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Joined 6 months ago

I uninstalled onedrive with Geek Uninstaller on several of company PCs and none of it had come back.

What has the Romans ever done for us!

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My main come back for this: It was the height of the Cold War and the Soviets didnt question it. Also, recently, the Chinese moon missions has photographs of modules left by the Apollo missions on the moon.

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China doesn't need to, Apple is complying with Chinese law (remove all vpn related apps, all un-registered foreign app are removed and storing Chinese datas in Chinese servers).

Apple is likely the most complying foreign company in China.

They would feel like they are saving the children from the evil government that try to give dangerous drugs to kids.

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Thats basically daily life in Xi'an China.

Xi'an (Western Peace), the thousand year old city located in Western China is also known as Chang'an (Long/Eternal/Enduring, (you get the idea) Peace) was the captial of Han Dynasty (206 BC–9AD), Tang Dynasty (618AD–907AD) and many other smaller Kingdoms throughout Chinese history. In modern times, it is quite well known that any residential, commerical, or even transit development has a high chance of digging up some ancient grave, most notebly royal tombs.

It is said that in Xi'an, when you travel through the underground subway, it is very likely that ancient ghosts would stare at you for disturbing their long sleep.

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Well, they did invented the term "negative growth"

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I am always amazed at its official forum. The dev has tight control over it, each post need to be approved by him in order to post, there are many threads that are years old on the front page mainly due to the fact that the dev didn't approve new response.

Case in point, there was a update a while ago that moves the default save folder to another location, many user had posted threads asking solution, without any resolution, I have also faced this issue few months back and finally tracked it down, decided to post it and can't.

Isn't current price of Bitcoin 71000usd?

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I know nothing of coding.

From pictures, I get that you submit a code, which didn't work. You were told that you have a week to fix the code, and in the meantime they closed your patch and a fix was used.

Issue here is that you claim the fix was still your code ... and they said its their own code.

How to prove that?

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I think you misread the topic.

Yes, you mentioned that multiple times in your communication with Leah.

However, we have no way of confirming the patch they use is the same one that you submit (have you submited? from communication it sounds like you have a week to provide a patch and then they just patch it themselves).

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isnt organs are only viable for usage during the very early minutes of a person's death? For example, if a person is dead for more than a hour, his organ would be useless to another person.

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Welcome, to the world of tomorrow!

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Also illegal immigrants

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Only US eh.

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“Those people were not interred in a regular cemetery although we have designated plague cemeteries in Nuremberg,” said Langbein.

“This means a large number of dead people who needed to be buried in a short time frame without regard to Christian burial practices,” she said.

Because of this, an epidemic such as the plague is “more than likely” the explanation for the mass graves, according to Langbein.

Shouldn't they wear masks and stuff?

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Definitely, the number of people have died thoughout history drastically outweight the number of living people today. If ghosts exists, Earth would be very crowded indeed (not to mention all those animals and ... dinosaurs).

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"early" voting implies theres another round of voting. Correct?

I remap it to "phone" and remove the phone icon from my screen.

Exactly, why is that a ... negative?

Windows is still a must in my workplace though, some proprietary doesnt have linux version and runs like garbage in wine.

"I like naughty dragons" pretty sure those exists.

I have paid apps that requires google play store authentication.

Isn't keepass local?

I live in a third world country, if I can get 3K USD per month I believe I'll pretty good.

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It's getting harder and harder as there arent any options for phones that has 3.5mm headphone jacks.

The two games are not even remotely related, 0AD is more comparable to Age of Empire series.

In Japan a lot of idols aren’t allowed to be seen as being in relationships

Not just Japan, is all Asia. One member of a female korean group said something to the effect of the fans want them sexy and unavaliable.

I only heard of Kagi in lemmy, very intrigued, however as I lived in third-world country, the price plan is unfeasible for me to consider.

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I was NEVER really a gamer, the only time I spend a large time in games was in college, that is was very little comparing to my friends. I have this one week phase where I would play the game quite religiously (only relatviely speaking) for a week (two to three hours maybe?) and then I would lose all interest in it. I think its because I dislike how much it eats my time? I would rather spend that time reading books.

Then came work, marriage and children (espeically the last two).

0AD is really fun (and hard)

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Provided you must use a google device

Sadly, wine does nothing for my work application.

Although I also like physical buttons, but when I misplace my remote, I use my phone to control my tv.

I am almost the same, but I don't sell my physical books.

I'm using linux at home, but seriously, normal office work runs on windows.

Arizona Ice Tea ftw!

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Its more a issue in China where every browser (read malware) would make itself the default and it's a pain to change it back.