3 Post – 147 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

"We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit." - Andreas Antonopoulos

“Crazy Taxi now leverages the power of AI. This transformative machine learning will transform the way gamers interact in our game, as our AI powered engine will robustly streamline the way gamers connect and socialize. Embark on a new journey, where AI will AI. Now, take the next AI step with AI!”

Those little babies. They’re so cute. Hope they were taken in and on their way to good homes

Celeste for $1.99? Hell yes! Insta buy for me, been wanting to play this game so bad.

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Let’s cut all the philosophical crap and focus on what is most important here.

Would you still love me, now that I’m a worm?

It works for Boebert. I guess they wanted to try it for Trump. Lol

Well done soldier! Been seeing a lot of your posts here and I always enjoy your retro gaming pics, especially if it’s one of my favorite formative games like Ocarina of Time.

You’re making me want to dust off my old consoles and hook them up. I need to replay Chrono Trigger to honor Akira Toriyama who passed away this year. Would give me a good excuse to get the SNES up and running.

That’s great to hear. I collect game soundtracks. That’s like when I play a new Life is Strange, it’s an instant soundtrack buy.

It’s me, hi! I’m the problem, it’s me!

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Pirate SadHam Hussein:

But you have heard of me.

Sheriff of Nottingham:

… Because it’s dull, you N00B, it’ll hurt more.

It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero

Oh wow! This is neat Google! This is a great distraction from your other invasive and insidious tracking you’re introducing in your browser.

I’ll go redownload Chrome now and give up Firefox.

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That’s a cute dress. If I pirate it, will I get a Creative Cloud warning pop up when it dials home?

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The best way to get back at someone is to have a great life. Ignore him and block him, and carry on with your great life.

He’s obviously insecure, fragile, and arrogant. Move on - you’ll never win anything by stopping to his level, and you’ll never convince him to change his ways by putting him in his place. The older you get, the more you realize quickly people just aren’t worth your time.

When you see him next, just ignore him. When he gossips about you to his brother or your friends in an attempt to get a rise out of you, laugh and ignore him.

Have a great life, and fuck that guy.

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What’s Taters, precious?

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Why are we still preordering AAA digital video games from multi-million dollar corporations?There is no incentive to preorder AAA video games anymore - long gone are the days of midnight launches for physical games.

  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • Returnal
  • Forsaken
  • The Lord of the Rings: Gollum
  • Fallout 76
  • Grand Theft Auto: Definitive Edition
  • The Last of Us Part 1
  • No Man’s Sky
  • Etc. ad nauseum

All of these games came with a half-assed apology from the publisher and how “this wasn’t their intention”. Yes, it was absolutely their intention. They released a knowingly broken game and charged us full price for it. They already got our money and laughed because they know we’re too stupid to do anything about it and that they’ve trained us well with “fear of missing out”.

How many times do us gamers need to get burned by video game publishers until we learn our lesson?

Stop rewarding and encouraging their predatory behavior. Opt out of this abusive practice by not preordering and voting with your wallet. Let them earn your money, so “they can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment”.

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User accidentally opens Uplay when trying to double-click Steam

A store banner ad shows 'Skull and Bones'

User immediately frowns in disgust and tries to spam the X button to quit Uplay

Uplay privacy-invading telemetry captures an image of the user frowning via the webcam, and tracks the movement of the mouse cursor moving across the banner ad of 'Skull and Bones'

Uplay closes, telemetry is uploaded to Ubisoft's servers


This is a sad article to read. I'm not a woman nor am I young adult growing up with all this technology that can be leveraged against me. Could you imagine being a junior high or high school student, and having an anonymous classmate creating deepfake porn of you using your yearbook photo? And the children in your class gossiping about you, sharing your porn video/photo online with their friends, and enduring that harassment? It's already well-documented what damages that too much pornography causes on our psychological development, now imagine the consumer of this content being around the victim. That harassment can get so much worse.

I can't even begin to fathom what kind of psychological damage this will cause to the youth. I feel for women everywhere - this is a terrible thing people are doing with this technology. I can't imagine raising a daughter in this environment and trying to help her navigate this problem when some asshole creates deepfake porn of her. My niece is currently getting bullied in school - what if her bullies use these tools against her? This just makes my blood boil.

It's bad enough that since social media has risen and captured the attention span of kids and teenagers, that there is a well-defined correlation with an increase in suicide rates since 2009 (the year Twitter first came out). . Now, a nonconsensual AI-generated porn era to navigate.

These are dangerous times. This opens persons up for attack, and regulation to increase friction to access these tools is one of the next most important steps to take. Granted, outright bans never work (as the persistent ones will always get their hands on it), but we need to put controls into place to limit access to this. Then we can remediate the root cause to these problems (e.g., proper systemic education, teaching a modified sexual education in schools to address things like consent, etc.).


Wanted to also add after I posted this, that a common prevalent argument I hear parroted by people is this:

  • People are gonna do this AI generation anyway. It'll get to the point that you won't be able to tell what's real or not, so women can just deny it. You can't prove it's real anyway, so why bother?

This is another way of saying "boys will be boys" and ignoring the problem. The problem is harrassment and violence against women.

