systemd 255 Released With A "Blue Screen of Death" For Linux Systems to – 205 points –
systemd 255 Released With A "Blue Screen of Death" For Linux Systems

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i totally understand if they named it bsod just for the meme, it's funny also they could make an option to change de color :b

They could have gone with the “Red Screen of Wrath” or something.

Mauve Screen of Suffering

The thought of someone's Linux install failing catastrophically, displaying a "MSoS", then the user switching back to the is MS OS because of it is funny to me.

Back about two decades when I was using Windows and it was till easily customisable, I changed the bsod colour to red for funsies. Windows being Windows crashed and went to my red screen of death - my ex's cousin saw it and thought it was something really really bad, "Wow, a red screen, never seen that before. Must be even worse than blue". No mate, I just customise the shit out of anything I touch 😅