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In my area you get a gift for donating. Usually a T-Shirt, but often a T-Shirt and a movie ticket, or a $10 gift card or once I got an insulated lunch box. The movie ticket era was nice because you could donate blood with your significant other and then go to the movies together, and feel good about donating. A good but weird date every couple of months

$1500 a month? I wish!

No but they absolutely do say, "Wow you look really pretty today" but have no idea why.

Men treat you nicer when you wear makeup.

The other day my coworker said, "you look different. I don't know what it is, but you look great. I think you've been getting a lot of rest" nope. Just wore makeup that day

My husband, many times, has been looking at me, admiring me, and complimenting me on how naturally beautiful I am without realizing I just filled my eyebrows in that day and have darker lashes rather than blonde lashes.

Just because men have the privilege of ignorance doesn't mean they aren't attracted to made up faces.

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I always thought it was purely social conditioning, but I've got a theory that just popped in my head. I wonder if women need to be more vocal to communicate "Yes that's good, keep doing that"? Like frankly my partner is often in charge of pace, depth, and even calling for position changes. I'm letting him know with my noises how good something is for me, If you should keep doing it, or if I get quiet he knows to try something different. I don't mind him being quiet at all, until I'm on top and then I'm like I literally cannot tell if this is good for you. I have to ask out loud "is that good?" And then change something, "is that good?" After a blow-job I have to ask him, what parts did you like more than the other parts? Obviously I can tell he's into it overall, but It's really hard to know if a rhythm or amount of pressure is better than another if moaning doesn't increase when you try something. Like he can absolutely tell when he hits a good spot when fingering me because my moans make it very obvious. I will straight say, "yes," "please," "right there," "don't move." All kinds of stuff. It's not just about making it hotter for the other person, it's about communicating how good something is for you so they don't have to do as much guessing

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I have to disagree. Job postings straight up lie. My husband got to his second interview at a place before they revealed everything from the posting and first interview was a lie and it was a door to door sales job.

Or they'll lie about the responsibility or the pay of the job and he won't learn that until deep into the interview process, which is costly in time, and stress, not to mention dressing up.

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The article doesn't have a link to the petition. Here it is, though:

You have to be a registered Florida voter and you have to print out the petition and send in your signature. There's no way to do it online, unfortunately.

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I'm a female at birth, so not sure if I'm supposed to comment here, but I was just telling my husband earlier this week that layering makes me feel distinctly feminine! I wore a slip with a bit of lace at the bottom hem, and then a slightly shorter slip with extra fabric at the hem, then a dress over both for Thanksgiving for flowy peak a boo layers. The act of putting on several beautiful and soft and lovely layers that were pointless beyond being pretty made me feel so happy and girly :)

I hope you can find some stuff that makes you feel happy and girly :)

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I definitely agree that this particular "problem" hardly negatively affects anyone, but I'm always glad to see false advertising cases. There should be strict standards across the board when it comes to deceiving customers, even on things like food presentation

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He may not have been bullied, but he may have missed out on bonding and closeness that his peers enjoyed. There was a study that showed life is way better for kids if they don't have a phone, but only if their peers also don't have phones

The problem with this is that if a non-manufacturer sells the "same" product, and they both use the same warehouse, Amazon keeps both versions of the product in the same bin, and there's no way to guarantee whether you're getting the real product or the knockoff.

If you buy post-it notes from the official post-it's Amazon store, they're not necessarily giving you post-its from the official post-its stock. You could be getting post-its from seller A6Zodiyn which were never stored properly and several years old so the sticky note glue doesn't hold anymore. But both sellers were selling post-its in the same packaging, so they're in the same box in the warehouse and what the pickers grab is random.

But also the completely fake post-its are in that box too, and they don't stick as well plus their color is off, and there are fewer sheets per pad. But because the outer packaging is the same, same same warehouse box.

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So much nice advice here. I'm turning 30 this month and my dad and I continue to be very close. Top things I'm grateful for about my dad:

My dad is always lifting me up, but he did not and does not give me empty praise. He to this day gives me compliments about specific things he notices, which is amazing for my self esteem. Some examples: While I was cleaning the other day and kind of barking directions : "I love it when you get in the zone like this. It's like you can accomplish anything" or "that's something I have always been in awe of about you; you somehow know when people are down and figure out a way to lift them up. You're very intuitive about it." Or during a long day of hard work, " you're like a machine! You're incredible. Do you need anything?" Complimenting every little thing will just make her not trust your compliments. Being specific and accurate in your praise will help her feel truly good about herself and also strengthen your bond.

Idk what it's like if it's a step daughter and not a bio daughter but my dad would take me out. We never called it daddy daughter dates or anything (ew) but he would take me to dinner and a movie, or buy me flowers, or stop for coffee or ice cream at local shops. If we had to go somewhere for work or to pick up something for a home project he'd just stop at a bookstore and say this place looks cool, want to procrastinate a little in here with me? I know he loves to spend real time with me and he's always opening me up to new places/hobbies

MOST IMPORTANTLY: my dad adores and dotes on my mom. There is nothing he won't do for her. He will help her with the same problem a hundred times. He will make her coffee just the way she likes it every morning. He spoils her, he relies on her, he treats her like he is lucky to be around her, and that helps me to know exactly how I should be treated. I don't allow anyone to mistreat me, not partners, not coworkers, not friends or in-laws. I know what a healthy relationship looks like, and I know what a partnership of respect and love looks like. My parents argue in front of me, sure, but I never ever doubt how much they love each other.

