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It is mentioned on the second season of the Netflix one, but it is more relevant in the books, and the UK version AFAIK.

And if you add how Steve Huffman(Reddit's CEO, AKA u/spez) lied and manipulated information about the API talks, painting the third party developers as greedy, money hungry assholes, then got caught with his pants down when the recorded call was made public, shows how absolutely planned that move was.

Nah, if it was only the stupid doing it to themselves that would be fine, but as someone on the medical field, you have no idea of how many cases I saw of little kids and elderly patients who were fed those pills by their loved ones.

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Honey, the fact that I am a programmer doesn't mean I have a job doing that. I am currently earning more as a technical support agent than the best offer I got, after searching for months, ever since my last programming and database management position became redundant thanks to AI.

Plus, the world where programmers work as you say "like, maybe 3 actual hours a day (from home)" has been nearly extinct for almost a decade for most of us.

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Men's rights, but not like the piss pitt that the Reddit one has, but one that focuses on real men's issues, like how rampant prison rape is in male prisons, parental alienation, forced military service and such.

And before anyone says that "It is men who mostly commit prison rape", well duh, that is obvious, but prison should be a rehabilitation tool, not a punitive one, and especially not a for-profit business like it currently is.

And add the fact that prisoners should be under the care of the government, and the fact that so much abuse, sexual and otherwise is ignored and not prevented is nothing but appalling.

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Worked for me, turned gay. Five stars/zero kids.

Fuck me, I had not thought of that. Wow.

I thought it was just Pocahontas with robots, but I had just watched the animated version around a week before I saw the first blue Avatar.

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Same for "lost media" kinda stuff. I would usually find Torrents with seeds for obscure bands from my dad's old country, that he loves listening to, but nowadays, all that stuff is gone, and no way to purchase the bootleg of a concert in Eastern Europe, in 1992.

Hell, even official albums are hard to get, with being out of press, the rights being lost to the ages and stuff like that. Even with music from when I was young, and I'm not even 40.

Last time I ranted about it, people told me to just find the stuff on YouTube and download it from there, it was atrocious.

No kids, ever. I can hardly take care of myself, can't even be trusted with a plant, and I find them disgusting. Who will care for me when I am old? I have worked long and hard with the elderly, and knowing how many of them were abandoned by their families, it is easy to see that my odds are better investing the money I would use to raise a child, in a retirement fund instead.

But with how broke I am, I am not even getting to do the retirement fund thing, so yay. Glad I didn't let an ex change my mind when I was earning a lot back in the day, because those jobs got "optimized" and outsourced.

We all have our tolerance thresholds. Some people can live in a shared apartment with multiple other people, I can not. My health conditions, night terrors, PTSD and a few other things are reasons why I would probably not last long living like that. And I can't burden my elderly parents, they are barely above the poverty line as it is, plus my dad is still working into his 70s just to make ends meet.

But since I live in a place where the official treatment for drug resistant depression is telling you "You're just lazy, go pray and stop wasting the state's resources", there is not much I can do.

Between the apathy and ridicule from people like you, and the manufactured scarcity and famine the people is living, no wonder the suicide rate is steadily rising pretty much everywhere.

Bitch, you don't know my life to say I am not oppressed, and I only covered a couple things, because it is not like you are going to read this and change your mind.

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Bob Belcher, from Bob's Burgers. Gods, what I would do FOR and TO that man.

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That "(yes there is a phenotype)" is just like when people say that the covid vaccines are poison and follow with "yes, there is proof". Produce proof that doesn't stink of confirmation bias, make me a believer.

Because honestly, I have seen so many confirmed pedophiles thanks to my former line of work, and most of them would shatter your view for that so-called phenotype.

And if we are just going to point at men with no chin, lack of facial hair and an androgynous/somewhat effeminate body fat distribution, we might as well just incarcerate people for being born with Klinefelter syndrome, dumbass.

It is pretty easy to tamper with a condom in invisible ways, from poking holes or letting it expire, to stealthing. Hell, you can even cook the condom at low heat for a while in its package and you will cause significant structural damage to it, without even bruising most packaging.

Even a freshly bought condom and a little sleight of hand can go a long way into tampering. No birth control is trust free.

Like hell, still living with my ex, and the guy is doing everything in his power to rob me of my peace. Coke binges in his room with his mates, drinking, loud hookups, eating all the food with his mates, and since I don't have WFH, hell knows what else.

I can't wait to get a divorce and honestly, I wish he didn't know me so well and how to get to me. I don't do drugs, not even alcohol since I had a troubled youth and allegedly he respected and liked that about me.

I didn't sleep at all, and I don't know how I will stay awake at work.

