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Joined 12 months ago

I wonder what it's like being one of the businesses next to them.

...hospitals sell your information, too.

I feel so sorry for those of you living in places with for-profit healthcare.

I once realized so many of my favourite businesses were cooperatives. I started thinking of what other co-ops I could start and grow. The excitement faded once I realized it would have to not be about the money.

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I'd disagree, unless you want to say pop punk isn't punk (and if that's what you're saying, that's fair).

Stuff like this springs out of acts of popular piety. When you teach that the relics of people in heaven can work as prayer aides, it's a foregone conclusion that some may want to decorate (or even wallpaper, like the photos of the skulls) a prayer space with the highest class of relics.

This is how altars came to have a relic in a stone that the priest kisses at the beginning of every Mass.

It's an unanticipated but popular reaction to authority and came from the bottom up rather than top down, ergo pop punk.

Just because something is old enough to become mainstream doesn't mean it's not punk. Green Day. Blink 182, et al. started out being labeled as punk before the term pop punk became widespread.

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...hospitals sell your information, too.

I feel so sorry for those of you living in places with for-profit healthcare.

It's a project by an Australian team, so one would assume two things:

  1. It's in Australian Dollars.
  2. Australia has experienced severe hyperinflation overnight (or earlier today, for many of us reading this)
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This was definitely an unnecessarily gendered post. My wife's secondary function is transforming food into heat energy.

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Anyone else, here read, the title in Christopher Walken's voice?

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There are two creation narratives in the book of Genesis, and both are considered to be historical allegories.

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Good Lord, of course they're grounded until it is safe This isn't like putting your kid in timeout.

First a bishop, now a priest, too?

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Was it one of the segments in Square One Television?

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I have no experience in this specific matter, but you could look up how to switch the sector size from 512 bytes to 4096 and, you know, just do the opposite.

Missing: Interior Semiotics

I edited for clarity to explain that I'm referring to the subgenre pop punk, which one could easily argue is not punk.

Also, it was grape flavour, not cherry flavour Flavor Aid.

They're different, but not opposite. It's like comparing height and colour.

I thought they spoiled the punchline a bit too much by using the word "bar" to describe tanks of compressed gas.

I intentionally sought out a used vehicle with haptic menu controls. It pissed me off when I realized there was no point of having it, because the UI still locks me out of most of the interface when I am not completely stopped.

It seems like the next generation just entirely gave up on the concept of safety.

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I mean the next generation of vehicles (and since I bought used, that's also a generation ago)

You think the devout ones think they're good?

Probably the opposite, dude.

The religious aren't as obtuse as Internet randos suddenly given a voice may lead you to believe. Even those who profess reincarnation believe we only get to experience this life and serve our purpose once. May as well make the most of it.

Catholics believe the principle of double effect could act as a moral compass here.

In a direct abortion, the intended effect is to end the life of the fœtus. There are probably other medical procedures that could achieve the desired effect of saving the life of the mother, unfortunately I'm guessing they are not sought out due to cost and the low likelihood that both lives would be saved.

I think we know that.

The Gospel of Matthew was written for a Jewish audience, so that's saying a lot.

Good human.

Are we still talking about Catholics?

More like the actor Robert Patrick having a severe anaphylactic reaction.

Are they the same ones that claim "we are all sinners"?

The only source is the absolutely bonkers price -- that's why it's an assumption.

In all seriousness, if I were to release open source hardware and software, I'd charge a price like that to ensure that my time would be reasonably compensated for what's clearly going to involve small production batches of hand-built-in-the-first-world items.