Sometimes the thing that sets a dog off is just that they're older and confused. Dogs do sometimes just snap with no warnings, same as humans.

There are free 10 finger typing classes online. Frankly it's a bit fun, similar to learning an instrument! I did one during downtime at work because I was a 6/7 finger typer, and always had to look for numbers or punctuation other than . , ! ?

I mean that's 950 a month. My husband and I weren't rich, but we used to order in weekly, we didn't have to compare prices when grocery shopping, and we used to go on a trip (not out of the country but possibly out of the state) once or twice a year. We used to have streaming services (almost all of them). We used to buy our friends' birthday gifts and each other Christmas presents. We used to have two cars. We used to buy candles and name brand cleaners. Now we do none of that, plus our rent went way up. We are scraping by. We have no streaming services, one car, eat a lot of rice, and are not exchanging Christmas gifts. We don't go to events of any kind, and we don't consider vacations. I'm not surprised that it easily adds up to 950 a month, especially when you consider the two rent increases between Jan of 2021 and now (the latest was a 30% increase)

Which is absolutely insane, especially considering 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage (and that's just confirmed pregnancies! The actual number is likely higher!)

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Article behind a paywall

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Those are easily disproven. There's no way you think that's the same thing. If you can pull up the source photo and it's a clear match/copy for the fake it's easy to disprove. AI can alter the angle, position, and expression on your face in a believable manor making it a lot harder to link the photo to source material

I think you mean much cheaper than what WE pay for them to stay at his hotel. That's tax payers' money. Fuck that guy.

My parents were of the mindset : we are not your friends, we are your parents the whole time we were growing up. That's not to say they didn't have fun with us, we did every day, but they were a lot more concerned with raising us than they were with us liking them. It has been an absolute joy getting to know who they are as people as adults. Now they are among my best friends. I know so much of their preferences, likes, dislikes, dreams, regrets, their history and what makes them laugh.

My husband's dad was his "best friend" the whole time, while his mom had to play both parents. His dad has passed, and his relationship with his mom is strained. He doesn't really know anything about either of them. He never knows what to get his mom as a gift, or their medical histories. They are strangers to him.

My ex (though really his mom i guess) taught me you can just run a half empty dishwasher. I grew up without a lot of money, so we weren't running the dishwasher until it was full (big family, so pretty often). But when you're one or two people, it never fills up so I was just hand washing dishes, hating my life. They ran the dishwasher every night no matter how full or empty it was. At 9pm, the dishwasher started. It's stupid to say it changed my life, but now I just run it whenever I want. I also run my washing machine all the time and folding half loads is so much better, I no longer hate laundry.

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I think I understand the sentiment here, but you are assuming no matter how bad it is, the state a person is living in is inherently better than death. I think you'd find a lot of people can imagine a life worse than death. Death means everything is over, blank, no more consciousness. That sounds better than unhappy life to me, and it definitely sounds better than miserable life.

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I want to throw up. Rent at the shittiest, drug user filled, mushroom growing out of your shower ceiling, tiny bathroom, kitchen almost non existent, 1 bedroom, view of the apartment across the "courtyard" in my city is more than 10k a year (and that was several years ago). USA

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Do you actually not know where the generalization comes from, or do you just not like it?

It may be a better question to ask if you're immature enough to date her. A relationship doesn't rise to the level of the more mature person, it sinks to the level of the less. Do you consider yourself mature? If yes, you should move along. Are you a little behind your peers? This might be great for both of you! The amount of life experience and growing up is so great during 19 to 25 is so much per year that for this relationship to really serve you you probably need to be meeting in the middle. The idea that she should have to be making the sacrifices of a relationship you have in your late 20s isn't really fair to her.

Unless she's had some very difficult life experiences, she's probably not ready to forgo the types of relationships you have at 19, 20, 21 and she may really regret giving them up later. Maybe you didn't have those relationships which is why you're pursuing them now? If so, it may be a good fit!

If your life experiences up until now are similar (dating experience, financial experience, independence, working experience) then this relationship is more likely to avoid a power imbalance, but because she's so young, the most likely way for these to be true is if you're behind. It's unlikely she's going to have years of living independently while working to support herself under her belt, or several long term relationships.

A date or three to learn all this about her isn't going to hurt! Have fun! But if you learn she's inexperienced compared to you in most things, it doesn't matter how mature she is, it's unfair to her to put her in a power dynamic where she has to advocate for her needs with less life experience than you in so many categories.

I have a 4a and it does not have unlimited, just a heads up. My old pixel did have it, but not this one.

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The most prolific readers I know use the library almost exclusively. Real book a week people don't buy the books they read! They'd be broke!

