reddit putting fake "5 minutes ago" in 2 year old post to Mildly – 185 points –

notice the 5 minutes ago, that dosen't exist, and the post is from 2 years ago, from a deleted account. and it isn't from my web search because every other result don't have that


The enshittification will continue until morale improves!

Sure we wrecked Reddit, but for a brief moment in time we created a lot of value for our shareholders.

The enshittification will continue until morale the IPO value improves!

FTFY buddy.

The enshittification will continue until the IPO value improves!

FTFY, buddy

The enshittification will continue until the IPO value improves!

FTFY, buddy

I especially hate that using the time limiter on google search set to 1 week or month and all the Reddit posts are from 5-7 years ago. It used to be you could convince google to find what you wanted since Reddit search sucks but even that is dying. Maybe they can put ads on the “close my account forever” page.

This has been a thing for a while. I think (though I'm not sure) it's because the signed out page has recommended posts, which tend to be more recent. Google's scraper then uses the more recent times on the search page, for some reason.

I'm not getting that, but maybe that's because I'm on Firefox with a bunch of extensions.

i'm using ecosia tho, but other answered that it also happen in google