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Joined 1 years ago

They are doing it on purpose. He’s 38 years old, no one is letting him near the presidency. But these over the top statements are intended to make some other candidate look like not the craziest guy in the room.

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The north makes, the south takes

It’s ok, reading takes time and practice. Keep at it!

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As if everyone didn’t see this coming a mile away. It’s like that Austin Powers scene with the steamroller

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Tubbs hates our troops and America. I remember a time when he would have been torn to shreds for this.

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Yeah! Because companies are reallly overburdened, struggling to make meager profits in the face of a gargantuan government that refuses to listen to their tiniest request. Will noone think of the shareholders? Instead it’s all “10 year olds can’t pack meat” or “maximum level of feces” or “mandatory water breaks”.

The convenience is the issue for me. There should be minimal friction between me and the movie playing. For a while, around 2010-12, Netflix and also the pirate streaming sites had it right. Things worked like butter, it was beautiful. For a few years, the legit streaming sites got good too but then corporatism ruined it. All the distributors yanked their stuff from Netflix, rolled out half baked apps three years too late, filled them with b movies and a few out of date AAA titles, and basically attempted to make the case that streaming was bad and you should pay for cable and go to the theater.

So I sail the seas more than ever.

I especially hate that using the time limiter on google search set to 1 week or month and all the Reddit posts are from 5-7 years ago. It used to be you could convince google to find what you wanted since Reddit search sucks but even that is dying. Maybe they can put ads on the “close my account forever” page.

Not exactly. Medical debt is different compared to retail debt like credit cards. It still sucks but the rules are different to protect people at least a little bit.

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Gotta get up to get down.

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Workers rights absolutely. Pay your human workers even while using ai to make a great product. AI didn’t do anything to me, it’s how the companies decide to use it.

Nice and plump, they should be taxed at a higher rate. Make Exxon repave the broken streets.

Neither, I think his job is to absorb the negative attention so T looks less unhinged or maybe separate off the crazier magas.

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Sure we wrecked Reddit, but for a brief moment in time we created a lot of value for our shareholders.

Mozilla has an official addon for it. Very easy.

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Prices are high because companies are algorithmically raising rents for groups of landlords or outright buying up half of all new single family homes as large scale investments. The market is screwed because of entirely new reasons never seen before, clearly demonstrated by all the conflicting signals about what is healthy and what isn’t. This is a market failure when timely information isn’t transmitted to the rest of us, monopolies are thinly veiled, and taxpayers keep being forced into subsidizing and bailing out outdated businesses that should be left to fail.

I just want to say, you’re not alone. Inflation is still charging ahead, groceries are expensive, daycare is expensive, and the news keeps saying it’s our fault. It’s not. You should get more than 28k. I don’t think anyone working full time should be below 50k plus benefits. If you are having a hard time making ends meet and feeling that pressure it changes how you see the world and how you see other people. It almost drove me mad.

I hope you find some support to get through the rough patch. Hang in there bro, we’re rooting for you too.

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I played the whole thing on ps5, did about 90 hours. It’s good now. Especially the mantis blades that come out of your arms and the quick hacks that let you control the cameras then hack all the guards so they shoot themselves or fry their implants. I did a ninja hacker build. Totally op but it was still fun. And I’ve heard good things about the gorilla arms.

The city feels more alive on ps5, lots of people, and I never had any issues with the cars or motorcycle glitching. If you like cyberpunk stuff it’s worth it and the dlc is coming out. There are areas where you can tell where they had to pull back, like the clothing options which all suck and the body stuff which has no purpose or unless you are changing clothes. Also I didn’t like V’s voice character at first but it grew on me. The acting is good all around.

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So there’s this invincible snail…and if it catches you this post disappears from your memory

No, nothing like that. Everything is within our universe. He says he has a new way of describing light where it loses energy over time (something weird) and so it explains redshift. His idea says the redshift is wrong and the universe is older. He also says universal constants can change (something never observed before that would fundamentally change physics) and he can explain dark matter.