That said, they still own a million books because even if they're only buying a fraction, they still fill up their bookcases

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I'm using connect and really like it!

It sounds like you want planning to be fun or enjoyable. Do you think you might be better at it if you accept : this is going to suck, I'm not going to like it, but it has to get done.

If I wait to feel motivated or to think I'll enjoy something it'll just never get done.

Planning with a partner under these conditions isn't great. I end up pretty agitated and just want to get it over with. Maybe try to divide and conquer rather than plan together?

Maybe you take the less fun parts so planning doesn't ruin any of the trip for you. She can plan the fun activities, and food/reservations and you can plan the actual travel and maybe accommodations?

Another thing that helps me with this kind of thing is I'll set up my laptop and notebook right next to my relax spot on the couch. I don't have to do the work right now, I just have to get everything set up. Then, later when I'm on the couch, I'm more likely to actually do the research because I don't burn out getting everything I need / all set up.

Those of us who would revolt are too tired from working the hours to keep up with rent :( landlord raised mine another $380 this month. I was already using savings to pay for groceries. I'm almost 30 and move back to my parents' home next month.

I don't think it's purely that, because I don't moan when I masturbate, but I do with a partner. I think it's just about communicating what is good to your partner. I don't have to communicate what spot is good to myself. I breathe heavier, but I don't moan or say "right there" to myself.

I've been a receptionist, and I've been an office manager - if you have the choice, go for office manager! Depending on the size of the office you basically still are the receptionist you just have a lot more responsibility. For me, the hardest part of being a receptionist were the days where I had basically nothing to do but still had to sit there and look pleasant. If you work in an office where you can wear a Bluetooth piece in your ear, you can listen to podcasts which takes care of the monotony aspect.

The other hardest hurdle for me is not letting details fall through the cracks. I have come up with some checks and balances systems to make sure nothing gets forgotten, and obviously I write every single thing down as it's asked of me. I cannot rely on my brain to just remember a task someone asked me to do. I make a lot of lists.

You can also fill downtime with stuff like an online typing class which just looks like you're sending emails or whatever from the outside. Sitting and doing nothing is just too hard.

For what it's worth, I know they're the same in the DSM now, but I'm not hyperactive. If you are, being a receptionist might not be for you.

How much is a convection oven? Because my air fryer was $35 and it's amazing. What's the scam here? It's much smaller and available for very cheap. Unless convention ovens are way cheaper than I think? Looks like even the cheap "countertop" ones are a couple hundred bucks. The real ones are 15 hundred easy.

Also though, if it's your first or even second miscarriage in a row, they won't test it anyway. That's an optional thing you spend a lot of money on. They straight told me there's nothing we can do for you and there's no point in testing after 2, because it's so common that it's just normal.

If you go to pass it in the hospital that's thousands of dollars, and only makes sense if you fear for your life. Dealing with the major period at home on the toilet and with adult diapers is way cheaper and much more comfortable in your grief.

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And I have literally never heard a girl in real life say she wouldn't date a guy if he's not above 6 ft. I see guys say it about women, but none of the women I know actually care about height. I have heard women say they'd prefer if their partner is taller than them, but even this is a preference, not a deal breaker. If you've actually heard the height thing from real women in your life, you just need to start hanging out with different women because that's a shallow requirement.

I'd be a bit nervous to do something secluded like a hike or possibly even a walk in the park on a first date (if it's with a stranger). My husband and I went on our first date to the zoo. Still a walk and talk activity, with plenty of easy conversation and reason for silences. Any museum or botanical garden would be the same vibe I think - plus they're in public with other people around, so also safe! We ended up going out for dinner after because we were having such a good date and didn't want it to end!

If this were written for Americans it'd have the length of the snake in feet. Bowling lanes is such an absurd length comparison because you're not allowed to walk on them, so you don't really know how long they are anyway.

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Plus the idea that SSRIs work, period. They only work slightly better than placebo, and they count them as "working" as long as they help with a single symptom. So if they don't help your depression at all, but they do help with your insomnia, they put that in the "it worked!" pile. That's why suicide risk sometimes increases on SSRIs. They do nothing for your crippling depression except increase your motivation, so before you were depressed and couldn't accomplish anything, and now you're depressed, but also have the wherewithal to follow through on your suicide plan.

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I grew up in an almost 3000 sq foot home with only 5 kids. I know you were using hyperbole with the ten kids thing, but it was cramped with 7. Always sharing bedrooms, never actually getting your own space, no playing music without bothering someone, hard to do homework when your sister is practicing her oboe. If you want a dining room table that fits everyone and a living room where your family can stretch out for a movie, you need the space. (Also I grew up in Florida so no basement or attic. Not sure how those figure into sq footage)

The graphic novel for The Walking Dead


When Glenn was murdered with the baseball bat - the picture and him saying Ma- Mag- Ma It was just too intense for me. I just closed the book and walked away for a long time.

When my husband saw that part in the show he just stopped watching. Also too intense for him

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We're too tired. That's the answer. It's not that watching TV is my hobby, it's that I'm burnt out and don't have the mental energy to do anything. My old hobbies feel like chores. New hobbies seem like so much work