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Hi, this is Hewlett Packard here. We read your post and are happy you love our products! Wouldn’t it make sense for you to upgrade to one of our newer models? I’m sure you’re tired of lugging your heavy, old printer these days.

Our new ones are much lighter! Lighter in weight due to beautiful design! Lighter even on your wallet (at first, and for now)!

Won’t you consider upgrading and locking in - I mean - “purchasing” a new printer, pretty please? uwu :3

Here’s a friendly Kirby to convince you to upgrade! See, we’re cool and we know how to use product placement! Upgrade now or else!! We can’t wait for YOUR SOUL TO BE OURS.

Your Friend, HP

(We rebranded. Now the “P” stands for Predatory, but like the cute kind 😘. It’s okay to give us your money, trust us.)

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Former Catholic, now atheist. I’m glad the Pope is making some progressive steps in the Catholic Church including the LGTBQ+ community.

I hope this was a misstep, and the case of a 90-year old man from a different country using language that he was not aware is a slur. I really really hope that, or else all that good will was for nothing.

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The simpler times for sure. Who are these handsome young men? I love the smiles on their faces. It looks like they’re up to no good, the little rascals! 😇

Sorry to say, but I haven’t met a single female who wouldn’t vacate the area if discussion turned to resent science headlines.

Reveals their sexism, misogny, ignorance, and believes women can't be intelligent like men based on no evidence except what they believe.

Can't even spell "recent" correctly.

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While some have already been mentioned, I’d also like to call out that we do have the esteemed Academy Award winning actress, Margot Robbie in Lemmy! She posts when she can, and I’m really hoping one day she’ll do an Ask Me Anything with us.

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Boil ‘em. Mash ‘em. Stick ‘em in jail.

The different school in 8 months after Skull and Bones launch:

Our curriculum isn't doing well. This is not the curriculum we wanted to deliver. Players expect better, yada yada yada, you know the usual school's apology stuff. We need to lay off 100% of teachers so as to realign, synergize, refocus, retool, and remoney our money-making money curriculum disguised as a "game". We will do better. We hear you loud and clear (kind of), and we probably learned a lesson of some kind.

The article on New York Times is paywalled, so here is the alternative Archived link that you can read without ads:

Happy cake day ! Appreciate you hosting all us Reddit Refugees when the Reddit Third-Party API Exodus happened one year ago! And big shout out to you and the other volunteer mods and admins, across multiple instances, that put in their free time to stabilize Lemmy World during the massive uptick in user registration, handling the codebase, the upgrade challenges, the creepy CSAM bad actors last year, and saw us through all the intermittent downtimes we had periodically. Lemmy World has been super stable and reliable since then.

Reminder to all reading this: if you can, chip in and help with server costs for this valuable service. Decentralization FTW

Here's the Nitter link, a privacy-respecting frontend for Twitter:

Owner Class: “Hey - it should trickle down any minute. I know you’ve been waiting 50 years for it, but it’s gonna come this time. Meanwhile, please subscribe to our Cardboard-Box-as-a-Service.”

EDIT: Oops, I just got back from my beating. My owners wanted me to add an additional addendum:

“Cardboard-Box-as-a-Service (CBaaS) has some additional benefits. Our free tier allows you access to the box, along with special promotions from our sponsors that will play inside the box. Parking comes as an extra service in order to comply with the law. We will provide details on what surcharges you can expect, but our partner providers can communicate what rental fees for land for the CBaaS entail.”

“Our Premium Tier will remove ads. And finally our Super Premium Tier includes a bidet. Water service for the bidet is included with up to 10 bidet cycles per user, with additional licensing available for additional fees. Water pressure may be throttled when many concurrent users are using their bidet. We will release new details on additional plans to increase your booty stream priority, once we figure out how much we can get away with.”

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The Lord of the Rings. I get goosebumps every time.

Reply with your favorite moment. There’s lots of them in the trilogy.

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This was 183 years ago. Fascinating to read a blurb of their struggle, and vicariously experience these two persons’ lives.

Preservation is important. 200 years from now (if we haven’t killed ourselves by our petty wars or boiled ourselves off the planet) imagine our descendants watching our Tik Toks. Watching YouTube prank videos of our time. Reading about #MeToo. Epstein. Harambe. Militarized police tear-gassing a crowd of peaceful protestors all so that Trump can take a picture in front of a church while holding a Bible upside down. Stories of our human rights abuse. Messi and Ronaldo. Steve Jobs’ presentation to reveal the iPhone. A crowd of players running to get a Charizard in 2016. Listening to our podcasts. Reading our blogs and article snapshots of our time. It’s absolutely fascinating to think where we will be in 200 years, and wonder about what kind of legacy we will leave behind. While we’re doing some good things, there’s a lot of really negative things we are also doing. Will we be able to save ourselves and delay the impending climate crisis? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!

Whoops! Having a sobering and reflective existential moment, carry on!

