6 Post – 379 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ugh! Can’t they just monetize the sale of our personal data and push nauseating ads every other post… like any other respectable post aggregation platform?

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That’s funny. Every time somebody says “If you have nothing to hide, what are you worried about,” I reply, “Do you shit with the door open?”

But now the door isn’t just open. It feels like Uncle Sam is pissing between your legs.

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It isn’t like I’m not willing to pay. My NAS setup wasn’t exactly cheap. But the user experience is just incredible. I had Netflix for ten years, and several others for some time. The experience is just better. Watching whatever I want synchronized with my wife across devices of any type is superb. Who else offers that?

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They’re doing a whole lot of fucking around for a surprisingly low amount of finding out. This ratio has to be unsustainable.

Call Apple what you will, but suggesting the 9th highest revenue company in the world lacks understanding of how to leverage its brands doesn’t really make sense to me.

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We kill humans constantly too, and we probably obliterated the rest of the hominins also. I’m just saying we have a chequered track record.

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You’re right. The connotation is different. “X is better than Y”, is generally implying “Y is good but X is even better”. “X is worse than Y” would be “Y is bad but X is even worse”.

They should just rename the Menu key to the “Flavor of the Week” key. Then they can just rotate which pie in the sky, fetch feature is mapped to it during its period of non-use.

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Yeah, but I got absolutely roasted in YouTube comments for pointing out some potential shortcomings in the architecture. I’m not about to claim a high level of authority on the topic, though I’m an old man who has been in the game for a while, but the people that were totally confident really just seemed very eager to accept the passing of their credentials in a very sketchy way to get a slightly different messaging experience.

Just use signal folks.

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Using AI to notify a poster that a post is likely to run afoul of Reddit or community guidelines before posting actually seems like an interesting albeit fraught idea.

If he weren’t so Speztic about everything, I would not feel so confident it was a nefarious plan to hurt people. But he is evil and impulsive, so… fuck Spez.

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It is worth noting that “loses money” and “costs money” are generally just differences of perspective. For many, public services don’t necessarily need to be profitable monetarily to be worth their cost.

eta: I would like to clarify that this is in no way disagreement. More of a yes-and, than a but. I agree with you completely.

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I loved how blasé he mentioned it and moved right along. It is a pretty big announcement and I’m glad they are finally doing it. It will benefit many even if only indirectly.

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Dodson! We’ve got Dodson here.

Classic topology question. Absolutely one hole; it goes all the way through.

Of course, connotatively, two is a fine assessment, but not in topology.

How many holes does a donut have? Now just try to image the real difference between a straw and a donut. Is there one, aside from deliciousness?

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If neither Google nor Apple took such a massive rake on the payments, fewer people would take issue with the main app distribution implementations. They have valid reasons for trying to keep you in their ecosystem, but those are severely undercut by taking such a huge percentage.

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Hashicorp recently commandeered its community built products from thousands of contributors by changing open source projects to an ambiguous if not hostile BSL. Opentofu for any current terraform users out there.

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This is way better than the other Uttar Pradesh story on the front page currently.

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“Still” be calling for slave labor.

A number is one thing. The list scrolling for several minutes is visceral.

Best thing my daddy taught me; no matter how confident you are, you could always be wrong. Brains are just unreliable sometimes. Sky is blue? Could be wrong. You’re N years old? Probably… but you could be wrong.

Accepting this allows one to improve. Best we can do is recognize this, and try our best to minimize how often we’re wrong.

This has allowed me to withhold confidence in many situations. Not in deference, but in thoughtful acceptance that I truly might be wrong.

Best dad ever.

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TexBrex; like texmex but worse.

That’s interesting. In It works all across the world exactly how you say it wouldn’t work.

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All because a black man made fun of him at dinner.

While not inaccurate, that is extremely reductive. The rapid improvement of AI at the transformer level is currently one of the most interesting things happening across many fields including arts and sciences, that also has the widest deviation between potential good and potential harm. OpenAI and its complex governance model are directly at the center of that growth and embroiled in one of the most fascinating governance struggles in recent history.

This drama when combined with how disruptive this technology is likely to be across a wide range of markets affecting the world’s economies makes this interesting and also has the added benefit of being a news departure from the bombings and other terrible stuff going on around the world. Much more fun for popcorn and chat than wars and such.

Poorly defined nomenclature. Simple as that. I’m an “automation engineer”, have had many other titles, but anytime I write what I do, like LinkedIn or such, I write “programmer”, because it is simple, descriptive, and I like it. I’m old, but I used to like ”hacker” until it came to imply nefarious programming.

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I’ve been reading a lot more.

Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær.

That’s a popular saying among Scandinavians on the theme. Translated: There is no bad weather, only bad clothes.

Close to 40 million Hispanics of Mexican descent live in the USA. You don’t think there is good Mexican cuisine there? Because in my experience, anywhere I find Mexicans, I find some damned good vittles.

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I don’t know the actual demographics, but I can say one sees a lot of Palestinian support in the streets. Many demonstrations and such. But I think the issue has gone well past the former xenophobic line. Seems to me many people I would have otherwise expected to be opposed to antizionists are still like, “maybe genociding children isn’t the right thing to do.”

You can donate directly in the app via Settings -> Donate to Signal; either one-time or recurring.

I get this position, truly, but I struggle to reconcile it with the feeling that artwork of something and photos of it aren’t equal. In a binary way they are, but with more precision they’re pretty far apart. But I’m not arguing against it, I’m just not super clear how I feel about it yet.

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Uncle Roger ~lovers~ loves Uncle Wang Gang. Him never making fried rice again is very sad. Haiyaa!

I see is available for cheap if anybody want to 302 that to substack.

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Author is MonkeyUser, but is cut off because the world is brimming with assholes.

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They really aren’t, despite what Kelloggs claims.

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You won’t catch me defending Apple’s repairability but you saying they need repaired often is completely untrue in my experience and that of the wider user baser. In fact their durability and longevity are very good. There are people still running around with 2014 models that have never been repaired.

I mean fuck their anti right to repair bullshit, but the machines are good.

One of the many things that suck about these situations is that the money comes from the community, so they get the worst outcomes on both sides no matter what.

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Yeah those MacBooks are really known for their poor build quality and terrible efficiency.

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You type like beltalowda.

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