So, a lot of over-the-top claims. I’m pretty sure this guy isn’t toppling physics today as the bar is set high for whatever evidence he is sharing.

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Masters of the skin flute

Good news! I told my grandma to go there and search British baking shows. You know, BBC banana creampie. She said she loves it and can’t get enough. Oh gam gam!

Can’t park there, mate

Knowing dolphins, you probably wouldn’t want to watch an R rated version

“You didn’t quiet quit!…we, uh, quiet cut you! It was totally our idea first.”

More like Cow City. Davis isn’t exactly vacation wonderland. Their claim to fame is pepper spraying the college kids in the face while sitting down.

I thought it was because the campaign hemorrhages cash and they can’t afford it. Seems like they are trying to spin this as some kind of plan.

I still go on old Reddit on desktop. I’ve noticed the quality and variety of posts has declined a little. There are more medium quality memes and reposts. A lot of the big subs that drove the serious engagement have become quieter and not as present on the front page. It’s still busy and the front page refreshes often but it does feel different. Maybe only 10 percent different which isn’t much, but those heavy users that were forced to decrease engagement across a whole lot of subs were responsible for so much of the vibe.

A megacorporation by any other name still smells the same. And Nestle stinks.

These radical leftist policies that hate money are Obamacare, abortions, jobkillers, Marxist, communist, Leninist, atheist, Jews, Muslims, French, gay and trans agendas, grooming, protesting, unions, paper cuts, workers rights, pronouns, bathrooms, diversity, work from home, and liberal college elites all rolled into one. And it’s coming out of your tv, taking your guns, and making you use an electric range in a coastal city.

It’s like they aren’t even trying anymore, just sprinkling emotional buzzwords around regardless of the topic.

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Seriously. The whole lot of them should be out enjoying their time, playing with their great grand kids. Why they would even want to stay is beyond me (unless they’ve been enjoying themselves this whole time which is probably the way it is).

The worst part is it shows a failure to pass on the right skills because they don’t trust the next generation to lead.

Dog doesn’t have to smell anything. It’s a convenient reason to do whatever they were going to do anyway.

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I agree it’s a non story. I mean, take out the numbers and the headline is pretty much “employees want more money and employers don’t want to give it”.

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I think Dark Einstein showed DE=dmC^2

Biological sex is for meatbags and historians. Get in the crystal computing matrix that’s in orbit, us and 300 billion consciousnesses are going to explore the universe.

Relativistic speed? Easy because our spaceship is the size of a pack of cards. Time an issue? Let’s adjust the rate of consciousness on the fly, speeding up and slowing down time perception. Hey what’s that cool neutron star?! Send a copy of my consciousness to explore it for 10,000 years then transmit the memories back when ready. For vacation, I was downloaded into a wolf body for two weeks. I ran wild with a pack of dogs on a planet untouched by human hands.

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Find the right men. There are 4 billion men out there and many are able to communicate and be there for friends. It may take moving into some peripheral spaces where different experiences and points of view are appreciated.

I heard that his own lawyers gave this definition last year in a court case and I’ve actually come to respect it: woke is the recognition that there are systemic injustices in America and the need to do something about it.

It gets right to the point and includes a call to action.

The clouds part revealing a dusky gray and pink sunset. The smell of blood and iron and smoke are in the air but all is still. In the fading light a peasant stumbles over to you and unwraps a beautiful gift from the folds of their cloak and extends her arms as if to give it to you. “I made this…”, she says softly.

You take this marvel and raise it high with both hands into the last sunbeam and brilliant light shines and sparkles, a beacon for everyone near and far. In a clear and confidant voice you declare: “I made this!”

Welcome to lemmy

He already started, this is why he is the size of two mortal men. He hasn’t reached his final form

You have to be a little careful: by sharing it here, even as something you are against, you have made the message travel farther than a few shitty printed leaflets. Nazis like games and double-meanings and codes because they know they can’t openly support posts like this, but the goal is always to “spread the message”. You may have inadvertently played into their hands.