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For those who don't want to watch someone's YouTube video of a Web site you can go to for free, here's the link:

Here are the games:

  • The Quarry Deluxe Edition
  • Metal Hellsinger
  • Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
  • Rebel Inc: Escalation
  • Spirit of the Island
  • Lords and Villeins
  • A Juggler's Tale
  • Mr. Pepper

Pay $12 USD for October 2023 Humble Choice monthly membership to get all this stuff for Spooky Halloween themed gaming stuff.


Look I've consulted with our medical doctors, and they're going to check it, and these doctors, they're the best in the business you know? Huuuuuge. Hugest doctors that have ever doctored, best we've ever seen. Ever. And these are good doctors with tremendous skills. They've been studying this new thing that - and I'm not sure if you have heard of this as it's groundbreaking, tremendous stuff, this knowledge that we have. But they've been talking to this Theranos doctor. At least I think she's a doctor, she has this doctor team and I think she has the knowledge of a doctor. So anyway this doctor has a huge voice, deepest I've ever heard, the kind of voice that gets things done. And so I says to this doctor, supposing you brought this Theranos inside the body. Which you can do, either through the skin or in some other way, and she says she can't bring Theranos into the body because it's a huge building or whatever because I wasn't really listening to the details, but she has some things she's gonna test. And this Theranos stuff she does with her other doctors, it's the best stuff to help stop prison you know? And she says, she's done something similar in order to keep out of prison, something she researched with her team to bring a baby inside the body to stay out of prison. Supposing that could happen for me, or for anyone who doesn't want prison, you know? Are we gonna look into that, if I can bring a baby inside my body? She says she's gonna test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see conspiracy and Truth, my version of truth, the best there ever was, and I heard that it knocks out things like prison in a minute. One minute, it's crazy! Absolutely crazy. Is there a way we can do something llike that? Supposing we can inject truth inside the body, by injection or almost like a cleaning? To keep me out of prison. And she says we're gonna look into that, too. And these aren't rumors you know, this is the real stuff right here. Maybe you can, maybe you can't? And again I say maybe you can, maybe you can't because I'm not a doctor. But I'm like a person who has a good... uh, you know what. I think it's a great thing to look at. And look, I'm the former president and you guys are fake news.

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Marc Benioff: “This was a hard decision, and with heavy hearts we must immediately reduce our wage slaves by 700. This was not an easy decision for my bean counters to disrupt these lives, but it was an easy decision for me to destroy their dreams. There are emotions of some kind that I may potentially be feeling.

“Thankfully, any tears that may form in my eyes, either of joy or grief (I’ll let you decide), will be wiped away, effective immediately, by a warm ocean breeze while I’m on my catamaran.”

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What? DICTATOR XI is rebranding!

Exciting Pokemon music ensues

Congratulations! Your - I mean Our - DICTATOR XI has rebranded into PASSIONATE LEADER XI!

... Sad Pokemon music whimpers

He can talk! He can talk! He can talk!

Troy McClure:

I can siiiiiing!

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I set my VPN to Russia. Russian viruses are known to not infect their homeland, by design. They promised they wouldn’t, so you know it’s good. I then run the program, and sometimes my CPU starts heating up and slowing down my computer a bit. It happens anytime I turn on my computer now that I think about it. Computer is always running slow. I guess that’s the CPU checking if the viruses are Russian and then rejecting their requests. I can verify this because when I open Task Manager, I don’t see anything showing high CPU usage. It’s probably my imagination since the thing is doing what it’s supposed to be doing and stopping the viruses.

Only downside is I occasionally get a random command prompt pop up that disappears immediately before I can read it. Plus, my identity has been stolen several times and I’ve had to get ahold of Macrosoft Support (they built Windows so I trust them) and buy their premium $500 virus total scam defender package that I pay for monthly, but I don’t think those are related.

I bought one of these masks for the novelty, as well as the influence to buy it during the Great Lockdown when not much was known about Covid and we were wiping down our groceries. By the time the product launched, we already knew how Covid spread and had a vaccine. Despite the advertising saying that it has N95 filters, it was clear that this was not an N95 product. Razer generically stated that it is not a certified N95 mask, but the advertising and product pages were certainly misleading and the FTC’s fine is valid and justified to protect the health and safety of consumers. I would not have used the Zephyr in place of my actual certified N95 masks.

The Zephyr was heavy, but overall quite comfortable, but I never took it outside and wore it for something like a grocery trip (since I knew it was not an N95 mask, and masks were very divisive where I live in a Red State. The last thing I wanted was to potentially be attacked by an anti-vax/mask Freedom Lover). It was heavy, and the fans were loud - very loud. What was disappointing was that the production version did not come with the two features I wanted that were initially advertised: the sanitising case, and the voice amplifier. Imagine how much more fines Razer would face if they advertised an included UV case that came with blue lights rather than UV lights!

I didn’t end up keeping the Zephyr, although I wish I did just to keep a small, unique memory of an uncertain and dangerous time. I do wonder if they could have launched this product sooner and certified it as an N95 mask, if gaming culture could make wearing masks when you’re sick popular. Selfish people might put aside their “freedoms” if they could look cool with gamer RGB and get attention from others (the motivation for selfishness). Of course the Zephyr would need to go through several years of revisions until it became culture.

Meanwhile, patient gamers waiting for Sony's next GOG port: