8 Post – 705 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

that was a workaround, not needed anymore, so let them die

so only usa?, look at europe, even in brazil we have so much shit but nothing like that, and we are usa garden

that's some lemmygrad level of conspiracy theory

in USA*

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read the fucking article dubass

nah shut up

nah, descentralisation is what help, i already read as article explaining exactly that, lemmy problem is that one of it first instances are full of trolls lol

a yes, one country against the entire world, truly the ww3 of all times, we downvote your take is stupid

bro you're on lemmy, you're already outside of the curve for most gen-z

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Clearly this man has never read a book

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why turkey is flagging linux as malware????? lmao

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weird ass dog

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install vlc

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buy politians to make them make laws to fuck over bilionaries, what is ironic lol

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that's literally a picture moron

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why tf people are going to the samsung site

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same gender parents lose parentaln rights in a hearthbeat but abusive parents?, noooo, family is everything, child need them, even if gonna fuck them up mentally and create tons of trauma

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trans, femboys, furries, etc are the most technical people, every joke has a true behind, why do you think programmers and linux users joke about being femboys and shit

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It’s portable, scalable, and AI-ready Linux at your fingertips, now available as a technology preview.

lmao they managed to put AI in there

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he forgot to add in minecraft, foolish mistake

that cat is high af

About fifteen years ago, Microsoft felt threatened by Linux’s growing market share, and decided to team up with/outright buy patent trolls and use the new portfolio of around 230 patents to claim that the Linux distributions were infringing on Microsoft’s intellectual property and potentially sue them.

As Red Hat and other FOSS companies entrenched in their positions and geared up for a long and expensive legal fight, SuSE saw an opportunity to displace Red Hat, and threw everybody under the bus by saying something like, “Yes, Linux absolutely infringes on Microsoft patents. We will pay you for using your IP if you shield us from litigation.”

So that threw out the entire argument that Linux did not infringe on Microsoft patents because you had the second biggest Linux company saying it was true and the right thing to do was to pay Microsoft for all of their wonderful contributions. So Microsoft did this kind of mobster thing where they let SuSE pay them for “protection” from lawsuit, and then used this as precedent that the other Linux distributors weren’t playing fairly unless they also paid for patent use. And SuSE hoped that this would result in only Novell/SuSE being the legal Linux to buy in the market and everybody would run to them with open arms. Kind of a dick move.

This emboldened Microsoft, and resulted in lawsuits from Microsoft over things like, accessing the FAT filesystem from a Linux device (TomTom, at the time GPS device company) and is historically the reason that Nexus phones (which became Google Pixel phones) never came with SD card expansion (so they wouldn’t be accessing a FAT filesystem from Linux). So for the next half decade or so, Microsoft decided to just start suing everybody over patent infringement, and this is how the smartphone era was born and why it is really difficult to do things that would be obvious on a computer – smartphone designers had to invent new ways, even if obtuse, to get around patents.

In 2018 Microsoft decided that they needed Linux, and ended hostilities by giving the patent portfolio (now up to 60000+ patents) to a consortium of companies called Open Innovation or something like that, that was originally designed to share patents freely without litigation in response to Microsoft’s aggressive behavior a decade earlier.

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simping is better than the other shit that 30 criminals in a single cell could do

hdr on steam deck works better than on windows lmao

err, people rob to sell not to use, and apple has the most overpriced shit today

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linux users build and run this shit

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the devil is in the words "up to 6ghz" it only gonna hit it with the requeriment that you said

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start behind the scene subscribing to anti-putin posts and channels and see he changing opinion lol

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Stallman being punched help anyone

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the concept of fediverse give a lot more ways to block hate, and there isn't any algorithm to spread hate for engagement

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AMP is a lie

it just serve to give google more power, and they are using it to introduse DRM now

good, but please don't make it slower

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chad europe union, to expose that shit

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amd didn't care a few years ago, but their drivers are open, so the community can fix it even if the company don't care(now amd care a lot more, so it's better) nvidia is a closed source crap, and it don't give a fuck too

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fire fighter subscription is the most usa shit ever

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for fuck sake


how much more IT guys want to be abused before switching to linux in companies, it's not like they use something windows exclusive, only if it's the insecurities

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i totally understand if they named it bsod just for the meme, it's funny also they could make an option to change de color :b

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really hated Snap

lol, a true linux user indeed