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Joined 1 years ago

It's commonly used when you pick up a radio on a public band.

So if you have a jobsite where there are 100 radios, and someone needs to reach Ted, they'll page the radio and say something like "Hey Ted, do you copy?" and Ted will respond with "Go for Ted," which means yes, Ted is here and he's listening, go ahead.

It was used in a small way some 40 years ago and never really caught on.

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So far I’ve discovered in this thread:

-People don’t like traditional fantasy that takes itself seriously.
-People don’t like lighthearted fantasy that plays with the themes.
-People don’t like hard magical systems.
-People don’t like soft magical systems.
-People don’t like dragons being involved.
-People don’t like an absence of dragons.
-People don’t like character archetypes.
-People don’t like counterarchetypes.
-People don’t like when characters speak an understandable language.
-People don’t like characters meeting each other in common social meeting areas.

All good here? Great.

Just write whatever the fuck you want. There’s always an audience.

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Leviticus 19:33-34 "When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

Ah yes, the town of Egypt. Just a short couple of hours by horse.

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ITT: People who are so quick to suggest ad blockers they miss the point of the conversation.

It did not make it to the customers.

“A group of Australian KFC workers have been condemned for their after-hours antics which were shared online and labelled “disgusting” by furious social media users.”

That food gets thrown out anyway. If they want to clown about it as a former QSR Manager I wouldn’t care in the slightest as long as they clean it all up.

If you don’t like flying, then the best thing I can recommend to relieve the stress is that when you get where you’re going, you take off your socks and shoes and then, on the carpet, you make fists with your toes.

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It’s more than the cost of a human life versus the cost of a drone. That footage is now propaganda. Imagine you’re a Russian soldier who knows fairly little about technology. Now imagine that clip makes its way to you. Ukranians are willing to take out even a single soldier. How safe are you?

Also, that single soldier could have been a scout with some useful information. Secrets are the most expensive weapon in any war.

My wife and I are part of a younger generation whose culture revolves around NOT having children until all those things you mentioned are attained. The stress of even having a kid, let alone multiple, is not something we’re going to address until we hit financial security.

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You’re still touching the lunchmeat. It’s touching you inside. All over. It’s rubbing against your tongue, teeth… the roof of your mouth. It massages its way to the back of your throat rubbing itself against every inch of your esophagus, until it finally reaches the inside of your stomach.

But it’s not done there. Your lunchmeat - the same thing you revile touching with your fingers - begins to lay against the walls of your stomach lining as it is slowly digested. Some of it may even make its way into your small intestine completely intact. It touches you all the way through.

Is that really what you want for yourself?

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Fatal Frame
Rule of Rose
Clocktower (the series, but I recommend 3)
Resident Evil
American McGee’s Alice
Fear Effect
Dino Crisis

Depending on your definition of “older” you also have:
Alien: Isolation
Fran Bow
What Remains of Edith Finch
Life is Strange

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It definitely wasn’t. They were doing this after hours.

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I’m not surprised they didn’t get any traction.

Nobody would be if it was up on wood blocks.

Only because I looked at the apartment complex’s website and saw my apartment type listed $150 under what I was paying.

Edit for clarity: I went down and arbitrated a reduction.

A letter bearing multiple signatures compelling the Governor to make action is serious and an example of an attempt to test the political waters before trying something bolder.

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It’s not actually called quadchromatism but tetrachromatism.

The Left is smarter. Interpret that however you like.

They’re working on it.

This is why you break down the whole machine and clean it through at the end of the night.

My guy is talking about a controlled environment with scientific processes and y’all here talkin’ like he wants to chuck it on a few logs.

You can make imitation ground beef with rice crispies, marshmallow fluff, red velvet chocolate and red food dye.

The Secret of Nimh
Xanadu (Modern Fantasy)

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Star Wars: Racer

It was a return to nostalgia for me. My wife bought this for me for Christmas. I was worried that I would lug into a very dated game, however:

The gameplay is so exquisite and the track design so carefully thought out that it’s really an exhilarating game. The tracks never get boring because they sprinkle in just enough variation and style to keep them engaging. The tricks you can pull in a podracer do not break suspension of disbelief the way normal car games do when pulling amazing stunts. The flow is smooth and fluid even now.

Between the minimap, rearview, braking, air breaking to sustain airtime and cushion landings, self-determined boosting (rather than relying on external powerups or boost zones), and repair management you’re never not adjusting to something. The game keeps you busy while you’re flying along the track.

To boot, the obstacles and shortcuts are carefully distributed and used, playing into the themes of the tracks. Most are small influences, but useful or interesting. One track will force you to reconsider your playstyle for it, however. Despite that it’s not so jarring that you want to stop playing.

You also get a bevy of racers to choose from and the ability to buy and juggle upgrades and pit droids keeps your gameplay evolving. You can even be rewarded for being a skilled player by adjusting the finish placement payouts.

Unfortunately due to careful planning and purchasing, as well as a better sense of how to play as an adult, the game has some shortcomings. Instead of being neck and neck, I was regularly 7-12 seconds ahead of the second place racer, regularly unable to see them in my rearview. A complete lack of a story mode and a low difficulty bar meant I was done in three days even with limited play time and inconsistent access. While this could have been saved with an Online mode added, I still had fun completing Tournament mode and would gladly give this to anyone who wants high-velocity adrenaline with more complex mechanics than your average racing game.