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I might go out with some work friends, hook up with a guy I have been wanting to meet for a while, and go to the gym. And talk in silly voices with my cats.

One of my biggest concerns about the woo is that they rarely only damage themselves. They try to spread their "enlightened knowledge" to others, and force it upon their kids.

Far too many times during COVID I had the displeasure of having a parent pull their child from proper medical care in lieu of bleach enemas and horse dewormer, after a concerned family member brought the kid to the ER.

Is this aneurism posting?

I don't know that there aren't any deities, but if there were, they owe us all some very large apologies, that I am simply not going to accept.

Chloe, from "Don't trust the bitch in apartment 23", same actress. She makes me extra Bi.

"Life is a bitch, then you die."

"Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself right now." That one is part of a longer speech that is really quite moving .

To keep us from going to the moon, which is both a projection, but behind that projection is the actual gold reserves.

To keep us from reaching the ice wall, or beyond it, to the outer realms and to the hollow earth(According to my source, it is easier to climb down the outside of the ice wall to reach the hollow earth than to dig through the earth's cortex) (And yes, according to my source, the flat earth is floating on top of the hollow earth).

Oh, and to keep the aliens and the secret elite safe and out of reach. Also, Epstein isn't dead, he was extracted by the powers and moved down there as well, so he doesn't tell anyone about the horrors under our feet.

Source: My nutty aunt.

Fucking happy for you! I'd give you two a hug, I am so glad you were able to find her, Where was she?

Paywalled + you clearly didn't read(Or understand) the article, it talks about employment and political positions in absolute numbers, especially ignoring how population in the US has boomed in the last few decades.

Talk about writing with a bias.

You are either a troll or very ignorant. Not everyone loves boobs, the same way as everyone has shit themselves countless times as a baby and liked it(You can literally see the joy on a baby's face right after they relieve themselves), but that does not mean that it is an enjoyable thing for every grownup out there.

Lemmy gold should be a thing, or like, badges we could give to awesome comments, that refill for free every week. If they were, I'd give you one for sure, as a non-native English speaker, the message you were responding to was so incomprehensible to me, I just read like a line or two, and went to your response, to try and infer by context clues what the walking, talking, aneurism of a person you were responding to, even said.

Yes, he broke up with me, so for now we are trying to divide our things. And we were planning on living together for a while, while I save up enough to move out, then divorce. But he is being an absolutely cruel creature right now. I don't think I will be able to take it for long.

Turns out one of my favorite bands is that Playlist (Diablo Swing Orchestra), pretty cool of them to release free music under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license, TIL.

That is a way better idea, as long as there is no bashing on fence issues such as circumcision and the pink tax(And I don't mean pink tax in the sense of feminine razors being more expensive while being functionality the same as men's razors, I mean the absurd markup on feminine hygiene products, and in some places tampons being taxed as luxury items).

I am a guy too, so no real access to shelters.

I don't know if it will work for you, hope it does. If your cat uses a litter box, take a hand full, ideally not new, and dump it in front of either your door, a place that Kika can come in and out from, or a place where you would see her.

The smell of their own... box helps them find the way home, according to my vet.

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Human extinction. Be it a massive, catastrophic event or a whimper of a thing, it would be fun to witness the end of our run through time.

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Stop feeding the troll, that dumbass proved a while ago what I wanted to see, them moving the goalposts, making an inflamatory comment then a few comments later, pretending that they didn't and they gave a moderate viewpoint.

That dumbass is just looking for the serotonin hit from getting replies.

Have some laughs https://youtu.be/b1QX5erb_p4 , and thank you, comments like yours remind me that I am not insane for feeling the way I do, and remind me that there is still empathy left in the world, you rock.

Too committed, willing to sacrifice himself for his family, and positive till the point of being called "too hopeful"

If you did any sort of research, you would understand that defund the police was a reallocation of funds away from the police to things like mental health professionals instead of decommissioned M16s.

Ah, just like KAM is not all men, "Dead men can't rape" is a fair and kind slogan, and "Believe all women" is a great campaign because women are naturally, immune to greed and would never use rape accusations as leverage or a punishing tool.

There are bad cops, and sadly they are far too many, that is a fact I won't even try to deny, but reactionary comments like this are similar to a person killing another on self defense, but the deceased was gay, so the self defense argument is ignored, and the killer is charged with murder, aggravated with a hate crime.

Crime is crime. You would be singing a different tune if it was a guy murdering a female rapist and drug dealer. I am firmly against vigilante justice, but I am also a fucking strong believer in the death penalty, scum like him should be dealt with properly and swiftly, the law should ensure he does not hurt a kid or anybody else ever again.

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