What is a bad writing trope you hate in fantasy fiction ?

x4740N@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 125 points –

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So far I’ve discovered in this thread:

-People don’t like traditional fantasy that takes itself seriously.
-People don’t like lighthearted fantasy that plays with the themes.
-People don’t like hard magical systems.
-People don’t like soft magical systems.
-People don’t like dragons being involved.
-People don’t like an absence of dragons.
-People don’t like character archetypes.
-People don’t like counterarchetypes.
-People don’t like when characters speak an understandable language.
-People don’t like characters meeting each other in common social meeting areas.

All good here? Great.

Just write whatever the fuck you want. There’s always an audience.

That's just lemmy being too god damn stupid to differentiate between "this is my preference" and "this is bad", as usual.

"I don't like dragons": preference.

"I don't like Mary Sue characters": bad writing.

My brother in Christ, that's not just lemmy. That's the whole god damned world.

To be fair the OP question says both "bad writing tropes" and "[that] you hate", so subjective answers were inevitable.

I guess it should have just not said "bad", since that implies an objective standard.

That’s just you arbitrarily putting dragons and mary sues into different bins

I like all those things. Well I guess I prefer rigid / hard magic systems, but either can be done well.