Morningstars don’t even need to be eaten like a hamburger. A little red wine vinegar, a few drops of olive oil, and a light sprinkling of Italian herbs turns that into some gourmet shit.

Please don’t take me seriously. It’s a Die Hard reference. <3

Everyone seems to fail to realize that for every dollar of US debt that China owns, we own $2 of China’s national debt. Trying to pull that carpet would be a gigantic mess for them.

I will. It was fascinating reading the article and seeing all the comments from people desperate for a big nothing burger and some french cries.

Oh, and Return to Oz.

When StarCraft was still relatively new the Blizzard games had a Chat function that spanned all of their games. If they belonged to another game you would see that Chatter’s game as an icon to the right of their name. You could speak to someone playing Diablo at any time. The social setup drove high engagement between players who regularly used to seek playing at a time when the gameplay was typically hosted on a player’s computer rather than on a server.

Clans didn’t have a ready in-game functionality, but fortunately Blizzard had allowed Chatters not only the freedom to change their username quite easily, but to also create Chat Rooms with custom names. By holding the Chat room, you could maintain Administrator rights over the channel.

Early Guilds had to have their users change their names to include the tags in their names, which meant virtually anyone could edit their name to include the tag they wanted. The expanded tag would be used as the name for the Chat Room, which allowed both members and non-members to find it easily enough.

The advent of bots using a Battle.Net login to hold the Chat Rooms and provide admin rights regularly to specific users spiked a new age as Clans became more stable. The bot would be used to blacklist trolls, recognize officers in the Clans, and create rosters to stop people from masquerading.

It created a boom, and in these early days clans rose and fell like the sun. Smaller clans were quicker to join other larger clans and conglomerate into new structures that would require testing and vetting of player skills. Friendships between real players, who formed clans only to incorporate better players from absorbing other clans, were sorely tested as some friends found their skills did not allow them to play regularly any more.

I was in one of these early guilds at the time, a group called the Silver Arrows. I had recently proved that while I lacked strategy for unit construction (as we were playing StarCraft) and combat, I was methodically organized in base construction and could start generating Protoss Scouts while Zerg players were still searching for others to conduct Zergling raids. I was still new to the game at that time and was flounderIng my way through the Campaign. As part of the Clan I found myself playing more often and seeking out games if only to spend time with my clanmates.

I was a member of the -[SA]- clan for about a month when the Silent Assassins {SA} entered into talks with our clan. Different clans with the same initials claimed different forms of their tags. We folded into their ranks and with the additional experience under my belt I found myself joining their first line. I played for a while, but as the boom/bust cycle continued it wasn’t long before I found myself playing relatively alone. Without a support group I gravitated towards Diablo and ultimately Diablo 2, only playing StarCraft socially with my real life friends.

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More like MediaLite. What were the books? What official pulled them and on what grounds/passages? Who filed the initial motion/complaint and why? Does Bill plan to do anything more than whine?

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“Aya Brea is the main protagonist of the Parasite Eve series. She is 25 in Parasite Eve, 27 in Parasite Eve II and 38 in The 3rd Birthday.”

Please elaborate.

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$1.50, and the CEO will kill you if you try to raise it.

Henry? Is that you?

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It’s his own fault for shooting at his employer’s home anyway.

The app knows what’s going on elsewhere on the device, too.

When someone parks like a complete asshole with a spot open on their driver’s side, I park like an asshole right up next to them so they have to get in another way. This teaches them not to park like an asshole so they don’t bother others.

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If that’s what you want, why not just get Bomb Rush Cyberfunk? Sega’s just the publisher after all. Since the original team couldn’t get them to agree to a sequel, they made a spiritual successor.

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Please provide evidence of a single name you were called in this thread.

Just one.

Otherwise I think I see the problem.

In any hospital an MRI machine is used all day. Any hospital comes as close to using every piece of equipment constantly as often as it can, even overbooking patients before being willing to invest in an additional piece of equipment.

Do you believe that MRI sat idle for months so they could stockpile weapons? Did the hospital as a whole agree to store weapons instead of accepting the sick?

Would you casually allow any local terrorist cell to stockpile weapons in a room at your place of work without saying something? Even if you would, would every single coworker do the same?

Almost any specialty in a hospital may have a reason to recommend an MRI, so it’s not like this would be a closely guarded secret. The entire hospital would know fairly quickly that the room is unavailable. What any practical person knows that any conspiracy theorist overlooks is how hard it is to keep a lid on a secret, especially as you keep adding people. Hell, they couldn’t even keep a lid on GTA VI.

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Actually, this makes intercourse. It sounds like you have a slew of bad definitions and explanations. You might want to educate yourself before having an opinion about these things.

Yes, hello. I understand you’re giving out Presidental Campaign starter packages?

I’ll take the Newport parents, Ivy League College, multi-millionare basic bundle. That comes with the limited-time “My Parents donated to most of my future colleagues’ war chests” add-on, right?

Do I have to upgrade to get rid of the early-to-mid-life scandal?

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