DICTATOR but it's still amusing.